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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. Great find - thanks! Really underrated and deserve to be bigger over here
  2. I wonder if they get many people phoning them for clarification?!? I have just phoned Andertons to check.....on stock and future new colours. The 3 on order are spoken for, but there will be more available before the end of the month. No news on other colours though
  3. Gotcha. I'm in the middle of trying to respray a harley benton body daphne blue at the minute and these 50's colours are really talking to me at the mo......must resist!
  4. Ahhhhh, that'll explain it. Do you know if there are any other limited colours for a P or J that were released? If it was a jazz i think i would've bought it already, it's mouth watering!
  5. Have I missed this one or is it new.....? https://www.andertons.co.uk/brands/squier/squier-precision-basses/squier-classic-vibe-70s-p-bass-in-seafoam-green-with-maple-board Either way it's a bit gorgeous! Can't see any info on the Fender site or if there are potentially more on the way though 🙄
  6. Highway to hell - AC/DC If I ever leave this world alive - Flogging Molly
  7. Oh, 100% I'm being optimistic and talking about a best case scenario here! If restrictions get lifted in phases though it makes sense for events at smaller venues to be allowed before larger arenas. I've seen a few bands release tour info for Nov/Dec and they're playing at smaller venues than they usually would, so hopefully it's a positive sign. I think you're right in that this will see a change to the way people work too and we'll see more remote working/meetings. However, social distancing on transport will still be an issue even if there are less people travelling. There are bus routes and underground journeys in parts of London now that are still packed despite the lock down
  8. I think social distancing rules will still apply at first, but maybe they'll be lifted in stages? Eg - we might be looking at something like stadium or arena events coming back in late 2021, events up to 3000 capacity early 2021, 1000 or less in late 2020 and 500 or less at the end of the summer? If (and its an optimistic if) something like that happens then maybe we'll see local music pick back up. That's my hope anyway as I'm itching to see bands again and if there's double figures in a crowd where I'm playing I'm happy! 😂 The govt will want to get the economy up and running as soon as possible which means (in bigger cities at least) getting public transport up and running. The idea of social distancing on public transport is a non starter so you'd think they'll relax the current rules for events of a certain size?
  9. Trying to see a bright side out of all this - if the bigger gigs aren't allowed to go ahead, do you think it might give a boost to the local music scene with people getting their fix seeing unsigned or more cover bands? Or maybe we'll get a chance to see bigger bands playing smaller venues? If those venues are still around that is......
  10. I had a hankering for a jazz and was looking at a tribute or classic vibe before this kicked off. As soon as we're out of lockdown and jobs are a little more secure I reckon I'm hoping to pick one up!
  11. Just wait until you start digging in with a 1mm, or even a metal pick!!
  12. No way, amazing!!!!! Thank you so much. I was lucky enough to get that black Ovation in the Sothebys auction in 2003 and have been trying to find some sort of a pic of him with it or anything to help associate him with it. The closest I've found so far is the vid below where he's playing the natural model. So maybe the black one was his backup for the tour? I'll keep an eye out for the book.
  13. He had quite the collection, must be a cracker of a book. I don't suppose there's any pics of his acoustic Ovations in there by chance?
  14. Heya, hopefully this is allowed and is in the right place - apologies if not. I'm after a left handed maple jazz neck with blocks to put on a right handed 50 PB body and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a body if I bought the bass? I have a Harley Benton PB 50 body and was thinking about getting the JB 75... https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75mn_lh_na_vintage_series.htm?o=7&search=1588414880 Although if anyone has any other ideas on necks that may fit then in all ears!
  15. I think the string spacing around the bridge would be significantly increased if I was wearing/playing it 😂
  16. I've just started to look at recording from home and found this thread really useful There's also a thread in the recording forum where it looks like @sbrag is doing exactly what you're thinking of so might be able to help
  17. I was supposed to be in New Orleans at the start of April where I was planning to see local blues and swing bands every night. Also had tickets for Pigsx7, who would've played last night in and desertfest that would've been on today and all weekend in Camden. Gutted to be missing out!
  18. Jonesy


    I ordered something 3 days ago and haven't heard anything, but I'm not too worried and I'm no way near the 2 week mark yet. On the other hand, I ordered some strings from GAK today and have had an email saying they've been dispatched and should be with me tomo. Wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting delayed, but GAK seem to be on it.
  19. Bought the zoom in earlier today and will let you know how I get on with it 😊 Prices def seem a bit nuts at the minute and there are other sites selling it for £80 instead of the £50 dv247 have it listed at.
  20. Cool, zoom it is then. Thanks again for the help!
  21. Hello and welcome to the forum! Good choice with the Sire's, they're fantastic basses. I've only played the V7 Vintage models in Andertons but had a go on both the alder and swamp ash versions. Personally I couldn't hear any difference there and then. Maybe you can if you hear samples right after each other, but it won't be that drastic. Those preamps are pretty good so you'll be able to dial in a range of tones too so you're not missing out on much by going for one bass over another. Personally I reckon there's loads more factors that shape your tone than body wood, so would just go for the cheaper option/one you prefer the look of.
  22. Ta for the help! There's one on the bay for £50 plus postage, but that looks a bit dear compared to what others have gone for. It looks a bit simple (which is good for me!), do you reckon it's best just in terms of quality? I should have said that I'll be using a PC instead of a Mac, so I guess I'll need the 96k version?
  23. Did you just advise someone not to buy a P bass????? 🤯 😂
  24. Hahaha - I lied! It's exactly another boring 'which interface shall I get' thread! OK, so apologies for the trickery. With all of us being stuck at home there's a few threads all over the forums about recording from home so I thought I'd add to the pile. I've read the Beginners guide (which is great btw - thank you!) and am looking at interfaces but, seeing as every muso had this idea a few weeks back and I'm late to the party, quite a few shops are low on stock so I thought I'd gather some expert opinions on what I could buy that'll turn up before we're all released back into the wild. I'm looking at what I can get for about £50 and wouldn't mind your opinions/experiences/pros/cons etc with what I can find. Or if anyone can find the Behringer U-Phoria in stock then I'd be eternally grateful if you could pass on a link as I understand these are the king of budget interfaces? My options are: Miditech Guitarface 2 https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Miditech-GUITARFACE-II-USB-Audio-Interface/art-PCM0009704-000 Zoom U-22 https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Zoom-U-22/art-REC0012645-000 Miditech Audiolink light https://www.thomann.de/gb/miditech_audiolink_light.htm Miditech Audiolink III https://www.thomann.de/gb/miditech_audiolink_iii_354405.htm Behringer Xenyx Q502USB https://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_xenyx_q502_usb.htm Or if anyone else has other suggestions then i'm all ears. I take it a jack to USB cable is naff and should be avoided? My plan is to download Reaper and give it a go from there, so I'll avoid creating another boring 'which DAW' should i get thread 😂 Cheers all
  25. It's probably made for guitarists that specialise in sweep picking.....
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