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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. I like coloured silk wraps too - they look pretty
  2. You're quite, quite deluded my poor BonyUomo! TLRTs are finite & in limited numbers, emojis / emoticons are plentiful and bountiful! This is a common misconception amongst people of your... erm... advanced experience!
  3. You're both missing the point! I only source my emojis from the most ethical, morally upright sources! They are certified vegan-friendly, organic, and LBGTQWGFAZMT supportive. 🌈 As well as being fully-sustainable, carbon neutral! Every time I use them, I know I'm making the world a better place, & it gives me a tremendous feeling of moral superiority! Anyway, it's not like I said I was a cyclist or a dog walker, or heaven forbid - a driver! *shudders & runs away cackling*
  4. It's a bit warm for leather jackets, make sure you stay hydrated - we don't want you getting heat stroke & becoming delirious & posting nonsense on here...oh wait πŸ€” Be careful with the spitting as well - it'll contribute to your dehydration. Also, check which way the wind's blowing - could end in disaster!
  5. Polite? Well-mannered? Defo - I like a good giggle!
  6. Thank you Lovely break, good weather, good accommodation, nice food, castles, beaches, sea thing etc. 'TLSMT' as you refer to her was with me, lucky thing she is! She had a lovely time too - but she felt that I'd devoted too much time to the holiday & had neglected BassChat, so here I am! Dadaaaaah!
  7. It's graftifying to see how overcome with happiness you are at this news! One does one's best!
  8. See WizenedHomme, it's cheap shots like that that get you blocked by 'Guest'! Yes, I was away, but now I'm back! Believe it baby!
  9. Echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo... Anyway, 'Guest' said to me that he blocked you because of your uncalled for persecution of me 'n Ricky! And repeated prog answers to 'Name that Tune picture quiz'! He said he thought it was childish! So there! ('Guest' is wise! )
  10. Erm... guitars? Rickenbacker?
  11. Certainly find venues & audiences more suited to your style of music. Learning covers can be a good way to gel a band, but don't necessarily bin the originals - practice them 'til they're bang-on, then play them at a suitable venue to the right crowd (if you can find them!). Good luck πŸ‘
  12. Hi Lewis 1 - Yes, definitely; 2 - Sadly, yes - until your band get a 'following', then they just want to hear the stuff that you wrote last year, not the new stuff! 3 - Not sure about this one - but I bet someone on here will. πŸ‘
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