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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. Messaged Alan last night about the Samick neck and Westone body. Prompt relies back and today he lugged them to work, met him at 1230 as arranged, result. I've a wee project and he's got shot of some spares, threw in a bridge as well. Top Man was a pleasure to deal with.
  2. Thanks Lads. I was chuffed with the Vintage yesterday but this is just amazing. Previous owner had it set up nicely, no tinkering needed.
  3. This cracking Peavey Grind arrived today. Dream to play, must have one of the nicest necks I've come across, simple easy controls and a lovely finish. Had a crap time waiting on this one. 1st time Ebay seller, no tracking number, no reply to emails, balls up with the payment had to pay separate through PP . Still week of worry wiped out in moments when I got her.
  4. A short while back Annoying Twit was talking about " Best looking Basses under £300 " and if only we could get Thru neck and Spalted Maple. It started me looking for Spalted basses and seeing the review of the Vintage V1004 here on BC I was smitten. Found them on GAK for £350 I think and after 6 hours talking myself into buying one went for it only to discover I'd missed the " This model is discontinued " part. Gutted ! Then a 5 string went on Ebay, collection only in London. While waiting on a reply about a courier the auction ended. Had a Buy it price of £260 and a reserve price ? but bids were coming in at £31 so thankfully never sold. Re-listed I got it for £235 + £20 postage. Arrived today Crap photo, Cracking Bass Wasn't just me that thought so, when I picked it up from my folks house there was a guy cleaning the carpets he thought so too. Obviously a man of discerning taste, like myself he has a Peavey Milestone III a Washburn and a Yamaha 5'er. He did some RATM ,me some Billy Talent both reckoned " Belter"
  5. Thumbs up on the HB's. After reading the trouble you had with the Vintages it no surprise you swapped brand. I've the PB-50 myself and no complaints. Considering another HB at some time. Sounds good on the soundclip too
  6. 4-String-Thing if you get it you won't be disappointed. Had mines for a couple of months now. Good quality bass and of course it's got the look.
  7. Never considered a veneer, it definitely needs something. As it is there's not enough contrast atween body an neck. Spraying would be quickest and cheapest way to go. I've never even plugged it in, the pup might be dead, can't see it though built good basses did Westone. Let ye ken what path I take.
  8. Think the name never did them any favours either, did the Bass Centre no have something to do with that ? It's all strange I was speaking to a guy over on TalkBass and pointed out two SX licensed versions he had, no just knock off copies. They'd thought enough of the brand to get approval.He loved them. I paid £125 for mines s/h in 95 only ever had to replace a tuner. Still your car's fixed an you still got a great bass.
  9. That has been a great job you've done there Andy. As for the old Concord. I was working on a house in March when the owner unearthed it in the loft to ask " what'd you think ? ". 2 A strings, broken nut held in with Blue Tac, Frets ripped out and never filled, tone pot missing, wiring soldered with Blue Tac and of course the Art work. Told him " No Much !" so he gave me it. Had to sand the paintwork out as I'd no stripper and the Stanely knife carving had to go, 5 hours with the sand paper did the trick. Replaced the nut,frets,bridge,strap loks and tuners then gave it a few coats of wax. Thought was to have a clear scratchplate so scanned the back and tried to match the grain Not too successful but idea was to print out just enough to cover control cavity and hope the Perspex distorted things to hide the contrast. But that's as far as I've got. the nut needs re-cut and the neck tweaked, action way too high. Then again I might sand again and spray it Yellow with white plate like in the Westone catalogue from 82. Thanks for asking Andy
  10. It's been on since start of the week. Was tempted but I've got one in an Ivory White. Belter of a bass just can't seem to gain in value cept when you play one
  11. It is a great job Andy. Now how about this one? Joking of course. It's looking like this at the mo.
  12. I found with the cheap ones from China it was best to use the original screws. Didn't like the squeaks and crack sounds using the new screws. Work a treat though.
  13. Paranoia is coming back. So far I have one showing paid on PayPal but not on Ebay and no word of dispatch. The other is lying " unclaimed" in PayPal. This one the seller sent 4 or 5 emails before the sale then nothing. I'd think if he had the same email problem he'd have been in touch. He's got till tomorrow or I cancel and the 1st one till Monday then I start a case. That's me finished with 1st time sellers. Every other buy has been great, sellers on the ball even when one went missing due to wrong address it was sorted out in a couple of days. Here was me saying these would be my last basses for a while. Definitely my last now.
  14. Dave T I was keeping a eye on both. My own B10 is black and my B105 is red so I wasn't really gaining anything new. Think the later models changed headstock just before they renamed them Axcess or something.
  15. Great job and sounds the business too. You should be proud.
  16. Really nice looking bass. Having one myself I know they're great basses. Strangest thing in bass, everyone who has one says they're great, every review said they were great yet they're cheap as chips. If you can get a even glossy finish like it has now the wine red would look killer. What about the neck would you leave that natural or stain to suit ?
  17. All turned out to be legit. Just me being paranoid. Now I deserve to feel bad for wasting time in paying these folks.
  18. Thanks Howie I'll do that now. I'm feeling kinda bad about this, You with it being the guy's first sales an that. Just want him to get paid and me the bass, everybody happy.
  19. Just wondering what others thoughts are on this. Saw a bass on ebay this morning, good price and postage, so though I'll buy that. Got order confirmation but no payment success one so checked PP. Said it was " uncollected " Ebay say the wrong email address was on the PP details so I asked for another invoice, as they told me to do. Here's what worries me. This new email address is not linked to the sale or even with Ebay. Seems to me like you see a guy that works in a shop and give him £50 saying " Here's £50 for that XYZ, I'll be in tomorrow " You go into shop and say " I gave so'n'so £50 for that XYZ " and they " Who ? " That's the thing how can you prove that the money sent to the other address had anything to do with a sale, Ebay says it's nothing to do with them as it's not through them but that I'm covered by PayPal. Got another one who say use Buy it Now then pay me the couriers fees seperate through PP. Both of these are 1st time sellers. Feedback needed guys
  20. Dave T I was watching that Washburn B10 then at last minute thought " no let it go ". Glad I did now cause I'd have been buying just cause the price was good, already have 2 B10's, a fretless and a 5 string ( B105), B20 as well. Better the young fella got a good bass than fill space here in Falkirk
  21. I'm with the others on the OW. That is a fine looking bass, the Status is no slouch either. Beautiful top on the ACG too.
  22. AT I think Washburn ripped off Tune as much as they could with the ABT series. Extending the neck would have been too blatant so they went with the half measure, and that didn't work. Later they put the B32 out with a PJ just like the B30. Hardly a groundbreaking move, don't think they sold too well, see ABT B10s and B20s for sale just not B30s and I only know of one B32 ( it's in Germany ) .
  23. Yep Howie mines is white with the single Bart. They need something to break the small space. Just my opinion.
  24. With the Curbow body being so small it needs some kind of feature. There's none here. Years back Tune did a model with a pizeo bridge, but so it looked right they extended the neck. The Washburn version didn't And suffered as a result. Same problem with the Curbow, no defining feature. Might be the photo but I'm not awfy struck on the colour,in a pub gig or unless stagelights are great this is never getting seen. Just my 2p
  25. If anyone's interested Cash Generator in Liverpool has two of these for sale. Saw these this morning going for £140 free delivery. I don't work for Cash Generator so I'm not plugging them but if these are as good as the Cort versions some leftie might get themselves a belter of a Bass. http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/bass/chase-tanglewood-canyon-2-4-string-lh-long-scale-electric-bass-guitar-lp10494 Cheers K.B
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