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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1401021201' post='2459178'] Quite taken by contoured jazz style shapes like these [/quote] You mean a jazz bass with more rounded horns and shoulder?
  2. Depends what you want. 'Sonething boutiquey ' sounds a bit vague. What body shapes are you into?
  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1400763279' post='2456743'] Yes, it's odd that the reviews so far haven't mentioned things like National Health when guessing at the influences. I feel like I can hear much more of that sort of thing (National Health, perhaps the riffier Hugh-Hopper era Soft Machine or touches of Henry Cow) in the music than I can the more conventional US jazz/fusion influences that the reviewers like to mention. I'm enjoying the album - it has a really pleasing purposeful/minimalist quality about it, no superfluous noodling at all. Which I suppose is almost a post-punk aesthetic... [/quote] That's a fair summary
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1400761479' post='2456717'] Go on... [/quote] Hmmm. Not sure I can be arsed.
  5. Oh, this is one of my favourite subjects. Wondering whether to say anything.....
  6. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1400171122' post='2451443'] I like that... sort of Brand X meets National Health. [/quote] Both bands I like!
  7. Hi Guys Here's the new album promo for my band, Prescott. Hope you enjoy it! [media]http://youtu.be/RqMR2t-5F48[/media] PS. I wish I could get Basschatters along to our gigs but they won't come...for some reason, despite lots of bass action
  8. I have a terrible problem with wax build up but have found bicarbonate of soda drops work. Do one ear at a time - one drop only per day. Wait till one ear clears then start the next one. It may take up to three weeks to work. Don't over apply the drops- you'll make a mushy mess of the earwax and run the risk of deafness for weeks. Whatever you do, don't use ear candles. They are incredibly dangerous.
  9. Prescott on Spotify: [url="http://open.spotify.com/album/51zhcsICf2oFRiV1Zdu4qC"]http://open.spotify.com/album/51zhcsICf2oFRiV1Zdu4qC[/url]
  10. [media]http://youtu.be/8zsupWN9agc[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/YqSgQDjvuFI[/media]
  11. [url="http://www.roundhouse.org.uk/whats-on/2014/stars-in-battledress/"]http://www.roundhous...in-battledress/[/url]
  12. Prescott now on Spotify! [url="http://open.spotify.com/album/51zhcsICf2oFRiV1Zdu4qC"]http://open.spotify....Cf2oFRiV1Zdu4qC[/url]
  13. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1398421479' post='2433895'] Thanks. BTW: There may have been a misunderstanding. By "PJ Sound' I meant "Percy Jones" sound, mainly referring to the composition/improvisation rather than the actual bass sound. I'm wondering if you thought I meant "Precision Jazz" pickup sound when you mention the £80 bass. [/quote] Ah, Lol! Well a lot of the Stump stuff was sort of 'Potted PJ' as I would call it...this being a prime example: http://youtu.be/YNZXoEvikd0 I occasionally get people emailing me requesting tabs for this bass line, believe it or not.
  14. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1398411758' post='2433759'] On-topic for this thread: I am finding that I like old strings on basses. New strings, not so much. I wonder if there could be a mutually beneficial trade between those who like new strings, and those who like old ones. Off-topic for this thread: You are reviewed as being influenced by Percy Jones, with someone noting your 'busy triplets'. Which pieces of music would you say best showcase this aspect of your style? 'Reversal' by Prescott sounds similar to Percy Jones work on albums such as Eno's 'Another Green World', but I was wondering if there was something that you feel better represents the PJ side of your playing nature. I listened to much of 'I saw Spoonbung's Daughter Consumed by Kirby Dots' first, but the bass playing on that sounds more minimal. [/quote] There's a lot of questions there. I did make an album a couple of years ago called 'The Germjoin' which has what I'd call 'normal' or straightforward melodic playing and I used a cheap £80 bass to get that PJ sound. The album only got a Japanese release and didn't appear over here but there'll be a digital download available at some stage. [media]http://youtu.be/mrFKu3pMM0w[/media] As for the Percy influence I play less like him than I used to but there's a track on the new Prescott album called 'T-sup' which has a massive, two-minute bass solo in it featuring some of the tropes familiar to that style...but there's a lot of other influences such as Cage-like preparations and the harmonic interval playing of guitarist, Derek Bailey. Hopefully the whole thing mashes together and I sound something like Kev Hopper in the way the influences combine and are re-contextualised.
  15. Well, after all that string change stress I've decided to go without the Wal tonight. Doesn't feel right...
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1398344402' post='2433189'] London is far, far away! I've got the album pre-ordered though... [/quote] Well, that's something! Thanks...
  17. By the way, if [i]any[/i] of you guys want to come to the gig tonight, you'd be very welcome. I have been advertising them in the gig section for over 2 years now [b]AND I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE BASSCHATTER ALONG TO ANY OF 'EM YET! [/b] [url="http://www.cafeoto.co.uk/monkey-puzzle-trio-prescott-2014.shtm"]http://www.cafeoto.co.uk/monkey-puzzle-trio-prescott-2014.shtm[/url]
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