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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. Is that code for POS ? Pretty collection of centre punch holes on the nut, only someone truly talented or very drunk could make that pattern 😄
  2. Coming from someone who as built several 51 style P-basses, this is an absolute steal. Good quality components paired with a lovely visual, whoever buys this will make plenty folk envious. @JohnDaBass sorry to hear circumstances are forcing this sale 🙁
  3. Much as the Entwistle PBXN impressed the hell out of me, the mega high output can be difficult to cope with. For a great sounding, affordable, drop-in split coil; Tone Rider would be my choice 👍
  4. @jezzaboy has the PJ-4 SBK in the for sale ads 👍
  5. Weight has it's place but balance is more important. I've a P-bass comes in just under 6lbs, it's really uncomfortable to play due to lousy balance.
  6. Only worth noting if you know the reviewer's background and experience. If the reviewer leads a sedentary life or has never handled a bass before then 4.5-5.5Kg may seem heavy. To a mother with young children, 4.5-5.5Kg is nothing; it's a healthy baby boy at 12 weeks. Much the same for checkout staff in supermarkets, they'll sling 5Kg bags pf potatoes with one hand; blissfully unaware that's considered "too heavy" on internet bass forums 😄
  7. @BigRedX I had a purple Wesley 5 string; at 13lbs it was heavier than any T-40 I've owned.
  8. Aye, I saw your earlier post. Tony gets 10 out of 10 from me for his choice in gear.
  9. Not unless it's some daft wee travel bass thing like this.
  10. In honour of the genius Semie Moseley, one of his ideas for an original body design was to simply take a regular body and flip it.
  11. The cheapest Duncan , SCPB-1 , has just 1 hole and the raised pole for A. Same for Bloodstone Guitar Works, Dave's 51-54 Precision/Tele is a 1 hole bobbin, staggered poles being optional.
  12. Just phenolic ? There's a lot to be said in favour of synthetic materials over natural products. For starters there's consistency, it can be as hard or soft as the intended use requires. The colour is uniform, unlike most ebony which is dyed black. You also have little to no waste, one of life's ironies is Gaboon heartwood, the most expensive and desirable of ebony due to being jet black with no grain pattern; it's identical to black plastic 😀 It's a sobering fact that except for Macassar Ebony, which is listed as vulnerable, all the other species are marked as 'endangered' 🤬
  13. One on the left. Harley Benton PB-50, cost £78 split new from Thomann back in 2014. Just a simple P-bass but it does it's job very well. Bought a few more to mod but that remains stock, everything works grand so no point in change for change sake 👍
  14. Here you go @BillB, one 51 peghead in .dxf 51 Peg Head.dxf
  15. Must be on an old hard drive. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 min to sort another out 👍
  16. You can convert PDF to DXF easily enough with some of the free online services. I was going to get a load of MDF templates made that way so might still have the .dxf file someplace, will have a look for you 👍
  17. Seller gets 10 out 10 for clearly explaining the string length 👍 You've excellent taste Paul, that one caught my fancy too 😁
  18. I'll idle for a bit, do me good to keep company with such a stylish trio 🙂
  19. I did a thread of reshaping the peghead. Happy to try and answer any questions you may have 👍
  20. @Woodinblack You convert Tone Monster preamps from 9v to 18v the exact same way. Main reason for running at 18v is longer spells before changing batteries. I've saw the term 'headroom' bandied about but since EMG tell you running at 18v doesn't increase the output, stays the same as 9v, I've no idea what form this headroom takes ; placebo does come to mind 😄
  21. I've seen them called "£90" but I'm not buying one 😄
  22. I had that on cassette, needed to buy it a few times as I kept wearing them out. Saw Prince in London with the Lovesexy tour, fantastic show. Proudly wore the tour shirt at punk gigs for years afterwards. Still listen to the Black Album on a regular basis, copy I got in Camden had 'Royalty' on the label. Love this track.
  23. Several of my Peaveys needed 2 x 9v, suspect it was the pairing of active pickups with internal preamps .
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