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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Yeah that's the problem. I even found some of the books somewhat suspect back in the day. I find tabs are good for a reference point but you still have to use you ears and play what sounds "right".
  2. It's all done on t'internet now. I don't suppose it's even cost effective to print the things any more given that you can find tabs for almost anything for free online.
  3. Yup. Reset for me too. I made the mistake of "browsing" online after a few beers last night. The upshot, a Squire Jag winging it's way to me as we speak. The internet should come with a breathalyser.
  4. Not a great picture, but you get the gist. I don't actually "need" another bass, but at that price I couldn't resist. I actually prefer playing short scale, and I prefer the look of the Jaguar SS, but as I already own two shorties, and as I said, I've never owned a P bass, I thought it would be good to play around with and get a different vibe. The reviews are good and they seem to be quite versatile and really good value for money, even new. At 130 bucks I think it's a no brainer.
  5. Sorry, should have said. It's the long scale with the bass boost circuit.
  6. Yeah. I could get stuff delivered to the UK and forward shipped at an extra cost, but it kind of negates any saving I might make. I can order from Thomann and get direct delivery. Although it might come in handy in future for anything that Thomann don't stock. 👍
  7. Sadly no. I'm in Bulgaria and they don't seem to deliver here.
  8. I too like "the song". Despite it's detractors I think it's lyrically great, if somewhat cheesy by today's cynical standards. However, what I don't buy into is the arty farty mentality that seems to surround this version of the song (at least if the YouTube comments are anything to go by) It's kind of like dropping a massive dump on a piece of canvas and calling it "art". Sometimes sh#t is just plain sh#t, no matter how much glitter you throw on it.
  9. So as the title suggests. Does the Jaguar give you "that P bass" sound? I confess, I've never actually owned a P bass, and I accept I'm probably in the minority here, but I've never been a fan of Fender guitars. I just think they're so damned ugly! However, having been on this forum for a while now, there seems to be massive love for the P bass (and also probably equally the Jazz bass) sound. So to anyone who has one, does the Jaguar give you some sort of approximation of the P, and as it's a PJ configuration, the Jazz bass sound? Or does it fall short on both accounts? Now I don't expect miracles, and I fully accept that it's a Squier and not a full on vintage fender P, but I've got the chance of picking one up at a ridiculous price (equivalent of £130 UK) and they seem to be fairly well received. So how does it compare (everything being relative of course) Can I get a taste of that much sort after P bass sound from a cheap Jag?
  10. Ooh no I didn't. Thanks. I'll have a look. Edit. They only deliver to Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. 😏
  11. Oh no!!! A sad day for music retail. Although thinking about it, I've traded several items there over the years and received more in trade than I paid for them in the first place. Can't be a good business model 😂 I used to spend hours in there as a kid thinking "one day" I'll have this..... that. I actually bought one of my "one day" purchases there, probably the last thing I had from them, a Warwick Thumb that I'd been coveting since my late teens. End of another era.
  12. I like it! Reminds me of a lot of the stuff I was weaned on growing up in the 80's. I hope I'm not offending anyone by saying it has a kind of Judas Priest vibe about it. (Definitely meant as a compliment) The "Go To Hell" track is great.
  13. Man that would go great with my 1x15 (Yeah I know, never mix 10's and 15's blah blah.) I used to have a Laney 1x15 and 4x10 stack and it was awesome! Sadly, yet again, collection only. 😟
  14. Thomann and Gear4Music both have the Veyron in stock. 👍
  15. Good to hear. Thanks. The few bits of information I can find seems to be mostly positive. Although no one seems to have any I'm stock at the minute anyway.
  16. Grrrr! Another set up I would absolutely love. Sadly pickup is not an option I bought my first ever bass and amp from Electro Music in Donny. I love that place!
  17. Sorry to resurrect a zombie. But it's a couple of years on and I'm wondering if anyone now has any first hand experience with Bugera cabs. Yes, I know they're cheap. Yeah I know they're Behringer in a fancy frock. (Not that that's a bad thing as far as I'm concerned. I've had some great Behringer stuff and currently use a Behringer head that sounds fantastic) I don't know why, but the Bugera stuff just floats my boat. I just think it looks great. There are some good reviews around for the heads, especially the Veyron (which I also really fancy) but there seems to be hardly any info around for the cabs. I'm on a tight budget and second hand gear is none existent where I live, so I'd be looking at new, probably from Thomann. I know logically I might be better off going with the Ashdown, or even Kustom gear, but ooh those Bugera cabs are nice!
  18. Ooh I got all excited then. I've never heard of Bax. Another shop chock full of goodies. Looks like reasonable prices too. Sadly it looks like they only deliver within the UK. Back to Thomann it is then.
  19. Relisted https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Trace-Elliot-Series-6-AH200-Bass-Amp-Head-with-Flight-Case-/323495002935?nav=SEARCH
  20. If you are, there's at least two of us there. I don't get it. Ok it's a truly amazing song. Ok she co wrote it with John. Ok it was John's birthday yesterday. All things I respect and admire. But still, it's quite possibly the worst version, of not just Imagine, but possibly of any song I've ever heard.
  21. Ah I see. Yeah it appears autocorrect strikes again. That bloody thing is the bane of my lime!
  22. I like it. But I don't play them there naked neck jobbies, and I think the decimal point is in the wrong place.
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