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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. Interested what people think if his current tone and how it compares with the past one? http://youtu.be/SItRVpLjAI0
  2. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1425034705' post='2703158'] Percy Jones and Mick Karn influences abound! [/quote] Percy Jones - yes, but not Mick Karn, though. Funny how no one spots my Derek Bailey (guitarist) influence EVER! Check him out around 5.20 mins if you dare http://youtu.be/ow-YPRq-t8A
  3. A lot of Wal action here: http://youtu.be/cP6Nm5ozpQk
  4. [url="https://kevhopper.bandcamp.com/album/kevlington"]https://kevhopper.bandcamp.com/album/kevlington[/url] Very bassy album, this one. Kev
  5. The SR series have the nicest necks of ANY bass IMO - beautifully slim and contoured. However, the sound is not to my taste whatever pickup is installed and whatever wood is used. I don't understand why that is.
  6. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1422811091' post='2677024'] But the dingwall in my photo had smaller frets than the frets you call small (or at least lower, yours seems thin and high), but didn't suffer from fret buzz until your actualy got very very low (which I did). IMHO, if yours is buzzing it has nothing to do with the frets and everything to do with the setup of your neck [/quote] I don't agree, although there are obviously some exceptions, ie, your bass. Thin frets are naturally prone to buzzing. I have two thin fretted basses in which this is the case. They're set up as well as they can be. You have to be careful with your fretting technique. You can afford to relax if the frets are chunkier and flatter.
  7. thought I'd revive this thread again as it's one of the few interesting topics here! Have a look at the above pic. The bass at the top is a £2000 custom, the one on the bottom a £75 item. The one on top has thin, rounded frets and is [i]very[/i] prone to fret buzz no matter what you do with the action. The one on the bottom has larger frets and you can see they've been flattened on the top - in fact they're more square than round. This one doesn't buzz at all even when the action is lowered and is incredibly comfortable to play So IMO the best kind of frets to go for or look for in a bass are bigger, flatter ones, not thin ones.
  8. Yes, it's a lovely bass- I've had a go on it. Nice sound samples, Ewan. Sounds terrific in Passive as well as active
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1421832178' post='2665389'] I can't really say. I'm a Rush head. I love the song, the power, the dynamics, Alex's chords, how much they seem to be in the moment, that undefinable magic. Why? [/quote] Why? I'm thinking of doing a study of Rush fans.
  10. [size=3] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1415060540' post='2596361'] Exhilarating stuff .. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E0m0Gcblp0[/media] [/quote][/size] [size=3] Just curious: what do you like about it?[/size]
  11. These basses are quite extraordinarily well made and very comfortable to play.
  12. I saw AJ play one of these last year at the Hiromi gig. I'm afraid I found the sound fairly typical of piezo pickup basses: a scratchy, trebly top end and a precision-y bottom end. Never played a Fodera but I do find this the ugliest model.
  13. I tried one at the bass show a couple of years ago. Very well made, beautifully balanced instrument. Nothing particularly note worthy regarding the sound, but good all the same. I was slightly put off by a surprisingly sharp (unrolled) fingerboard edge but apart from that they're great.
  14. Lovely looking basses, very CT influenced. The new model looks wonderful
  15. [quote name='funkle' timestamp='1402422921' post='2473384'] Slowly. Lots of repetition. No metronome. Breaking it up into chunks. Learn it by ear first. Worry about writing it down later. Good luck! [/quote] Yep this is more of less how I do it. Endless repetition of the parts over and over again then I try and play the whole thing through. It can take days or weeks. Anything that looks like an arpeggiated chord - try and log that in you brain as a C major (for instance). Remember what finger to 'lead' sections of notes so you've got the right hand position to proceed to the next note cluster. Go a slow as you like at first. It's incredible how persistence and practise pays off in the end.
  16. I think this is quite an important and overlooked subject in terms of playing comfort. My preference is for wide, low frets and a rolled fingerboard. That way the bass feels great and you get a minimum of buzzing when playing. It feels like the strings are 'melting' into the neck. I have two basses with thin, small frets and they are much more difficult to play without buzzes. They also feel spiky and sharp on the edge of the fingerboard as they're thinner. I would discourage anyone from banjo frets and thinner wire frets. Go for wiide as possible and low as possible.
  17. I don't think music sounded better in the eighties at all. If you like clicking bass drums, gated snares, digital reverb and treble added to almost every sound and the instruments commonly heard on eighties pop records it means you like eighties production. That's all. The argument about digital formats and anologue vs digital and all that stuff is irrelevant.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419779642' post='2642636'] It's a nice looking thing, that's for sure. Don't think I'll risk ordering one, though! [/quote] Absolutely. I wouldn't recommend it.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419447982' post='2640137'] Ooh, I've not seen one of those before. What's it like? [/quote] It has the most amazing neck and great balance. Ordering the build and customer care was an absolute nightmare after the two partners in the company fell out acrimoniously. This all resulted in a three year waiting time and almost zero communication - so I have mixed feelings about it. Here's another shot of its blueiness:
  20. The Elegant Gypsy album had some of his best stuff. Saw him recently with Hiromi and didn't really enjoy his flabby, piezo pickup tone on his new Fodera bass.
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