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Everything posted by alembic1989

  1. [quote name='Bass Culture' timestamp='1360054146' post='1963969'] I have no affiliation with the seller but having played this when Les had it in for service a few years back I can say with confidence that this bass is simply stunning. I don't think Les is building anymore but, having owned three Les Evans basses I'd have to say that they are on a par with anything I've ever played. The build quality is superb and his eye for detail (look at the fingerboard, the partial recessing of the control knobs etc.) elevated some of his builds to works of art. I also had the same combination of EMGs and East preamp (looks like a u-retro?) on a couple of the basses Les made for me and they sounded lovely. On this occasion the claim of Fodera league build quality is [b]not[/b] seller's hyperbole - this bass is worth every penny of the seller's asking price and I would humbly suggest it might actually represent something of a bargain. I know I sound like I'm going over the top but when I saw this is Les's workshop I must have spent about ten minutes just looking at it before it even occurred to me to play it! This will make someone a very, very happy bunny. [/quote] I don't know you..but a big thank you! Glad someone knows for sure that I'm not exaggerating...thanks again Mr Bass Culture.
  2. Hi, would you be interested in a trade for http://basschat.co.uk/topic/198660-fsft-les-evans-custom-6-olive-woodbubinga/ ??
  3. I tried to log in using my mac today using google chrome and got this warning message....can anyone enlighten me?? [color=#333333]"Danger: Malware Ahead![/color][color=#4B4B4D][size=1] Google Chrome has blocked access to this page on basschat.co.uk.[/size][/color][color=#4B4B4D][size=1] Content from topictorch.netseer.com, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page. Visiting this page now is very likely to infect your Mac with malware.[/size][/color][color=#4B4B4D][size=1] Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion. [url=""%20i18n-content="]Learn more[/url]"[/size][/color][color=#4B4B4D][size=1] I didn't proceed..just switched to safari.....scary !!1[/size][/color][color=#4B4B4D][size=1] whats the problem???[/size][/color]
  4. [quote name='andybassdoyle' timestamp='1360009168' post='1963559'] Wow. It's like a curvy organic manta-ray type bass. A seriously good looking bass... [/quote] Thanks...you've got some nice basses too.
  5. Up for sale is my Les Evans 6..I've owned it for a while now..its a beauty. Les is based in Liverpool I believe, and one built to this spec would now cost you in excess of £3500. I am asking £1750 or best offer. Pick ups are EMG's, preamp is John East (18v). The build quality is in the same league as Fodera. looking for trades...if you have a Schack Carbonite...5 string...or another boutique 5 preferably fretless 5 Try me you never know. Check the pics,,its amazing in looks and sounds.[attachment=126809:DSCF9085_1.jpg][attachment=126810:DSCF9086_1.jpg][attachment=126811:DSCF9087_1.jpg][attachment=126812:DSCF9089_1.jpg][attachment=126813:DSCF9050.jpg]
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1359723352' post='1959368'] You have an Alembic therefore I disagree. [/quote] "You can do anything but lay offa my blue suede shoes.."
