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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. I got straplocks on my Jake and they were fitted fine, but I noticed over time that they stuck more than my others. I checked them out and they are fake Schallers, I had to replace the strap ends and then everything worked okay. You can see the difference as the real thing has the writing on the instrument side of the strap bits, if you see what I mean. You could see they weren't quite the right shape either. Shame on a bass which is otherwise just excellent
  2. I've got an Elwood that I bought second hand which has Haussel J/J pickups and a Delano preamp and that sounds great to me. it's so hard to describe tones and it's the only J style bass I've had, but I was really pleased with how much low end it can do and with the character it has.
  3. How do they make those isolated bass tracks? I'm assuming they're not from the original multi track, and done with some kind of processing of the whole song? If that's true I doubt the original tone has survived intact. Edit - the Flea one sounds much too clean to be anything but the actual bass track.
  4. @SpondonBassed That's a good point, if the aim is to keep water off something WD40 is indeed a good call.
  5. *engage pedant mode* Just while it's been mentioned: WD40 is not as good for freeing and lubricating things as lots of people seem to think. For loosening things, penetrating oil is much better, for lubricating pretty much any lubricating oil is better, like some basic 3 in 1. https://lifehacker.com/when-should-i-not-use-wd-40-5891936 https://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/how-to/a6064/wd-40-vs-the-world-of-lubricants/ *disengage pedant mode*
  6. That was all pretty random, it did reinforce the fact that the best thing to do is buy second hand and try things out for yourself. I've got a vintage ultra at the mo and it sounds a lot better to me than the one in the video did, it needs a bit of time spent getting it right for a given bass. I'll be looking out for more DI pedals to try it against when I've got some pennies saved, what I like will stay and what I don't like will get sold on. I suppose it gives you a bit of an idea what the pedals do, no way it tells you which is "best". Sounds all a bit negative I know but the more reviews I see of gear I actually own the less I think they help.
  7. I'm only comparing the Pedaltrain Nano with the Mono Lite Pedaltrain 0.3kg: https://pedaltrain.com/products/pt-nano-sc Mono 0.46 kg http://w.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mono_Pedalboards.html (in the table part way down) I know they're both really light, but it'd be easy to go for the mono assuming it's the lightest you can get when it doesn't seem it is.
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  9. The Nob of Spades didn't do nearly as well in the charts for Merterhead either.
  10. I love these old Les Paul copies, if I saw a cream Ibanez proper lawsuit era I'd buy it just because that was my first guitar. Not after one of these as I've got a 1982 Washburn Wing in the corner (plywood body, classy) already, but it deserves a home. I know everyone reckons modern Harley Benton type stuff is great for the money but one of these with a decent neck has a lot more Mojo.
  11. My communication skills are not what they should be today I read it as the design of the cab being tweaked to fit an amp, rather than just one cab. I'll get me coat...
  12. Ordered a pedaltrain nano last night, just curious how they manage to sell any of the mono ones at that price.
  13. Sorry - when I said "power amp" I meant "PA power amp", like a Crown (had one, worked a treat).
  14. This. I'm not convinced that anything more expensive will make a difference over a decent power amp, so long as you make sure all your tone is coming from your preamp. Why not just give the speaker cab a 19" rack space?
  15. For boards with pedals with knobs on, hard cases are great as your settings don't get rearranged as easily as with a bag. My old pedal board was just a hard case with the hinges replaced with butterfly catches so the deeper half came off and left the shallow half as the pedal board. The only disadvantage of that is the pedals aren't protected as much as they're velcroed to the inside of the hard case, next one I will do like you and get a case like that to fit, I've got a load of picky foam so I can have it hold the edges of the pedal board but not squish the knobs.
  16. I'm after a very small pedal board, I was looking at the Pedaltrain Nano: https://pedaltrain.com/products/pt-nano-sc under £40 including soft case. Then I saw this: http://w.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mono_Pedalboards.html - the Lite is the same size, £140 with bag? And it's heavier than the pedlatrain one? Am I missing something?
  17. Yeah, this is a good tip. I've got a little home recording setup and a reamping box, so my version of that is to record stuff dry and then reamp it and play around with the EQ, much better than trying to do it when you're playing and can be done alongside other instruments to see what it really sounds like in the mix. Also good for spotting the faults in your own playing which can be depressing Good reminder that I'm due a session doing that on all 3 basses, the Stingray is new, my P ripoff now has flats instead of rounds and a new pickup, and my jazz ripoff has rounds instead of flats - bit like having 3 new basses, so old presets are all out of the window and I'm starting from scratch.
  18. All covered here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbyYGrswtg
  19. I had a bit of a Google before I went to look at it and saw things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PKi_G084zQ but I don't believe everything on Youtube and in the end I just tried it and liked how it sounded It definitely has a nice range, I'll have a play with the eq as well. I can see it becoming my go to bass for quite a few things and especially the rocky stuff.
  20. See, this is what happens when you let amateurs use computers and the internet. It should be for Pros like me, you know, people who built the internet and made it dance. Everyone else should just have to write letters.
  21. Until recently I was after a P bass, but then I made a bass I already had work better for the P bass with flats thing. I looked at the Stingray 5HH before I bought that one, and I knew about the Stealth Black, but never spotted one second hand, so when this one came up on BC while I still had the money I'd put aside, that seemed like the universe telling me I needed this bass in my life. Well, that's my way of justifying buying yet another thing anyway. It's... well, it's a Stringray 5HH. I know the HH doesn't sound the same as the H (or HS), but I want this as a rock bass and I think it will do that nicely. The bridge pickup is right there for me, great sound. I'm just figuring out which amp models it likes, Ampeg ones seem to work unsurprisingly. I can see it being played with a pick more than my other 2. Also, it looks the absolute dogs IMO, quite hard to photograph though. How much more black could it be? None more black.
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