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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. Has anyone mentioned the Spermbirds yet "Come All Over Your Face"
  2. It actually reminds me of the Damned a little too. Obviously not New Rose, or Eloise, but more recent stuff.
  3. There was a Manic Street Preachers concert on TV the other night and every time James played a solo the whole sound just seemed empty. Nicky's bass seemed to be turned way down for some reason. Even when James was playing the melody there just seemed to be something missing.
  4. My '91 Squier Silver Series Jazz has one. I've no idea if it's functional or decorative, though and don't intend taking the bass apart to find out as I'll never get it set up properly again.
  5. I've been looking for a new camera bag and found one I liked on Kent Faith, for £66. The same bag on Amazon is £93. I went with neither as I need it for next Friday and K&F are quite slow to deliver as the stuff comes from China, I believe. I ended up buying a cheap one on Amazon for £34, although it will probably fall apart quickly.
  6. Mike Percy... Dead, Dead, Alive.
  7. You have had a lucky escape in my opinion - I always hated playing Zombie. 😆
  8. I had to look that one up. I can see why you wouldn't want it sped up!
  9. I don't think you could call Bleach or In Utero pop.
  10. I noticed the copy of Up-Tight. The book about Velvet underground. I have a copy downstairs
  11. The irony of the baby in a photograph chasing the dollar, now chasing the dollar because he was the baby in the photograph chasing the dollar...
  12. I only found out recently that Steve Jones had written the song "Lonely Boy". We used to cover it about 30 years ago and for some reason I thought that it was a Pistols cover of a song by Eddie Cochrane or someone like that.
  13. Linda McCartney. Must be one of Paul's old ones.
  14. She didn't say, but probably. 😄
  15. I was listening to Pop Master on Radio 2 this morning and this came up as one of the questions. The contestant answered correctly and then said that the band came from her home town. 😄
  16. I'm sorry to hear it. My condolences to Martin's family and friends
  17. This was the same for me, except that with Metallica it was ''' And Justice For All. I hated the Black album.
  18. Editors never really made it as big as I thought they should have. I saw them live in Belfast and they were excellent.
  19. yeah, but you don't get audiences in the Albert Hall drunkenly shouting "play Beethoven's ninth..." at the conductor😄
  20. Get the singer to change the lyrics to "Socks on Fire". The punters will never notice the difference if (s)he puts a bit of an American twang on it and you can all have a little private chuckle.
  21. That has a real "singer wanted his girlfriend to be in the band" vibe. 🤣
  22. A couple of the replies have brought up memories: Album tours - I saw Lou Reed a few years ago when he toured the Berlin album. That is an album that works when played live in its entirety. He was incredible. There was a children's choir and the while production was just fantastic. He played Satellite of Love for an encore and came to the front of stage to sign autographs afterwards. It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Bumpers - I saw Suede when they toured Dog Man Star many moons ago. There was a loud studenty type bloke annoying everyone during the support act; jumping around and generally being a nuisance. When Suede came on I looked over to the side of the hall and saw the annoying git lying on the floor fast asleep, where he remained for the entire set.
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