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Everything posted by spongebob

  1. The Cure? Debut album 40 years ago. Can you imagine in 1979, if a major festivals' major attraction was a band that had made their debut in 1939? Same time difference. Some of the acts mentioned have been around 20, some 30, years alone. Part of the festivals' suffering is over-population, just too many out there still doing it. Harder for new acts, as they're constantly playing alongside their elders. Years ago, I don't think this was happening (or not to this extent). Bands don't split up, just go on far too long past their (some arguably never had it) prime. There, I've said it! πŸ˜†
  2. Wobbly saddle victim here - about 2 decided to collapse mid-gig some years back. Had to keep raising the saddles between every song! Fair play to Hipshot, I got on to them, and they sent me a new set, from the States, FOC. Luthier fitted them, and they were fine. From what I read, the problem is very hit and miss whether you get it or not. I think the current Ric bridges are stronger, don't bend like the old days, so I personally wouldn't change mine now, unless I really had to, or suddenly developed a taste for frequent palm-muting (matron!). πŸ˜ƒ
  3. I just hope they're all pre-mid '72, before Pig left and what happened next......*runs and hides* πŸ™ˆ
  4. Mine too. Mk.3 and Mk.4 are always the Purple I go back to. 'Burn' must be one of my favourite rock albums. It just kicks every track - only complaint is the bass could be a little beefier in the mix!
  5. Main one for me was Lemmy - fan since I was 13, as has been said, he was just always 'there'. I really thought he'd go on like Dave Brock for a good while longer. I saw them a few times, and was making plans to go to the next London show. Something had stopped me doing it....and as it turned out, they never happened. Still my main influence now, it's Motorhead4life for me! Other one was more complicated - Richey Edwards of the Manic Street Preachers. At the time, a disappearance, now a registered death. I was a massive fan of the band until the point he vanished - not at all afterwards! Felt much closer to Richey than to Kurt Cobain - both within 12 months. Looking back, strange times. Of late, Bernie Torme was closer to home, having worked with him on a couple of occasions, one being my favourite recording that I've ever been involved with - fab man to work with.
  6. Just been alerted to, and watched, part of an episode of 'The Repair Shop' on BBC1 this afternoon. It's a show where people bring in various artefacts with a story, and top pro's restore them. Today's featured a mid-60's Jazz bass, bought in by the son of Tony Wilson, bassist for Hot Chocolate until '76. Won't do any spoilers, but it'll be on catch-up, so worth a look!
  7. Got an email today saying May 14th - June 18th. I did cancel and re-order at the reduced price.....so if I'd have stuck, may have had it by now! Even so, it's not a no, so in theory, I'm still on the list for one.....
  8. After reading his autobiography, I feel the same way. It ends with him still beginning his drinking at 10am - fine, he says, because he's an early riser! RIP PR.
  9. Totally reasonable IMHO - all perfectly justified. I live by a rule given to me by a bass player some years back (I was drumming in the band). His rule? You're not auditioning me, I'm auditioning you! Even though not said, it's a good way to approach bands. If they're not up to standard, then let 'em go! Had a similar experience myself recently. Left long-standing band, looking for something new. Ended up with a trio - fine - by at the first rehearsal, the singer/guitarist was beyond loud. He was shaking the building.....I raised my concerns, but it fell on (literally) deaf ears! Project has since crumbled, anyway! Another Fleetwood Mac link to Mickey's original post - after the drummer quit (1 practice), main guy tells me he's got loads of contacts for replacements....then nothing. Next minute, he's wanting to dump all the homework done, and start a FM-type band! Essentially, he's cancelled about 4 meetings, whilst maintaining all the 'loads of contacts, it's happening....' BS. At the weekend, after 3 months of this, I quit. Upshot? Opinions are very much what should be out there. There's too many idiots in music - you have to upfront and not tolerate what you're not happy with.
  10. When it comes to GFR, the first 5 studio/1 live albums are the biggest treat. Terry Knight's productions pushed the bass centre stage, and all of those records are so essential (well, except 'Survival'), and so bass-driven. Here's a bit for you - although it needs be through a system, not a laptop or PC for the full bass experience -
  11. Upfront in the sound! On the original stuff, I've always co-written, helped arrange, and even wrote some of the drum parts (I did used to play, so I was genuine!)
