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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. I used to have a gold one and really liked it, sounded really great with flats. I can't see for sure from the pic, but it looks like you have flats on yours too? If I picked another one up I think it'd have to be PB, even if there is a long wait. It's very tempting.......although I'm also GASsing for a Thunderbird and Vintera P at the mo too, so it has some competition. Plus, it's my 40th in the new year, so I may put it off until then!
  2. Very nice! I really love it in pelham blue and am gassing after a hollow body at the mo, this doesn't help!
  3. I'm really tempted by a Fazley, but haven't heard loads. I wonder how they compare to HB?
  4. This is different to last week's release, although probably in the same sort of colours.
  5. In the comments on the post, HB say whatever it is will be released on Friday. One more sleep!
  6. I thought that, but the new shell pink J has a white scratch plate, not tort. Plus, the caption said 'time for another sneak peek', as if it's something new?
  7. Something else HB posted on their FB page earlier....... No idea if that's linked to the original tease? It looks fairly retro with the shell pink and doesn't really match the tuners from the first post 🤔
  8. I'm really tempted by the Vintera P. I had a go on one the other day and really loved how it sounded. The neck was a bit wider than I'm used to, but I'll probably adjust to it.......maybe. I wish they made a 70s Vintera P. I've seen a FSR 70s style MiM, but have no idea if they have 70s voiced pups? I had a similar moment when the Mrs tried to persuade me not to sell a bass because I'd regret it, but I had this silly self enforced idea about limiting the amount of basses I had to 3. I really regret selling that bass!
  9. Just seen this in the classifieds from earlier in the month.......
  10. 1. Is a sound person 2. Knows how to play 3. Knows how to not over play
  11. You don't offend at all!! If I tried to take any sort of power tool to a bass then I'm sure the results would be offensive to everyone here. My DIY skills are shockingly bad and mostly just involve swearing at inanimate objects. I'd love to have a go at modifying a bass outside of a few things I can do with a screwdriver, but it's not for me I'm afraid 😁
  12. If you read his blurb about the vid he says something about Bruce Thomas contacting him and saying he's one of the only people he's seen to nail all the fills. Bruce Thomas even posted this vid on his own site in a hall of fame! I love his background! I guess you're not into horror, but he has a few other vids going through his horror collectables and his Halloween decorations. Great stuff!!
  13. I had a 75JB deco off them (are deco's still a thing they do?) and it was a lovely bass......that also had the ability to attract black holes into its gravitational pull.
  14. Those new J's do look great green pink and LPB all look pretty tempting. Does anyone know what the deal is with 'caramelised maple'? Is it just regular maple that has been dyed rather than roasted? Or maybe it's been fried?
  15. I thought that when I saw those J basses the other day, but the tuners are different. I wonder if there's still something more to come?
  16. I love this line, it's a lot of fun to play and has some nice little fills in it. When I first learnt it I got all of the little fills down (I think?!) but just add in which ever I fancy playing and don't stick to the recorded version. There are some great lessons and covers on YouTube to help you and your wife out when it comes to learning it. Troy nails it here 😃 (as ever)
  17. Just to add to the burst and tort P basses, here's mine. It's a 2016 MIJ Hama Okamoto sig. Essentially it's a 62 PBass body with a 62 JB neck.
  18. Loverly bass! And it is a US model. As well as having US pups, you can spot the US models as they have spiral bridges (apart from the 70s reissues) and have the tuners with the large bass plates.
  19. There's also Fiona Kitschen from Tropical F-uck Storm.. And Hiro-chan, from Otoboke Beaver....
  20. Billy Corgan seems to have a thing for female bassists. As well as those already mentioned, he's also played with..... Ginger Pooley.... Nicole Fiorentino.....
  21. I really used to hate the headstock when I first saw the Sire range. Now I just don't like it 😁
  22. I've heard good things about the LeBass! It'd be a bit excessive to get another pre if you're happy with the LeBass, but you could get a MiM, set of GZRs and a preamp for £800ish?
  23. Same here, Aaron's tone is pretty gnarly. Get yourself a Sunn Beta bass pre along with your new bass and you're there!
  24. If you want a more aggy PBass then you could pick up an older SB1.......? Or just whack some EMG GZRs in whatever PBass you pick up. I think they're based on Geezer's 70s PBass pups, so are a bit more toppy.
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