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Everything posted by scrumpymike

  1. It probably doesn't, and if they don't that's what I'll do. Just saying that in the past Sylvia has beaten me to it 🙂
  2. For me probably the best 'buzz' comes from playing on home turf to a bunch of friendly faces, mostly ones you recognise. That's what we got last night and it was a blast. This was a fundraiser organised by me and Mrs. Scrumpy for our wonderful village hall - well known to some of you as the venue for our S-W Bass Bashes. The band played for free as promised in return for freebie practices in the hall during covid. So no money for us but £717 clear profit for the hall and a bunch of very happy punters who danced and hammered the cash bar all night. My old school mate Malc who lives locally saw me in Silverback for the first time and was deeply impressed, especially with our ZZ Top covers. Hopefully impressed enough to give his cousin Billy Gibbons (honest!) a ring to recommend me as Dusty's replacement. Life's good ☺️
  3. Probably. This normally seems to happen as if by magic through the mysterious intervention of Sylvia Bluejay - hope I've got the name right this time 😉
  4. The last time I saw a headstock like that was on something I was playing in a primary school music lesson. Hopefully the tuning machines are geared to allow easy turning of those diddly little pegs with sweaty fingers. Actually, I have nothing but love for these quirky, great sounding basses... no, really! ☺️
  5. See if they'll swap it for one of Jack Bruce's or Andy Fraser's discarded Gibbo's which I will then swap you for the latest T-shirt in your size 🙂
  6. Yes, I popped in when someone (can't remember whether it was you or Richie) was putting it through its paces. Very impressive.
  7. Bash T-shirts Just confirming that all mail-order T-shirts were sent out today by first-class post. If you're expecting one and it hasn't arrived by Friday, ping me a PM.
  8. So now we can start looking forward to the next one 😊 The hall is booked for Sunday, October 9th, 2022 - so get that date in your diaries! Mike and the Scrumpettes
  9. MAIL-ORDER T-SHIRTS For the info of those who've ordered, we plan to start posting T-shirts out next Monday. Mike & Gabs
  10. Looks like I'm doing that single-handed. Such a quiet, shy, retiring guy normally 😉
  11. Here is the link to the FOC website our friend Richard created for the last Bash, which now contains yesterday's pic's as well. He hasn't had time to do an edit and is away for a few days now so everything is there - including some blurred images where the autofocus on his camera has focussed on the wrong thing. You can view and/or copy whatever you want from here: https://bigfatswbassbash.weebly.com/
  12. The raffle is always a major contributor to Bash revenue. Yesterday we averaged 5 tickets per attendee and that money is clear profit. What a generous bunch we are 😊
  13. Most kind Stew but honestly no need. Despite the lower than average turnout, today's event broke even because we made enough money in 2019 to cover the hall booking for 2020 and then the hall didn't charge us anything for postponing until this year.
  14. Well, Gabs and I have just finished unloading all the stuff, putting everything back where it belongs and had a slump on the sofa with a cuppa. It was another great day for us too! Thanks to all of who attended, and we are looking forward to seeing the regulars who couldn't make it next time 😊 If everyone's agreeable, we're going for early October next year as it's between the holiday season and the winter bugs. Watch this space for today's pic's and confirmation of 2022 date! Special thanks go out to those who helped in any way and to Phil for putting the home-build cab session together single-handed AND at short notice.
  15. Pic's taken by helper Richard. I'll post as soon as I get them
  16. ...AND A FEW MORE THINGS PPE - there are hand sanitizer dispensers in the hall but please bring whatever else you think you might need. Bass stands - don't forget them! Cash - there are no ATMs near the hall so bring cash if you're buying. Ear plugs/defenders - no compensation will be paid for hearing damage sustained at the Bash 😉 As before, there's a separate Quiet Room suggested 'noisy time' in the hall will be between 10-to and 10-past every hour. Covid tracing - Graham on the door will have a list of everyone present but please give him your contact phone number on arrival (plus your post-code if you want to enter 'furthest travelled')
  17. Sabby (Mrs. Woodinblack) has kindly offered to do a vegan quiche, pizza swirls with home-made pepperoni and lotus biscoff cake (wowzer!!). We'll also bring some falafels and vegan cheese. Re PPE, I think we'll all just be doing what feels appropriate - including anyone who feels the need to be fully suited and booted. We'll make sure there's good ventilation and there are hand-sanitizer dispensers.
  18. I had a gig the night before the last Bash in 2019 - I wasn't there at 8am either 😊
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