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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Really looking forward to this. If he does half as good a job as he did with the WW1 footage in They Shall Not Grow Old, it's gonna be epic.
  2. My idea of hell on the best of days. πŸ˜†
  3. There's an online calculator somewhere that tells you when you can expect to get the vaccine in the UK. Based on them issuing 1 million doses a week (highly unlikely) I could expect the vaccine in September, with 39 million people ahead of me on the list. Thankfully I'm not in the UK, and I'm in no rush to get the vaccine.
  4. Totally agree with Si. Don't buy online. I have a back problem and looked at a local retailer online, before going to their shop to try them out in person. The two or three I had shortlisted would have crippled me if I'd sat in them for any length of time. I tried about 30 chairs and only two of them were comfortable. The one I ended up buying wasn't even on my radar until I tried it in person.
  5. I personally think May is rather optimistic. At least as far as full on gigs go. I can't see there being enough of the population vaccinated by then for things to get back to "normal". There might be gigs, but I suspect there will still be some form of social distancing and crowd control in place. That's if there's anywhere left open to play.
  6. No. Mine has Seymour Duncan Preamp and pickups.
  7. If it hadn't listed the band and just given the bass players name, I'd only know two.
  8. Local collection only yet again. Total waste of time for most people.
  9. Have you considered the Traben Neo? It doesn't have the gaudy flame bridge, instead it has (in my opinion) a much more attractive plain music Man style oval. This is mine with Seymour Duncan Baseline pickups and preamp. It sounds and plays absolutely amazing. They're not to everyone's taste, but they're a lot of bass for the money.
  10. It seems solid. But it would be pretty much impossible to tell by doing that because the bridge / scratch plate is solid brass. From what I can see, my best guess would be that the body is pretty rightly routed around the pickups.
  11. No idea I've never removed mine. It seems a bit pointless as the whole point of a Traben is the bridge. There is no pick guard. The whole thing is a single piece bridge.
  12. None of em. I avoid them like the plague. Nothing annoys me more than doing the weekly shop and being subjected to that dross, especially if it's only October. Roll on January!
  13. I've said it before but I'll say it again. The BBC is an utter scumbag organisation from the top to the bottom, and the sooner it's shut down, or at least defunded with public money, the better.
  14. That's a stunning looking thing. I really fancy a Curbow. Although it would have to be fretted and preferably a 5 or 6er. GLWTS
  15. I'd be happy with that. Must still be a great buzz. My last band had a feature on a small local online news site and I thought I was a rock star! πŸ˜‚
  16. That things a work of art! Unbelievable for a budget instrument. Harley Benton have moved the goalposts so far, most manufacturers aren't even in the stadium any more.
  17. I'm a multi instrumentalist dontcha know. I'm fecking useless on guitar as well as bass. πŸ˜‹
  18. I beg to differ. I have 5hit gear and I'm the last person you want in your band. πŸ˜†
  19. It doesn't really matter how many you have. They'll only run away with all the pens anyway.
  20. Makes you wonder how they can swallow such a loss. 😲
  21. I wouldn't dream of listening to an album with a name like that, and I'm vegan!
  22. Stunning. I'd love to get my hands on that if it wasn't for a lifetime habit of living in poverty.
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