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Everything posted by alembic1989

  1. Traded...nice one Russ...hope you're happy...nice meeting you today...it was cool.
  2. yes it truly does suck....never mind Russ..you never know, you might get a killer 5 for your ACG 9 string...then we can talk about a possible trade maybe :-)
  3. "A 3 way deal for this beauty just went tits up " BUMP So this lovely bass is still available for trade...looking for a top quality 5 er...WHY?
  4. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1362066614' post='1995260'] I believe this is on it's way to me soon! Gotta love them three way trades. [/quote] you'll love the les..its awesome.
  5. Hi, I'm in the process of looking for trades for my lovely Les Evans 6..and a few offers have trickled in, it has suddenly occurred to me that I have no idea how to conduct a 'safe trade' when the other bass is overseas...can anyone give me some advice? many thanks Raj
  6. [quote name='Voodoosnake' timestamp='1361993755' post='1994239'] Pmd [/quote] replied.
  7. Hi Ted..I'll get back to you...just want to find out a bit more about these basses. cheers Raj
  8. [quote name='Ted59' timestamp='1361957220' post='1993487'] Hi. Interested in trade with this bass? [url="http://www.basses-lkah.fr/basses.php?no=26"]http://www.basses-lk...asses.php?no=26[/url] [/quote] Hi Ted, what are those pick ups?..who made them? are they single coils or humbuckers? cheers Raj
  9. "rainy wednseday ...c'mon someone with a nice 5 er lets make a deal/trade" BUMP
  10. would you like to trade for [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-wood-l1750/page__p__1991796__hl__les%20evans__fromsearch__1#entry1991796"]THIS[/url] ?
  11. would you like to trade for [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-wood-l1750/page__p__1980939__hl__les%20evans__fromsearch__1"]THIS[/url] ?
  12. Would you be interested in trading with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-wood-l1750/page__p__1980939__hl__les%20evans__fromsearch__1"]THIS[/url] ? I'm looking for a quality 5 er. Cheers.
  13. Widening my scope...looking for a high quality 5 string to trade with...preferably (but not necessarily) fretless.
  14. Would you be interested in a trade for [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-wood-l1750/page__p__1980939__hl__les%20evans__fromsearch__1#entry1980939"]THIS[/url] ?
  15. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1361666014' post='1989166'] This used to be mine! It is a awesome bass. Les built me a few bases back in the day before he retired. I bought his equipment and have started [url="http://www.13guitarco.com"]http://www.13guitarco.com[/url] under his tutelage. I have a build thread on this forum. A fine example of a fretless bass with all the growl and mwah you could want. It also has some major carving on the bottom bout of the bass. I should try and pry les out of retirement to build a few basses in my workshop. Good luck with the sale. [/quote] nice one Paul..I had if fretted...it is a great bass..I have another 6 er..got into 6 ers because I thought I'd like soloing in the upper ranges...the truth is I prefer 4/5 ers. Great to meet the original owner..I got in touch with Les a few years back looking for an insurance quote..he told me that it would cost £3-4000 to build another...and of course £20 for a quote :-)
  16. ok so its not a 5...but its top notch..and has frets..interested in a trade for [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-wood-l1750/page__p__1980939__hl__les%20evans__fromsearch__1#entry1980939"]THIS..[/url]..??
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  19. Are you interested in a trade for a world class 6 string?
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