  12. Me too, but I use mine for everything regardless. It's my tone and I'm sticking to it! πŸ˜„
  13. Rory was a genius, and I think GM was a good match for him. Seeing as he was there for most of his career, guess we'll never really know otherwise. I've read Gerry's book (albeit about 7 or 8 years ago) - it's an interesting read, although I'm not sure if I would have joined his fan club by the end. Donal has been very vocal about it, suggesting that some of it is the work of fiction, and how he feels they abandoned Rory in his darker days when he, for a change, needed them. Guess we can all read the story and interpret it differently. Hard to know without living it.....but I felt for Rory during the latter part of the book, for sure. I think some musicians forget they are sidemen, and without the real talent, they'd be nowhere. It was a massive surprise - especially after the book - when Gerry started the Band Of Friends. I've never seen them, and TBH, don't fancy it. Their first guy was a lookalike.....isn't that tribute band territory? One thing always sadly sticks in my mind - that he had an 'encounter' with Anita Dobson, before she was Mrs. May! Wish I really could forget that fact every time I see her on the TV!
  14. I'm not a Beatles fan - I'm one of those (!) - but I think PM deserves so much credit for bass playing. He's come up ('scuse the pun) with numerous cracking lines, sings, writes, and plays with a pick. More importantly, he played a Ricky which he retired from live duties due to it's weight. However, John Hall (sorry...) confirmed a few years back that it still gets studio use. Either way, hard to knock him. He's had highs and lows, but in all fairness he's nearly 77, with a career spanning decades. Unlike his contemporaries, he's never stopped playing and creating. ....and I say all this as a not-really-a-fan!!
  15. Not my kind of bass, but he sure does have a point about players' versatility against that of the instrument. I don't know who the drummer is - but that video should be shown to every other drummer around. Awesome. Really should check out some Vulfpeck as I've never really heard them. πŸ˜€
  16. Only flats I've ever really loved are the Fender 9050's. I've used the light ones loads of times. Great thump, and enough brightness to cut through. Highly recommended.
  17. I bought a bezel from them a couple of months back, came really quickly. Have used them before for other bezels and truss tools, always great experiences. πŸ˜€
  18. I like their 70's albums, wasn't there there at the time, first heard them late 80's IIRC. My favourite from them has always been 'Force It'. Sounds really stripped down and raw, and the songs are fab. Also, it's got Genesis and Cosy F. Tuti, of soon-to-be Throbbing Gristle on the cover! Hypnosis, obviously..... I recently read (and sold on here) Pete's book. It's an interesting, if slightly sad, read. He had it all, clearly had a fantastic time - but now? Pulls himself together (mostly) at the end, but it's a bit too late. Bit I remember was him saying he always starts drinking at 10am, which is fine (he says), as he's an early riser! Rock and Roll, eh?
  19. That was a massive bargain. I've owned a Laredo and Cheyenne 4004 - they're nice enough, but I never gelled with them as they just didn't feel Ricky enough for me. Just look too 'modern' for my tastes - and they came out in the 90's! πŸ™„
  20. I found a link here - http://www.soundaffectspremier.com/blog/2019/02/rickenbacker-are-discontinuing-midnight-blue/ Real shame. I used to have a 4003 in MID, and recently picked up a 4003S identical to the OP's! I've owned a good few 4003/4001/4004 basses, but the S model is indeed a gorgeous instrument. Mine is really light as well, so that's a bonus. It's currently with my regular Luthier having a going-over. Seeing the pictures, I miss it already!
  21. I opted for the Chrome one on mine. Previously had black, but the chrome looks pretty cool!
  22. Few years back I imported a set of Classic Amplification pickups from the US, and had them fitted to a (IIRC) 2011/12 4003. That helped a little as well, gave it a bit more cut. With both the pups on full, I just find the newer basses have a bit of a kind of mid-scoop.....needs a bit of amp fiddling to push it through the mix.
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