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Everything posted by Balcro

  1. Hi jaydentaku, My quick researches back up what you said earlier - it's something the guitarist had lying around. Indications are that it's a guitar cabinet, not optimised for the best bass. Some H&H stuff was marketed as guitar/bass, but I don't think that one was. Balcro.
  2. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1338283001' post='1671961'] Who has it at the moment? [/quote] I posted it to munkonthehill about 3 weeks ago. Balcro.
  3. The power rating for matching amps to cabs is to only recognise "Watts RMS" (I believe this is also similar to AES). There will be specific figures for amplifier output into 4 or 8 Ohms. Amplifier output into 4 ohms will be greater because it's a lower resistance, but in volume terms the difference will be insignificant for bass. Take no notice, REPEAT, take no notice of "Peak power" or "Program" power. Balcro.
  4. Ah hah! Further to my earlier post, it's not the black blocks alone, it's the colour of the attached body. Look at "project_c's" bass on Post #58. Beautiful. The neck and body form into one harmonious design. Balcro.
  5. G'day folks, Must agree with the OP. It's pretty naff on that metallic green bass. I think they've borrowed the part from a VMJ 70's Squier. http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php/?partno=0326702521 Balcro.
  6. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1337891735' post='1667141'] A bit of curiosity really ..................................... Do any Bass Chatters play their bass through an 18" speaker ?? If so , what have you got ? When you talk about 18's , Is there such a thing as a "clear" counding 18 cab ? [/quote] They were child of that time, from the 50's to the mid 70's. Most of them were boomy, but nobody thought that was unusual or wrong. There was nothing else available for comparison, and remember most cabinets were driven by "soft" valve amps and cabinet damping for entertainment loudspeakers was unheard of. Even so, who was complaining? Can you imagine Led Zep, or Slade with thin and light bass. Or Santana at Woodstock. There's a common thread there and it's blue! Well those 18's were clear after they'd vibrated the wax out of your ears. Times change. Loudspeaker engineering developed, Thiele-Small appeared and gave manufacturerers something to think about, but it took them some years to produce anything useful. As the motors became more powerful there was less need to use an 18. Two 15's would do the job and be even louder. Result. As musical tastes changed so did the new desirable "tighter" sound and production electronics could substitute for bass tone. The wooliness faded away. It could just as easily come back for back-line, although it would sound a lot less boomy and soft. Meanwhile nearly every major loudspeaker manufacturer is still making 18's for PA woofers and sub-woofers where the empahasis is on watts and more watts. I still have my home built 1 x 18" from the time before thiele-small forgot. It contains a Celestion G18C. Cor! it handles all of 100 watts. I could use it if I wanted too, but rarely do, 'cos the neighbours really wouldn't like it. It shakes the floorboards and would frighten the cat. Balcro
  7. Hi TJAS92, Fortunately help is at hand - but you'll have to adapt as best you can. From what I can tell, his technique was all his own, so that makes simple copying difficult. Try the link and enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CP3Qzb9nf0 The best of luck, Balcro.
  8. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1337501564' post='1660851'] They stop the noise, mainly RF signals, going out to other components in the circuit. They're filters rather than shielding. [/quote] Thanks for the info, Balcro
  9. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1337439812' post='1660054'] It filters high frequency noise in the same sort of way inductors do. Clamps like the one used on the Promethean simply pop straight on to the cable, but should be a reasonably snug fit for the best results. [/quote] Hi Musky, Does it stop noise coming in to the amp or noise going out to other devices? Balcro.
  10. Errr..Calling electrical experts. There maybe another minor difference between the Promethean and the RS/HB clones. Have a look at Musky's translation link on Page 1 and Wateroftyne's pics on P.6. Look at bottom right of pictures. The TDK magnetic ring (for EU, US, FCC UL certification etc) seems to be missing on the clones. I wouldn't think that's an expensive part but isn't it something to do with interference? Can it be retro-fitted? Can anyone confirm, elaborate or both? Balcro
  11. [quote name='funky8884' timestamp='1337194737' post='1657049'] Hey Guy's, I am wondering what is a good speaker to put into and existing cab, I want a 4ohm Neo 15'' 300W + and was wondering if any one new of a good quality speaker. cheers [/quote] You may have started back to front, but Bill is right. Never mind. Talk it through on here and we can probably save you making an expensive mistake. There are many good quality speakers available, but they're engineered to work best in different cab arrangements. The two things have to be matched. First step. Tell us and preferably show us a picture of the cab you have in mind. 2. Is the cab a closed box or does it have a port in the back or front. 3. If there is a port, tell us the internal diameter and the internal length. 4. If there is a loudspeaker in it at the moment, remove it and look inside the cab. 5. What are the internal dimensions of the cab? That'll do for starters. Come back to us with the info. Balcro.
