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Everything posted by moley6knipe

  1. Underrated is right.... by rights Fender should have sold 1000s of these. Great bass, great price!
  2. I didn’t find big singles noisy. Sure, they hum a little bit but nothing you’ll notice unless it’s between songs and everyone in the pub has stopped talking. Very minor.
  3. Another vote for ACS - great plugs. Sure a little pricier than off the shelf but I wish I’d got them years ago. My left ear is toast after years of crash cymbals and Mesa Boogie guitar amps at ear height.
  4. I’ve got an Ibby fretless with the MK1’s and agree - pretty lifeless. Personally I’d replace with Nordstrand Big Singles - The best pickups I’ve ever heard or owned. Had a set in an Ibby SR - awesome pups but the bass had to go due to one in one out. One day, I’ll have me a custom with a set of those in for sure. Plenty of YouTube clips to listen to....
  5. Ooh, I’m in! Love a good GAS thread. 1. Done: got it. USA Dimension Deluxe HH in Natural 2. Stingray Special 5 HH in Natural with maple board. Only possible s/h now which seems unlikely 3. BTB in Deep Twilight Flat with the Nordy big singles. Weren’t made for very long so again seems unlikely
  6. 100%. Alex Is one of my faves ever. Under-rated. So much good stuff to dig through.... There’s No Other Way. Oily Water. Tracy Jacks. Great player. The four of them together were a perfect compliment
  7. Actually, sorry - I’m going to withdraw this from sale. I no longer need the space or the cash, the sale price is a LOT lower than I paid for it, and despite not using it I know I’ll end up wanting another fretless if I get rid of it.
  8. I’m not an expert, but I bought on iTrack Solo for my son. Works great on iPhone, and can also be used on a laptop. Sounds fine to me, good set of features for the money. Bear in mind if used with iPhone or iPad then it needs external power from a USB charger - it takes its power from the laptop though if you’re using it that way.
  9. Hi!! So sorry, missed your post somehow.... still available. I’ll PM you!
  10. This board continues to be the most mind bending thing I’ve seen on here. I can’t get my head around building one effect, let alone all of these! My hat is off. Give us a rundown on the home builds?!
  11. Ah man.... yeah that’s the exact one on my wish list... but no-one has them for sale any more!
  12. Good calls there. The 30th is Soooooo pretty it’s silly. And as soon as funds permit I *will* own an HH Special 5. Really want natural / maple but they’re a thing of the past (unless one comes up s/hand I guess - not seen any Special 5s yet). Would have to be maple board and a finish that lets me see the grain - which limits choices now they’re not using ash for the bodies. But let’s be right - most ‘Rays of most flavours, brands, number of strings and pickups are lovely. Great basses.
  13. I only have experience of Nordy Big Singles which are of course soap bar size. But man alive they’re awesome sounding things. Granted not classic P or classic J but really versatile. With a good EQ like East I think you’d be able to shape them to do most things: I think the Ibanez EQ they were running through on my bass could have been better. Also: try emailing Nordstrand and asking them - I hear they’re really good at helping folks choose. They really do make a pickup style, spacing and voicing for everything!
  14. Go pro: physiotherapist well worth a trip here. I had some serious pains in my plucking / mouse hand. Physio did assessment, some ultrasound (I think!) and some stretching exercises with weights. Really, really helped me!
  15. I’ll throw in another Ibby - BTB 1605 Premium Deep Twilight Flat. But rare like hen’s teeth, not in production long. Would love to own....
  16. I would say: try increasing the input and reducing the output, still aiming to get the same volume between engaged and not engaged. Attack at 0 - so I guess that means “off”, right? That’s fast 😁 Try easing it off a little. Finally; yeah some compressors hiss. Some don’t. Google “ovnilab” - the best bass compressor resource on the web!
  17. When I win the lottery this weekend I’ll have it. WHAT an amazing bass. 51 is just about one of my favourite design achievements ever. GLWTS!
  18. ^ Wot Al said.... those are GREAT isolated PSUs for the money. Brilliant things!
  19. Spalding, South Lincolnshire. Happy to post at buyer’s expense!
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