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Everything posted by AScheck9

  1. Well... That makes a lot of sense! Cheers
  2. Damn thing sounds straight up awesome. A VERY different sound to my old streamliner- I thought they'd be quite similar but this seems much more responsive and more mid punchy? I like it.
  3. ...aaaand purchased. Can people please not post bargains just before Christmas? I just can't afford to keep buying things people post on here.
  4. I've played the last couple of gigs with: HX Stomp- Gss Baby Sumo- barefaced BT2. Great tones, huge sounds, oodles of volume with headroom to spare. I recommend. Basically using the sumo and BT2 as a frfr (or near to) amplifier, and then what I hear coming out of that is what's being sent front of house also.
  5. Thought I'd responded to this but my phone says otherwise! I live towards the South of Derbyshire and the Derby/Burton scene is pretty awesome really. A few great bands and tributes playing out of here. Also... my band is playing the Latch Lifter next Saturday (19th). Always a good crowd there. 👌
  6. We use dxr 12s as the tops and dxr 18s as the subs. Having played through only the 12s previously, I wouldn't recommend it. The bass seemed to sap all of the power and took the vocals out almost completely. I'm not technically minded and I'm sure that's not actually what happened.... but it was a struggle!
  7. No, no you're correct. Some things depreciate, some things appreciate. Basic supply and demand generally dictates which way it goes. These things are in high demand, and short supply. Buy a cab here, skip the 5 month waiting list. 🤘
  8. I have three guitars but only two get played- my Yamaha bb 734a, and my sterling 4 string Ray I bought early this year. To me, the yamaha is a much nicer guitar. Better build quality, nicer fretboard, and a much better looking guitar. On its own, it sounds glorious so I mainly play that at home. But the ray? When I play with my band, it does something the yamaha just can't do. It sounds phenomenal, and pushes the fender amp I use to do lovely things. That's the live guitar.
  9. Played in the Latch Lifter in Ilkeston for the first time on Saturday. I was a bit on edge, as I do a lot of ...community... work around there, and I REALLY didn't want to be recognised, however even though I was tense, I played well and the whole band sounded really quite tight. Set up was a doddle, and the stage there is excellent. The entire pub is exactly what playing in covers bands or tribute bands is about. The stage looks over a large dance floor and bar which was packed, and even the balcony on the first floor that circles above the dance floor was full by the end. Our friendly bands told us that its quite a tough bar to get moving, however we had people dancing and singing right from track 1 all the way through to the encore's encore. Things started to get interesting when we had a stage visitor take over the lead vocals for "Dakota" (you have to play it, right?). She was utterly terrible and barely knew the words but appeared to be a local hero as the crowd- they were loving it and were recording her. .. so there she stayed for the song. For the last few tracks, we had some younger ladies on stage trying to dance with me or the guitarist too. I kicked my pedals away from under their feet, and enjoyed the show, to be honest... Fun crowd. VID-20220619-WA0004.mp4
  10. Played a private 40th bash on Saturday with the band at The pavilion in Donisthorpe. Went down a treat and got great reviews afterwards again. We were told we were on at 9, but had to be packed and out by midnight, which meant cutting or sets a bit short, but had a bunch of people dancing which is always the aim. I was playing mainly through the PA, with my backline practically silent. (In ear monitors). I was getting frustrated by a loud resonant boomy F and F# unfortunately, and was struggling to eq it out, so found myself playing around it a lot. It was causing havoc with the bass bins of the pa, but the punters weren't that bothered. Making my consider whether I need either a high pass filter or a graphic eq pedal? Not sure which one would assist with this problem.
  11. Played at an awesome venue in Burton on Friday night- Burton Elite Venue : The Ritz. First Gig where we were supplied with in house PA, and a sound guy, and he did an awesome job of making us sound good! Ticketed event, and there was just over 120 people there. We played our asses off and did pretty well, if I'm honest! We got great reviews from the owner and sound guy after the night, so hopefully we get invited back. I got thrown in the deep end for the last song- we played an oasis song that the entire band had played before in their previous bands, but not me! A quick check of the tab, and managed to pull one out of the bag 🤘💪 The other band members have all done some session musician stuff in their 30 year careers, whereas I'm certainly catching up, having only played for 5... Playing with those that are better than you though really does make you better. It's pushing me hard! Anyways, filled the dance floor in the second set, so happy days.
  12. I play a fender bassman 100t. 100w all valve, played through a barefaced big twin 2. It easily keeps up with a rock band, without PA support, in a pub/small club. I have also had a Genz Benz Strml900 and currently own a 600watt GSS baby sumo. The 600 watt sumo doesn't compare, even when pushed with a preamp, but the streamliner was probably on par with the bassman. I even gigged once with it in 25watt mode. It just about kept up with the band, but there was zero headroom.
  13. Don't be a hero. Get someone else to give you a hand with the yamaha DSX18s or Ampeg 810s. They're heavy as hell, and you don't need the injuries. When you help the drummer by bringing in his drums and stupidly heavy hardware bag, don't put them EXACTLY where he wants to set up. He gets grumpy that he'll have to move them a metre to the left, regardless that you just lugged the lot out of his van for him. Stop eyeing up the girl in the audience that's clearly dating The Incredible Bulk stood behind her. Did you turn your mute off? It's worth checking before you start playing! This one may not be for all: play hot. And by that I mean, have your amp turned up loud so that the volume is coming from the amp and not you having to pluck heavily ALL gig. If you're finding you have to pluck hard to be heard, you're going to get some tired fingers, quick. In ear monitors get plugged in BEFORE you put your guitar strap over your head. This way, when you change guitar quickly, you don't vacuum-suck your ear canal and almost slice your lobes off. Don't use untested gear on a gig.
  14. I tell everyone that I can't play without my darkglass hyper luminal compressor. It's the best thing in the world and has transformed my sound. ... but I don't really know what it does.
  15. Gig number 2 with Last of Our Kind, this time at the Wyggeston in Burton on Trent. Atmosphere was great, which isn't unusual in this pub! Sorted the feedback issue with our new sound system, so it was a loud, clear gig. Again, we've been asked back, and the manager was extremely happy with us- so much so we got paid more than what we'd asked for! This time though... we played no one knows by QOTSA, and my bass cut out as soon as it got to the solo! Complete silence. No drums, no guitar, no singer and no bass... A quick "Oh shoot, hold on guys" down the microphone, a quick kick of the pedal board, something clicked, and carried on with the solo. Worked a charm- crowd loved it! I certainly skipped a heart beat though. I think it's time to retire that bass guitar... (Not the Yamaha in the picture)
  16. Our first gig as the band "Last Of Our Kind", played at the Horse and Groom in Derby. We've all played in bands before, but never together! Very lucky to get in the pub with no previous gigs under the belt as it is well known for its music, however our drummer's contact managed to get us a slot. Must have done well because the lovely manager has asked us back two more times! Great gig, a couple of hiccups, but nothing we didn't power through. Got some noisy low frequency hum through the subs when we stopped playing though in the second set, which was a pain.
  17. AScheck9