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1359599254' post='1957449'] Well that's quite the post! First up I am a little more than an armchair expert but I don't expect everyone to know that and my day job is not public knowledge for good reason. The bass is for sale on ebay, I have never seen it or heard it so can pass judgement only on a few photos and your description. From the photos it looks like there is a split in the wood of the neck and that 2 pieces are coming apart or as I said before delaminating. Perhaps this is a trick of the light or growth patterns in the wood but like I say all I have are your pictures. My judgement was made on the images and that alone. As for wood drying and curing I really could bore you at length about it but I am sure nobody wants to read it. It may well be a super bass, in fact it likely is as you do seem to know your instruments but going off on a mad one because of a post based on an iffy looking photo is hardly the way I would deal with this, a quick post here or PM and I would have deleted my comments happily in view of the new knowledge you provided. [/quote] Yeah perhaps going off on a 'mad one' wasn't the way. But whooooaaa dude slaggin' off a mans bass... you stepped on my blue suede shoes, what was I suppose to do??..I'm a bassist not a guitarist
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1359554241' post='1956505'] I think there's a difference in etiquette between what people say in the classifieds and the EBay section. Generally speaking it's frowned upon to disparage someone's classified listing (unless it's obviously deliberately misleading). However the EBay zone is seen as a bit of a 'free for all'. Some quite nice instruments get a lot of stick here (I actually bought one that was torn apart here and it's both immaculate and seriously nice). I think most potential buyers that might be reading this area of the site will make up their own minds about whether they want to bid on something or not. I have to own up that I'd spotted the Warrior connection and was already watching this - also it's based only about 20 minutes from me. Lots of bassists in my neck of the woods [/quote] Yeah..I guess if thats the way it is..... then thats the way it is
  10. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1359503485' post='1956000'] Pretty sure Ravi Shankar used one of these when he used to play bass for the Beatles. Here it is: [/quote]
  11. I have been reading with some amusement, some of the smart ass remarks by the 'experts' here, I was gonna stay quiet, but the last post has pushed me into a response. I'm a member here too, and this very same bass has been up on the classifieds a few years back....in the same condition...no snide remarks then..just nice bass etc..the usual. So let me just put a few things straight....there are no cracks or delamination, it is not a friggin Chinese bass, yes the control cover is poor, yes it was built in the UK by a chap in West Yorkshire. There is nothing wrong with my memory..it was bought off ebay from the builder...and i don't know his name.... or the model of preamp he used. In actual fact the bass is a great bass..check out some of my basses..I know what a great bass is, it sounds great a looks the business. Some smart ass remarks about luthiery too...baloney. I own an Alembic amongst other basses, anyone who knows anything about multiwood type basses will tell you ...because there are several types of wood used in the construction..over the years they shrink at different rates...my alembic too. Delamination my arse. Perhaps 'throwoff' the real ale has affected your vision as well as your judgement. You lot sound like a load of old biddies bitching about another biddies make up...too much time on your hands I suspect.
  12. I sent Colin a CD I had recorded and released, which included duets between tabla and fretless bass..I was absolutely MADE UP when he replied and said he liked my playing. I loved back door too, never got to see them though :-(
  13. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1359452749' post='1954831'] and a quote there from Colin Hodgkinson! Cool. [/quote] I'm a big fan of Colin Hodgkinson..always underrated I thought.
  14. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1359452600' post='1954828'] That Kramer looks cool as do a lot of guitars on the site. I would however suggest that you remove the defamotary page aimed at Mr Limon. You may end up in court over that if you havent already. As a builder myself warranties and customer satisfaction are very important however I would not be happy with being hit with a bill for $400 dollars from a random guitar tech and if I saw a page like that aimed at damaging my business I would be seeking legal advice immediately. Just thought I'd point that out. [/quote] I'll take your advice..thanks
  15. Hi to all, I would like to offer my services as a bass tech I am based in Windsor in Berkshire. My website can be viewed[url="http://www.rajanspolia.co.uk/?page_id=352"] HERE[/url] . many thanks.
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  17. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1338201201' post='1670629'] I think its RIM Basses that uses Q-tuners [/quote] AAAh yes now I remember. I emailed "Q tuners" today..they told me that there would be nothing until NEXT YEAR as they are apparently sorting out a modern production line..as they couldn't keep up with demand.....thats what the man "Erno" said..:-(
  18. Hi, does anyone know where I can buy q-tuners in the UK. I'm sure one of the builders on the forum usese them on his basses..just can't remember his name (sorry). Any pointers would be great.
  19. Hi, would you be interested in a trade with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/123487-withdrawn-too-good-a-bass-to-let-go-cheaply/"]THIS BASS[/url] ? let me know..thanks
  20. [quote name='slapierro' post='1147606' date='Mar 2 2011, 08:03 PM']QUOTE (pantherairsoft @ Feb 25 2011, 11:13 PM) Love this bass!! What's the scale length and string spacing please? Shep Hi Shep, scale lenghth 35" string spacing 17mm hope that helps Raj oh nooo! it's the tight Warwick bridge,not the broad-neck(19mm) one,too bad, it's an amazing beauty!!![/quote] Thanks..it sure is.
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