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Everything posted by scrumpymike

  1. Definitely of interest so bring if you can. Also, if you can get up to the hall early (we're there from 8am) that would be appreciated. No pressure though 😉
  2. This is my second bass-guitar transaction with Loz (this time I'm the buyer) and only good things to say about this top member of the Basschat community.
  3. We've got from M through 3XL... so you'll either have to add or lose some weight to bring yourself in range 😊
  4. MORE LAST-MINUTE STUFF!! 1) Call for mains extension leads As in previous years, would you all bring whatever you've got to help us distribute mains power to the tables across the hall. Long, chunky, 4-gang cable-reels will be particularly welcome. 2) Early-doors volunteer required to replace Monsieur le Blanc on set-up duties. If you live locally and are happy to do this, just ping me a PM. In terms of qualifications, all you need is a pulse and the ability to walk and kneel down (mat provided 🙂). 3) Paid your £10 entry but can't come? I know there are a few of you, due largely to circumstances beyond your control. Some have already said "just keep the money". That's most generous but I have an alternative that means no one loses out and I won't need to give any/as many refunds. My suggestion is that you send me an extra £10 to buy yourself a Bash T-shirt (£15 plus p&p). We have laid out nearly £900 on shirts based on the expectation of a record-busting post-lockdown turnout this time. The shirts will sell eventually (hopefully 😐) as they are not specific to this particular place and time but a few extra sales would help with our short-term cash-flow. Of course, anyone who prefers a £10 refund can have one after the Bash. If you're one of the pre-paid absentees, just confirm your preference via PM.
  5. I'd personally be comfortable with that but perhaps you would also consider wearing masks. Again, though, I would leave that entirely up to you.
  6. COUNTDOWN NOTICE, WEDNESDAY 15TH Here is Mrs. Scrumpy's menu to get the tastebuds going for Sunday. As usual, much of the content is good for vegetarians and there will also be vegan content. We think we remember who you are but, just in case, could our vegan friends and anyone else with special dietary requirement please make yourselves known to me - either on topic or via PM. Mrs Scrumpys menu.docx
  7. Nothing special - just turn up with your £10 entrance fee (covers your food and drink all day) at Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall, Rowford, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Taunton TA2 8JY. The hall is in a rural location with a large car-park - see start of this topic for a pic of the entrance gate and hall website link. Feel free to bring any of your kit with you (or not) and call me on 07770 946135 if you need to. The event runs from 10am to 4pm. Hope to see you on Sunday - you'll be more than welcome!
  8. It's food shopping time and we need your help to get the numbers right. Could you all please refer to the list on the last page and do ONE of the following: confirm you're on the list and still coming; confirm you're on the list but NOT coming (I already know about Andyjr1515, Bassbod, Triumph_Rock, MoJoKe, GrahamT and Chienmortbb); tell me who you are if you're not listed but ARE coming. Ta very much!
  9. You and your wonderful basses will be greatly missed Andy but the two you built for me will of course be there!
  10. That's a shame, you and all the stuff you bring will be sadly missed. Hope the show goes well.
  11. Can we just have an update on who's bringing what for the raffle? I'll be putting in: a 'Bash yer bass' T-shirt; a Tony Butler solo album CD; a tidy Ibanez gig bag (standard-scale); and a gift pack of local Somerset produce. Not long now 😊
  12. Just been offered an afternoon gig on the 19th - bl00dy typical!!
  13. Sorry guys, this one's a bit nerdy but, as a life-long s-s fan of a certain age, I've always had a keen interest in the basses Bill Wyman played as well as the way he played them. I've just watched a compilation of Stones' BBC appearances which includes them performing The Last Time in 1965. From the pic's below, can anybody confirm the identity of the compact solid-bodied bass he was using? It looks so much like the BW Signature released by The Bass Centre in 2013 that I'm guessing it's his early, home-made fretless, which - according to their promo blurb at the time - was the basis of the Signature design (the 2013 bass had a black body and distinctive red scratch-plate, which kind of matches the grey-scale rendition on the Beeb's black-and-white archive footage.) So, can anyone either confirm my ID or tell me it's something different? PS You'll have to watch this on ketchup if you want to see George Best in the TOTP audience as well. Ahhh, halcyon days! 😊
  14. That looks like a lot of bass for the money. GLWTS
  15. Here's a random video shot at our gig a couple of weeks ago by the owner of the Quantock Brewery on her mobile phone - you'll have to scroll down a bit btw. Just the R-400 through a pair of Barefaced SC G3 cabs, nothing else added. Gain was at 12-o'clock for maximum clean input with bass at 1 o'clock and a touch of contour dialled in. For what it's worth (which may be nothing 🙂) I've never had my bass come through so well - or even at all - on a mobile-phone recording. OK, so probably says more about how much the phone technology has come on recently. I'll get my coat.... Silverback at Quantock Brewery
  16. Yes, 21 frets are fine for me. String spacing is standard. Apart from the look, the only real difference is that the walnut-capped bass has a neck-width of 40mm at the nut, the black bass a slimmer 38mm. What I love about both is just being able to switch instantly between 7 different voices - all of them usable.
  17. Nice bass and interesting TEG website. I'm a great fan of having stuff custom-built - especially by a smallish builder you can visit. You can generally get just what you're looking for without spending an arm and a leg and you'll certainly avoid wasting time and money on trial and error. Here are my two beauties (in my eyes!) built by Andy Rogers, who is well known to followers of his Basschat Build Diaries. At the time I commissioned them, you couldn't really get anything like them off the shelf (s-s with 3 x p'ups 7-way switchable in any permutation)- and you still can't.
  18. Proficient and reliable drummer urgently needed for established, successful 4-pc classic-rock covers band consisting of drums, bass, lead guitar, lead vocals/rhythm guitar. Other band members live in Taunton and Watchett and we generally play anywhere between Bristol and Exeter. We're gradually getting back to pre-covid levels of at least 4 gigs/month and have played a wedding, a pub and a beer-fest in the past 4 weeks. Unfortunately, our drummer now needs to call time for health reasons, so if you're interested and available shoot me a pm with your phone number for a chat. Anyone with good skill levels and musical knowledge but little experience will also be considered.
  19. Two more gigs done with mine - absolutely brilliant through my pair of BF SC3s (just posted a link to last night's gig on 'Performance/Recordings of your band' topic). I've had punters congratulate me on my sound at all 3 gigs btw so have a bump on me 🙂
  20. Unless there's something under the case that's lifting it up off the floor, all the other components of the s-s seem to be bigger than on the standard - which really would be weird!
  21. Here's a random video shot by the owner on her mobile phone. I'm really liking the HandBox R-400 I recently got off here. Silverback at Quantock Brewery
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