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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. Geoff is a legend. I really enjoy how straightforward they are. It's no substitute for real lessons, but they're a constant reminder of new things to try and how to avoid common issues. Incredibly generous really.
  2. That's great. I have that DVD somewhere - an unopened present from the wife. I haven't opened it because I assumed I wasn't good enough. It seems that maybe I am!
  3. I'd be interested in knowing where you got those exercises from - be great if you could provide a link (happy to pay if it's a book etc.)
  4. I love the way they've used a bamboo bin as a stand. I also love the way they've placed the face of a wood finish bass against asphalt. Really generates confidence...
  5. I'm not able to play for hours a day, so a practice diary helps me structure things. I do an 80 bar warm up following 2 pages of the Walking Bass book. I then spend about 20 minutes on scales and arpeggios (alternate between the cycle of 5ths and 4ths) and then what time left I spend playing along with a Walking Bass book. It's not nearly enough to get me making rapid progress, but family life mean it's all I can do at the moment... can't imagine the others in my office would be happy if I smuggled in a DB.
  6. I'm having a similar issue. I can play scales and arpeggios for an eternity but as soon as I need to play songs or tracks I'm knackered within minutes.
  7. That is an absolutely stunning instrument. I've got vintage Fenders but this bass is just as iconic.
  8. I think the guitar is worthless. I'll offer you £10.
  9. As long as you've tried it you won't be disappointed.
  10. Precisions are funny things. They're currently less popular than Jazzes, and more of them were made of course. I purchased a 63' all original and in great condition for £4200 this time last year, and that was from a dealer. If I were buying it for investment value, I'd make sure to buy an original bass. If it's to play, or for recording etc. then it doesn't matter. I use a 73' Jazz which has a replaced set of pickups and pots which gives me the oomph I need.
  11. The best bass in your budget is going to be a Marcus Miller Sire. These are top instruments at a bargain price! They record very well indeed. Another good choice would be a vintage series Squier. Don't be put off the Squier name these are quality basses too (and cheaper than a Sire!). In fact, if you shop around you should be able to pick up the Squier and an Epiphone for £300.
  12. My vintage Fenders get a set up every 5 years!
  13. The only rule is playing what the music demands. If you can make it work musically, the play anywhere and everywhere. If your playing affects the band, and stifles the groove, then tone it down. It's about being a conscious player and it comes naturally to some and needs to be learned by others. I'm in the second camp here...
  14. Thanks guys. After the advice I've decided to save the cash and concentrate on the DB. I've now worked out a bit of time everyday to spend (30 minutes) on the stuff I need to concentrate on (scales and technique) and I can do a lot of the theory off the bass or on an electric. If I get the urge I can finally fix my 60s Burns upright (which is in a few bits at the moment and never really worked). I guess I was trying to compensate for being at home by purchasing a new toy, but it seems there's no need.
  15. It's frightening isn't it? After a rocky start things are going well and she's already 2 months. Bonkers! I've even learned how to play some jazz-style renditions on DB. She seems to like it!
  16. Thanks for the advice and the support. Having the new baby means spending huge amounts of time indoors at home, and I finally caught the DB bug after some lessons, and just don't want to lose the momentum. But obviously I love being a dad and spending loads of time with the baby too! I just thought of there was some way to practice a bit at night that would work, but as you say, it's not forever. Plus I'm not sure how popular I would be bringing a new instrument into the house!
  17. The exact problem is I get home from work at 6 by which time the baby is asleep and wife doesn't want her woken up. I work for myself so I can create a situation where I'm able to do an hours focused practice at some point during the day, it's just I often enjoy a glass of wine and a play in the evening. An EUB does seem like an indulgence, so I'll take your advice and look into a strong mute. £15 is hardly likely to ruin me.
  18. I'm trying to practice DB and have a wonderful and resonant old beast on my music room (I'm lucky enough to have one, for how long I'm not sure). Anyway, my new baby is making practice difficult. I've just seen an NS NXT 4 with all the add ons for sale. I'm still very much in the formative stages for my technique and am making good progress. Should I play less but fo is solely on DB (theory j can work at on the electric) or should I invest in an EUB? Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched but it was mostly asked by beginners which I guess I'm not.
  19. He's trying to pay you a compliment about the instrument, he's not insulting you. If you look at the fret board on the neck are here lines or not? That's the question they are asking. It won't affect the value, it's just that some basses have them others not. Do you think you'll find yourself anywhere near Bristol in the near future?
  20. Martin Penning is a genius luthier and a thoroughly lovely man. What he did to my cheap and cheerful DB was incredible.
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  22. Yeah, unless its an agreed valuation policy the amount you insure it for is just a guide. That reminds me I need to phone up my company in a little while and add a couple of new basses and guitars I'd forgotten to add!
  23. These are obscenely good amps. I have had a few and they have blown me away. It's an incredibly honest sound (if that makes sense).
  24. I had the whole kit (controller and synth unit). I actually sold it to the legend that is Phil Oakey of Human League fame who then used it on tour. If anyone wants Phil's autograph he attached with the cheque for the item, just send me a PM. To day, nobody has ever thought it worthwhile. I like the Human League though.
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