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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. Having read a little of the interview in question, it looks like a throwaway line in a pop song being blown out of all proportion, in accordance with the times we live in.
  2. It'll push the bounds out of any standard gig-bag or case, that's for sure.
  3. I'm continually searching for new music and spent about €80 on bandcamp last week on bands I had never heard of before. There's nothing quite like the thrill of finding a new band who do "it" for you. You've got to kiss a lot of frogs, though 😂
  4. I’d want more than an apology and refund, I’d be looking for someone to come and remove the offending items from my property.
  5. DAVE: Route the bodies correctly, HAL. HAL: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. DAVE: What’s the problem? HAL: I think you know what the problem just as well as I do. DAVE: What are you talking about, HAL?
  6. Mediocre means “of average quality, not very good” and I think it’s fair to apply that to the last 30 years or so of his music. I find it bland and dull, albeit immaculately played. Eric’s fans and customers disagree and vote with their wallets so the joke is on me and Phoebe, I suppose 🙂
  7. Just what the world needs, another Jazz clo... wait a minute... what the hell is going on there? They look like they’re in pain!
  8. I feel your pain. I have a TRB somewhere in Athens airmail centre, last update was 29th of July 😕
  9. I believe his pre-sig models had 15mm bridge spacing, so probably the same here. I had an Ibanez SR 6 string with 16.5mm spacing but this looks far tighter.
  10. People will surely complain how much brighter the G and C strings are compared to BEAD?
  11. The exes... SR3006, SR1500, RS924
  12. I do love a nice Ibby, currently with three of them. An 89 SR800LE, a 91 SB900 and an 89 SR1000E. Beasts all and very, very different from each other.
  13. Nice! Congratulations!
  14. How is the balance between your E and A strings? If you think pushing the magnets down will affect the balance between the G and other strings then, surely, you will also affect the balance between the E and other strings in the same way, no? Do you not end up with an E string which drowns out the G still but also the other two strings?
  15. Neckenbreaker 4003?
  16. Try adjusting the height of the pickup so the treble side is slightly higher than the bass side. Is it a 2 or 3 band model? If 2 band, just remember that the bass control is boost only and, if you ramp it up you’re effectively cutting the mids, which is where your G string exists. If you’re doing the same on the EQ on your amp... bye bye G string. The amount of Stingrays out there with stock pickups suggests the pickup design and manufacture is ok. I’ve owned a 2 band and a 3 band model, all stock, and never had this issue. I tend to bypass amp EQ on basses with a pre-amp. Try the same and see how you get on. Start with the bass control (on the bass) all the way down and the treble (which cuts and boosts despite no centre detent) around halfway. That’s the natural sound of the bass. See what the G string response is like and then start EQing to taste. It’ll let you know for sure where the G goes missing.
  17. There is a can of worms which believes that the extended length behind the nut contributes to a “better” B string experience. There are quite a few Foderas with that abomina... I mean, alternative headstock.
  18. Like this. Not all Foderas have the extended B.
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