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Everything posted by andy67

  1. RBX-170?? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194241311628?epid=1307819253&hash=item2d39af338c:g:vT4AAOSwSiBgx7Eg
  2. Probably not! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194241311628?epid=1307819253&hash=item2d39af338c:g:vT4AAOSwSiBgx7Eg
  3. I'm the other way round, love Ashdown cabs but don't get on with their heads. Marmite is a fair reflection.
  4. Instead of selling or trading, keep it and buy yourself a Bugera BV1001t for £279. https://www.thomann.de/gb/bugera_bv1001t_veyron_bass_head.htm
  5. Seems we have a new 50w hybrid 😎 https://www.thomann.de/gb/joyo_badass.htm
  6. The mutts nuts! Stonking head made in the US by SLM, 90s vintage if memory serves 😍
  7. Superb head and in my experience £750 ex postage would be firmly in the ballpark. just checked eBay, one sold recently in a flight case for £950 but remove the eBay commission and in reality it’s been worth about £800 to the seller. Good luck, Andy PS, I bought an SVT-3PRO last year for £1079, I’d be lucky to get £450 for it.
  8. As an Ampeg player and ex SVT Classic owner, +1 on the Bugera Veyron BV1001t. It is the perfect solution to your weight issues. 3 x preamp valves, 600w, lots of tone and for me specifically, it’s an Ampeg in all but name! I really must get a job for Bugera! Lol 😂 Andy
  9. Might be worth a look at Cubase or Cubase Elements (dependent on budget) as it’s instrument to MIDI conversion through dedicated interface is perfect for what you may be looking for a DAW to do. I recall in 95’ my then college lecturer demonstrating this very process using a strat with MIDI pup installed and it mapped beautifully to Cubase.
  10. For all the Mac users, let's not forget about GarageBand! Great bit software
  11. Plus 1 on Logic, unbeatable for home use and pretty good value at £200.
  12. Same here 👍 I’ve got an i7, 16gb, SSD & HD and NVidia 970 gtx gfx. Was up in running in minutes without a hitch.
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hondo-Custom-Bass-Guitar-/284410944094?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 £1000 quid for a Hondo? Geezo!
  14. Cakewalk is awesome. It is intuitive and very easy to set up. It’s also, an awful lot of program for no money. I have a PreSonus Studio 24c hooked up to my main PC, Cakewalk is absolutely flawless with it.
  15. Two awesome free programs: ProTools First, https://www.avid.com/pro-tools Bandlab (previously Cakewalk), https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk All you need do is register to get both free with no time limit.
  16. Yamaha dating says its 1995-1999 (004 serial) but that the '6' is an internal factory code which is very curious given the colour. This may be a factory prototype or custom order.
  17. How about Hipshot: https://hipshotproducts.com/collections/bass-tuning/products/hb3-bass-tuning-machine
  18. Never noticed that, a good 3-4 hours away from me too.
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hartke-LH-500-bass-amp-Hartke-Hydrive-4x10-and-1x15-Bass-Cabinets-/363486749433?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  20. Their returns policy is really good. Given the low weight of the TC cab, I decided to buy the BH250 because it fits in my gig bag pocket meaning I can travel by bus with the light cab and gig bag only, to any city gig.
  21. Cool 😎 learn something new everyday 👍
  22. The HB FRFR is a a guitar DSP, unsure if it’ll be any good for bass? Another easy remedy is, get a TC BH250 or Bam 200 to go with your cabs and just slip em into your gig bag or case.👍
  23. I have one and adore it. It is perfect for home practice and small gigs. I have it paired with following amps: Hotone Thunder bass (5w), Ampeg PF50t, TC BH250 & Bugera BV1001t. It is perfectly fine with all of them and easily deals with the lower output amps. It is superb with the Bugera but I need to be careful as the Bugera is a monster and potential cab killer so, I keep it turned down. The BC208 sounds great, very clear with enough bottom end to ensure you have enough bass filtering through. 10/10 cab for me 👍😎👍
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