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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Unlikely that anyone on here knows him but my old mate Mark Russell was known amongst local PA system circles as Leather Lungs -chiefly due to his ability to activate every single clip light if using mic levels suitable for a regular human!
  2. This is what I do - I also play in the classical position when seated.
  3. Thanks man, that genuinely means a lot to me 🙂
  4. To me it neither looks good nor sounds good. And certainly doesn't appear to justify the cost. @Happy Jack's The Rail is a far more elegant solution.
  5. Bargain. I have many bass guitars of varying shapes and sizes. My identical to this Yamaha is the only one I really need.
  6. ^^ yep there's no pitch correction there. They don't need it 👍 I can't stand it, properly ruins it for me.
  7. Dreamer - that was the song I was on about!
  8. I saw them supporting VOLA last year. They played a number and my gig buddy turned to me and said "It sounds a bit Eurovision doesn't it" They then explained that it had been their entry into Australia's choose a Eurovision entry that year! They are a really good professional band and put on a great show.
  9. Just buy a Harley Benton Progressive 5 fretless. Plenty left in the budget for tweaking.
  10. Yes - I had a chat with him when he played on a stage I was working. Thanked him for being an inspiration and he was great about it!
  11. I reckon I've got a body for this John 👍
  12. They are awesome. I'd like a crack at the vocals if I'm honest
  13. Rafferty have a group page on FB, I'm going to join and ask some questions I think.
  14. Is this any use? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125715736717 Or this? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175575162404
  15. Looks like a similar preamp setup to the B-bass
  16. Definitely worth a punt as it's more likely the socket has failed I reckon. Too far for me though!
  17. The only strings I've ever snapped had been recently boiled. As @TheGreeksays - they only really sound a bit fresher for a short while and are no substitute for decent new strings.
  18. I got myself a bigger board... Still WIP - I now need another power supply to be able to run them all!
  19. I don't think you can go to drop-D with this system.
  20. Remind me which of their compositions used a very low tuned electric guitar or bass again please? 😉 You appear to making the classic mistake of assuming that your experience applies to everyone. It is a problem for some - you don't have it and that's fine, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist (much like hand pain on jazz necks)
  21. You aren't really tuning that low by modern standards. Plenty of bands are down in the F# below low B range. Floppy strings are an issue here.
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