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Everything posted by prowla

  1. It'd be cheaper and less hassle to just buy a Jazz neck and bolt it onto a P body.
  2. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1497501950' post='3318661'] Are you sure it was the bass that sounded good not the amp? I'm told that they are really difficult to re-fret. [/quote] I've never tried re-fretting an amp! As for the bass; I've always said a Ric sounds like a Ric even when it's not plugged in.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1497520599' post='3318798'] I`ve played a couple of Rics, really liked them, however I can provide a 2 word answer to the question: John Hall I wouldn`t give him any of my money, additionally selling a Ric on isn`t made particularly easy due to him and the antics of the Ric Stormtroopers. [/quote] If you buy a used one, he won't get your money. So that invalidates your argument there...
  4. I recently sold a Japanese (Matsumoku) Ric copy - it wasn't a bad bass, in fact it was rather good. I might some day pick up another one to do up, if I happen across one. (At the moment, I've got a couple of other projects on the go.)
  5. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1497470464' post='3318532'] Wow! That is one heck of a recommendation. Do you currently own a Rick yourself? If not, sounds to me that your case of GAS is an order of magnitude stronger than mine and definitely needs quenching! [/quote] I've only owned three Rics...
  6. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1497451961' post='3318293'] The 4003 is definitely a marmite bass, [/quote] I didn't know they did that colour.
  7. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1497428974' post='3317987'] Some really interesting and varied points of view coming through - cheers! Opinion seems to be a lot more divided than about Sandbergs, which has been my go-to 4 string for the past three years and which seem to get a lot more love on this forum. Clearly the CEO has got the back up of many folk but whether that is 'cos he is simply just doing his job or being an idiot, is I guess the point of debate.[/quote] Yes - I think the man is aggressively protecting his brand against counterfeiters; kudos to him for doing it, I say. I do think that the vintage 70s/80s 'fakers are interesting machines and I did one up as a project recently. And from my side it's OK if it remains a cottage industry without impinging on the brand itself. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1497428974' post='3317987'] That's a very BIG statement in favour of Rics - please elaborate! [/quote] (IMHO, of course!) The Ric has unique sound and look; I find that if I see a band with one, all I do is look at the Ric and listen for it. A lot of other basses are very samey Fender-alikes; they may be made better than Fenders, but they are visually uninspiring. There is no other bass which is so instantly recognisable. I find I can pick up any other brand of bass and play it and think it was really good, but then I walk away and it's pretty much forgotten. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1497429215' post='3317990'] I do find them overpriced, but then overpriced is entirely related to what you want, and one mans overpriced is the next mans good deal - if it makes the sound you want and you can afford it, it is a good price. [/quote] They are priced similarly to other top-flight instruments, though there is a healthy mark-up in UK list prices. The quality of the workmanship is really rather good and they do last well.
  8. That's a nice pedal (I bought one last month!) - why are you selling it?
  9. [quote name='jimbartlett' timestamp='1497420066' post='3317907'] VERY nice! Great necks aren't they? [/quote] Yes - very slim, rock solid, fast. And (IMHO) they are the only 3rd party ones which look [i]better[/i] than Fenders!
  10. "Touching on a Warwick growl" - that's funny! Anyway, though, the Ric is simply the best bass that ever has been and ever will be made. Apart from that, no reason at all.
  11. I've got a Shadow (German) pickup in my partsblaster; it's not at all bad.
  12. I recently sold a fretless one (J-bass), but I've still got its fretted cousin.
  13. Last time I went there I got a parking ticket.
  14. I've got a Status neck on a Warmoth J-bass body; I think it is a really excellent combination. And the Status neck is the only replacement neck I've seen which looks better than a Fender one.
  15. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1496651529' post='3312884'] Nope - "Matamp into a Barefaced 610" as Jack says in his post. I must say I'm almost glad that the compression software in the camera equalised the band's sound a bit: what we in the audience could hear during that song was mostly the bass - so much so that, at the end of that set, I was asked whether I could hear that strange noise coming from the stage and what it could possibly be... That's after we had spent some time setting the Rickenfaker up. (When Jack played it for the first time at home I immediately yelled at him to stop hitting the E and A strings against the damn pickups! Cue a bit of pickup lowering and string balancing.) [/quote] I bought a real Ric which had been set up like that! (And its strings were dead as a dodo, so it sounded like a rubber band.)
  16. Status Graphite make very nice replacement necks.
  17. I think that in this case the ebay link is a discussion point rather than somebody here offering it for sale. (At the moment I have 3 Rics and no fakers!)
  18. There's a John Birch on ebay at the moment. (Well a couple of very expensive pickups with a free bass attached...)
  19. The ebay ones arrived and they have the exact same pattern; they are about 1mm taller, but that's not a problem. (Still waiting for the parts from Warwick to arrive, though...)
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