  12. G' morning steve-bbb, I can't tell you anything about ape, but Ashampoo Music Studio 3 will rip and convert to FLAC. If that does it, then I suspect Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 will do the same. --- [url="http://www.ashampoo.de"]www.ashampoo.de[/url] You can download trial full-working versions for nothing or buy for £10 off the web-site. I don't think any of this month's PC magazines have the ashampoo programs on a cover disc. Balcro.
  13. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1335393144' post='1630556'] Right, turns out that link I posted has more info than I'd anticipated. The link to the tech specs takes you to the peavey site where they have actually pre-designed DIY boxes to fit their drivers, including the 1508-08SPS which is what ours use. Can anybody give any advice in regards to following these plans? They list only cubic feet size-wise, so does it matter how I go about achieving that in terms of length/width etc? They also state I have to remember to account for vent and bracing in my capacity or I will miss-tune the enclosure. I understand the concept, but I don't really know how to do the maths. What I really want is the dimensions of the box ready to build. I'm not at all teccy so am bound to cock it up if I have to work it out myself! [/quote] Hi cameltoe, So your drivers are the 1508 SPS's, correct? Which enclosure would you like? A medium sized vented box or a large vented box? I can work it out for you from that Peavey data sheet. You'll need to show me how you intend to build the cabinet and what size bracings you're going to use, but I can do the dimensions. Balcro.
  14. That's a quick response. Yes, I'd go with that suggestion for the 200's. Capable of handling more power and a little more capacity when being pushed. Balcro
  15. Hello NoirBass Having looked at the layout on the OZ forum I don't think it would be a good idea to suggest any alternative as a replacement. That's because of potential mismatches in efficiency between the bass units and the 5" mid-hi units. The "Thomann" Celestion may well match up well to work with the 5" mid-hi units, but it's not certain. You could end up with an unbalanced system. I assume you have the same tweeter level control on the back of the cabinet as in the OZ forum pictures. I would wait for the reply from Celestion. If their reply is prompt and definite, fine. If not come back here after that. Hmm, that Thomann deal does look good. That's half the price on some English web-sites. Balcro.
  16. Hello NoirBass, They originals seem to be obolete. The Thomann selection might be OK from the point of view of impedance matching. They're not the toughest speaker out there, but at that price there's no doubting their value. Are you happy with just 200 watts handling power? It might be possible to upgrade to something a bit more robust, at a cost of course. To advise on alternatives we need to know the approximate internal dimensions of the Trace cabinet, whether it has a port and your potential budget. If you just want to replace the C1016's go to the Celestion web-site and drop them a line via "Contact Us". They can advise you on a modern equivalent. Balcro
  17. Hello gub, copy this link into your address bar for a variety of pickups - http://www.atkinsonbasses.com/multimedia.html Some pickup manufacturers may also have sound samples. Balcro
  18. Calling munkonthehill............................ Balcro
  19. This guy's just been listening to the Alabama Shakes. It's catching, and he's only drinking tea! Balcro.
  20. Nah, can't agree. The voice was Ok until the artificial soul-scream, which if nothing else helped to put over the song as different. Oooh, that grimacing bass player! Concentrating hard on the 3 notes he played, or was it 4. One man's meat I suppose. Balcro.
  21. Hello Geoff, That card listed be "Ancient Marrier", I checked it out yesterday. You may have to go to sapphiretech.com and download what they call am AMD Catalyst Hotfix for AGP. Balcro
  22. Hello geoffbyrne, I wish you luck in finding compatibility. I fear you might be out of luck. Drivers for AGP and Windows 7 seem very thin on the ground. There's also the question about Microsoft Direct X which is some sort of programming interface built into Windows. I think Win 7 will be Direct X 10. Can you identify your motherboard number/name and likewise for the graphics card? They're usually printed in large white letters on the circuit boards. Balcro.
  23. Hi Waldemar, I think you've made the best decision. With the both speaker cabinets connected the amp will be operating into a 4 Ohm load. Therefore, potentially a maximum of 150 watts will go into each speaker. As only 150 watts is available to the 1x10, it probably wont reach the point of "running out of steam". Result, longer life of speaker. [i] "Or is volume and clarity acheived because of the fact that the 300 watts the amp is producing are being used to drive 3 10" speakers which aren't actually working as hard but are together pushing a greater volume of air..?"[/i] Yes, and there will be some extra clarity at very high volume levels because the 1x10 will be less stressed. As a result there will be less internal "compression" and distortion from the loudspeaker drive unit. Meanwhile the 2x10 will be operating at a comfortable level. Re alignment - I agree with Mr Foxen. Balcro
  24. I've finished. PM to Munkonthehill. Balcro.
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