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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. I haven’t used it for quite a while but do you know if that would work with GarageBand and the focusrite interface
  2. I’ve been exploring into Fernando Rosa lately, this guy has got so much groove and a fantastic player, check out around 5.28
  3. I’ve been playing this album lately, I bought it when it came out, still sounds great
  4. This is exactly the same symptoms that happened to mine and it had only been used as a spare for home use , I made some enquiries but no one really wanted to repair it, I was quoted £60 ph Labour plus parts, I sold it to someone who wanted to try and get it working
  5. Reggaebass


    Welcome Baz 👍
  6. I’m on a bit of a Eek a mouse one today, a few tracks you don’t hear very much .
  7. I’ve had and have lots of jazzes, what is it about the sound of yours you don’t like, what do you play 🙂
  8. It’s gumtree and shpock too, every bass or item I list I immediately get a reply saying, I would like to buy it email me @scam etc etc , I just reply with its cash on collection and I don’t hear anything more, they are just trying to get your email
  9. Nice colour and the neck looks really good on this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-Electric-Bass-Guitar-1962-3-/294921309847?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. That’s my theory too, I’m always wary when private bidding is listed on eBay
  11. I’ve been to sandbanks a long while ago and it was a beautiful place, really nice beach
  12. I saw that, it looks good, he’s just sold a 76 precision which also looked ok
  13. Have you looked at some of the barefaced cab’s , powerful sounding and very light 🙂
  14. That’s a good resource, I use it a lot and also discogs sometimes gives gives you other versions of tunes
  15. I really like my Hohner with flats, how are you getting on with your one ?
  16. Cruising through Ilford listening to Roland Burrell
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