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Everything posted by spongebob

  1. Thanks Gareth....they are brilliant basses - and this at a very low price! To be E-bay'd if not snapped up on BC....
  2. I've never played another bass that can cut through so well, with such a deep bottom end. Resisted them for years, but once I turned the corner, suddenly found what all other basses lack. Solid, simple, but very versatile (soul, jazz, rock, funk...it's all been on a P)...that's why Precision for me.
  3. I've used a pick a pick for years - do some fingerstyle sometimes at home, but TBH I play better, and sound better with a pick. So I've come to the conclusion to when in public, play to what I do best. I bring to the bands what I do with my own style. My advice always is play what you feel best with, you'll be more relaxed and that in turn will enable you to play to your natural best!
  4. Bump for the weekend and new pictures....and an adjusted price!
  5. I've always been a massive fan of The Stranglers '77-72, and quite enjoy some of the last couple of albums, too. Tended to shy away from their '80s stuff, but thought this year to give it a go. I started a few months ago with 'Feline', my previous cut-off point....and I love it! What a great record - a total departure from before, but great stuff. Quite sparse, but really excellent songs, and very much an 'album'. I've no idea what bass JJB is using on the album, but his sound is fab throughout. I'm really taken with 'Paradise' - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7recSoG8xA[/media] Guess I'll try 'Aural Sculpture' next....never thought I'd say that!
  6. I've really been getting into them this year - what an amazing diverse repertoire. Those well known tracks only tell a very small part of the story....there's all sorts of elements - funk, rock, soul influences going on. Phil's certainly no slouch on the 4-string either! I've just bought a biography, 'The Rocker' by Mark Putterford, so really looking forward to learning a lot more about the great man.
  7. Have a dig through the For Sale section on BC - loads of P bass bargains to be had!
  8. [size=5]Withdrawn - many thanks for all interest.[/size]
  9. Please remove thanks.
  10. Quite liked the Manics first couple at the time, thought nothing special. Totally loved (and still do) The Holy Bible. One of the best of the last 20 years. Some very nice bass playing on their too - some great lines which I still play around with! Everything Must Go onwards - can't stand them, TBH! Dull MOR that does nothing for me at all. Just my take, there's no band that can be liked by all. I know there's some fans that only like the band post-THB!
  11. +1 on the Rics for me. Had a number of 4003's, and the QC was highly questionable on all.
  12. Another Geddy-related can of worms officially opened....!
  13. I like his tone on the new live album. Still Ged, but a bit less bright than recent live stuff - the Rush In Rio has a very bright tone indeed!
  14. They've just put out a best-of which I might well get - don't know too much about them, but I've read some positive stuff in the music mags which has got me interested. I'd love to see/hear more here - any decent youtube links of fave tracks?
  15. +1 on Martin. 10mins from me, so very handy! He's worked on a couple of my old basses, and repaired my old guitarists Les Paul too. Very experienced, and a nice man as well!
  16. Thanks, but £400 is too low, will take offers, but need better I'm afraid. A couple more bumps and then it's E-bay!
  17. First read about this on here a few weeks back, and it still running. The Fender offers - price reductions on certain models - is still on until the middle of January. Just wondering if in these tough times, if anybody has actually bought one, and given Fender some new cash?
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