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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Just press the shiny little button - what harm could there be? It'll make you feel good!
  2. Stewblack's resolve not to buy another bass ->
  3. Is it really pretty? Can you imagine yourself living without it now?
  4. I use Schaller locks or Grolsch washers - there's not a lot between them, except the price. Both are fab. Beware of cheap straplocks off Amazon - I tried some a while back with nearly catastrophic results! They basically exploded
  5. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  6. Very well put @Stub Mandrel Basschat is an amazing resource & full of lovely people Thanks @ped, mods & all BCers
  7. Hiya 80sPulser Happy Xmas too!
  8. I would pay cold, hard cash to see that. And I would watch the footage back every day.
  9. Really sorry to hear that BB - they sound like b*stards Defo sabotage the gig! 👍
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