    obbm's feedback

    Another happy customer here. Quick, efficient, and one very well packaged baby sumo.
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. I think the S in 2-10s stands for switchable. They can be switched between either 4ohm or 12ohms.
  21. I think I might struggle to diagnose this one, because the issue isn't repeating often, or with much pattern. I was playing my bassman the other day using channel one, the clean channel. Channel two is set up to have quite a lot more grit, yet heavier on the bass. All was going fine, until I switched to channel two on one occasion and it was as if I was still playing through channel one, but quieter, and with some fizzle in the background. Odd. Switched the amp off for 5 minutes. Switched it back on, and channel two was fine again. This isn't the first time it had happened unfortunately. I can't figure out why it is happening nor what is causing it. It doesn't occur every day either. Very strange. Bias lights are all fine still, too.
  22. I think that's the tuning I use for Queen's of the Stone Age tracks occasionally... and I can never bloody remember it.
  23. Not at all. Sympathetic resonance, I think it is called. If you were to play an E on the D string, without muting the low E string, it'll start to resonate even without plucking it. Try it out. Mute the rest of the strings, and there will still be a hum on the E string.
  24. Yamaha DXS18 subs with DXR15 tops. I'm still blown away at the capabilities of just one 15 on its own, so two of these plus some 18 inch subs? Phenomenal. Not cheap mind, each band member is having to put in £600 for a second hand system. Just moved to a digital mixer as well, for the IEMs. That'll allow each person to control their own monitor mix on their phones which is mental when you think about it.
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