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Everything posted by musicbassman

  1. OK, not strictly bass related, but worth a watch and listen - it's only 1min 45 secs.
  2. Quite right, lurksalot, I would've done just the same. You're doing it to assist in what could be one of the most important days in two people's lives, not necessarily just for your old band's sake. And I hope your old band thanked you profusely. Good karma has been created, and one day you might find it's repaid somehow, ......hopefully ! 🤗
  3. This absolutely. Apart from a period in the '80's when a band I was in used to back cabaret acts fairly often, I have never ever seen any sheet music on stage, keyboard players excepted. - and this is why classical musicians who are used to having dots in front of them are notoriously bad at playing pop or rock. ....other opinions are available.
  4. I'm usually doing deps, sometimes having to play covers from all eras. It would be pretty hard to do this without some pick skills. And it's a very necessary skill for some country music. For different eras, it generally works out something like this: 50's - fingers 60's - fingers or muted pick (as per Carol Kaye) 70's - mostly fingers 80's - slap, fingers 90's - pick or fingers, whatever's best to recreate an approximation of the original (often this was synth bass) 00's onwards - mostly fingers - with pick where necessary. For example I think the main syncopated riff for Bruno Mars 'Locked Out Of Heaven' would be really, really difficult without a pick.
  5. Nick Campbell - first came across him working with Pomplamousse. Just a tiny bit talented. YouTube title sounds a bit clickbaity, but he really plays this to within an inch of it's life 😯😨😵
  6. .... and not forgetting the wonderful Mononeon ! 🤗
  7. Yes, I can remember decorating the ceiling when i was about 15... ...a small amount of touching up is all I can manage now....
  8. I love depping and have quite a bit of experience doing this. For me, the more last minute the better - there's nothing quite like the buzz of meeting a band for the first time at a venue and playing straight off with no rehearsals. Experience, versatility and a good ear is everything, plus a pretty encyclopaedic knowledge of popular covers so you can mostly play them by ear straight off. Good luck with this - try and build up your background knowledge of standard covers, and don't worry if things go pear shaped now and then - you're depping, after all, and the band will usually be delighted if most of it is right! https://www.lastminutemusicians.com/blog/popular-cover-songs-2500-set-lists/
  9. Here's another idea - learn to play your bass lines with loads of well placed ghost notes. This can really fill out the rhythm, and once you've mastered the technique it becomes almost second nature.
  10. This has all the bad smell of a brand/company that has completely lost it's way. If they were smashing up a shipload of knockoff Chinese copies and they were claiming they were 'dangerous' I could just about understand this, but to proudly and publically declare your own guitars are nothing more than useless firewood is mind numbing lunacy. If you're deliberately going to destroy stock then you'd surely do that as privately as possible. Will the last person to buy a Gibson please put the lights out as you leave.
  11. For uploads, you don't have to use Soundcloud - you can upload an MP3 file straight into your post (as I did earlier) And as for your TinFoilHat browser, I understand it's a very popular choice amongst Welsh conspiracy theorists, look you.
  12. I find all these posters who are taliking about similar attitudes from other members of their bands quite unbelievable. Are you the bass player? - yes. Is this the band you play in ? - yes. Give or take the odd weirdly shaped stage or playing area, do you always put your amp in roughly the same place? - yes So, the rest of the band know where you go and roughly how much space you need for your amp - so what's with this crazy attitude? It must get the night off to a really bad start if this is happening. Some people need to b****y well grow up. You're supposed to be making music together, not having ego wars.
  13. Absolutely ambient, I can't disagree with you there. Just to clarify, when I said 'intervals' I also included in that the ability to hear chord changes - i.e. if a guitarist plays a chord sequence and says "that was in G" you could name the chords being played, and could also hear additional notes within those chords - e.g. the difference in sound between and straight major and a Maj 7th. And let's not get started on the 'perfect pitch' debate. 🙄 (and no, I certainly haven't been blessed/cursed with this! )
  14. - and then we can enjoy setting up Committees to establish the exact rules of play, sub committees to make sure the game is inclusive (might involve diversity awareness training), written risk assessments for those playing 'challenging' bass lines etc, etc - hours of fun ! 😳
  15. Well, Tina Weymouth is/was a very creative bass player, and I'd respectfully hazard a guess that she knew diddly squat about music theory, she just 'heard' a possible line in her head and then figured it out on the bass. And this is how wonderful stuff like 'Once in a Lifetime' comes about - it's pure artistry. I think the most useful skill to learn for bass players is being able to hear intervals accurately. Once you can do this, you can understand how some dep bass players can just arrive at a gig to play with some covers band they've never set eyes on before, and play a whole list of covers almost note perfect straight off, with no music or chord charts to help. Now that's a real skill..
  16. Well, I was only trying to keep things going... I'll wait for the ref's whistle next time. Poor ref, that means he's now got to monitor this thread 24/7 from now on, or risk receiving complaints 😥
  17. Oh dear - I thought this might be rather easy! If no one gets it in the next hour or so I'll post a big clue.
  18. OK, found the time to work out how to record something at last. Big hit from the '80's - this is the verse bass line (shortened). bass line 1.mp3
  19. I'd do one, but did a trial recording straight off my phone and the sound quality was awful. I'm no tech whizz - can you load an Mp3 direct from Audacity onto here?
  20. Hi bubinga5, I feel sorry for you, and you're taking this rejection like a champ. But there's a few things that don't quite stack up - you joined a band doing soul/funk covers - presumably because (a) you enjoy playing these and (b) you know you're going to get regular paid work because the band are playing this material - bums on seats etc - and then along comes your new singer, and all this goes out the window because the guitarist and singer want to do the singer's own material ??? WTF ??? Surely the singers own material should be a side project - you don't sacrifice a perfectly good gigging set up just to appease some guy with his own material, and just because he wants to get off on this. And then you say the new bass player is a 'pro' - what, in terms of ability? Because if the band's suddenly going to start doing original material then they'll be joining the other 10,000 original bands in the UK scraping for any work at all, so your new bassist won't be able to give up the day job any day soon. So, tough as it may seem, you might be well out of this, and you can then find a band that has much clearer goals and objectives from day one. Best of luck !
  21. Control, discipline, exact note lengths, restraint....it's all there. Straight 10's from all the judges.
  22. If it pleasing you, I have GENUIN 1934 fender prestigion bass guitar for export. But He is in Nairobi airpot waiting for custom payment and thensending to you directly to you place of abode in England, United Kingdoms Pleaseplease Sir send money order to $1000 by Phoneygram to PO Box 666, Lusaka. It is my humblest opineon that All will be blest with you Good Fortunes!
  23. https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-entertainment/wedding-band-decides-time-is-right-for-one-of-their-own-songs-20190706187214
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