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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. That really is lovely AT. It must be almost twice the size of my 4 stringer I'd say we made a wise choice on these or we just got lucky.Out the box I found mines sounded fine like you say nothing out the ordinary but not bad sounding maybe the Nexus will change that.I see yours is strung through the body the 4s not,easy mod to do though. Well I'm off to play for a bit Happy New Bass Day
  2. Got this about an hour back. [attachment=170212:P8260031.JPG] What can I say apart from "Yeah". I'm a sucker for thru neck and natural finish and under that high gloss is a lovely sycamore front and back. Sounds like a bass should,good bottom end, no hiss or hum. Good weight to it and solid construction. Necks slightly thicker than my Cirrus but not uncomfortable. I can't fault it, Thomann have delivered the goods yet again.Another welcome bass to the KB clan and I won't even mention the price
  3. I try not to think about my old Wal. Bought it in Monkey Business Romford 88/89 2nd hand for £500. It was passive,leather scratchplate, xlr and standard jack.Sold for £250 plus a 76 SG. Contacted the Wal owners group last year to see if they could shed any light on it.They reckoned it was one of the 1st 44 made and they can account for 37 of those.Mine being one of the MIA. Ouch
  4. It's just peavey uk http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/peaveyuk?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 That's their sellers page
  5. Here's my Foundation bassmachine [attachment=170011:Latest Basses.JPG]
  6. 99p for the parts of an ABT B-10. Result Mind when you collect it to have a word with them. Might save some other poor bass.
  7. Yep Peaveys are getting the love just now. Foundations are a hell of a bass eh.
  8. Got some Rotosound strings this week. Very easy man to deal with. Whole thing done and dusted in 5 minutes. What more could you ask for ? Cheers Bud Top Man
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"If I had a silly amount of money, I'd have a sillier amount of basses" Ain't that the truth.[/font][/color]
  10. Well spotted Alyctes. They've had some ex demo models recently but asking more than I would go. Not that I need any more, though I quite fancy a Zodiac. Missed one in Germany last week, was a beauty kinda trans am red.
  11. Hi Lonestar There's another TL 5 up for grabs ATMO. Timing is lousy my contract has been put back 2 weeks so I should be curtailing bass buys. If you're stuck for parts in future try over on TB, a lot of Peavey owners there strangely not so staunch MIA as owners of some other brands. Sure someone there could help locate parts.
  12. No Ray I'm on a HP laptop running Windows 7. 1st thing I have to do is get another USB cable or see if I can get it to work with Amplitube. Thanks for the reply. Got it working with Amplitube using ASIO . Just need to play with settings and latency things
  13. Just pick one of these up cheap on eBay. Came with the software and that so it's installed and all the updates are done, drivers etc but the damn thing won't work. Keeps telling me the USB cable's not plugged in though the green light's on saying everything's fine. Anyone had any luck with one of these?
  14. BigRedX judging from some of your recent posts over on TB they were some unique basses you were selling. Far bigger market on eBay. Just wished I'd went after a couple now.
  15. [attachment=169154:Washburns.JPG]Here's mines. Don't get much use these days though the black B-10 got new strings and a set up recently.
  16. Looks like the 2nd generation. Those are VFL pickups not the Super Ferrites like the T 40 or the 1st gen. Can't tell you what the difference is as I've not tracked down any S-F's. Fine looking bass though, gets a good write up over on TB.
  17. Spotted this today http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Washburn-Force-ABT-B20-lefthanded-bass-/301274856392 As stated in the listing prefect for a hair-metal band.Though I've one of these,same paint job too, the chances of me and hair-metal are slim. I'm bald as a coot. Bought one of these in Ivory White in 88 then sold it along with a Wal I had no business owing in 90. Got another a few years back to go with the fretless B-10 and the 5'er B-105. Decent enough basses, like the look with the right handed neck on this. Is it time for a hair metal revival ?
  18. Think I was £140 delivered for the Grind and I jumped, never regretted it, seen some T40's recently asking £350/400 Older Washburns though, Had ABT B-20 when they came out round 87/88,paid £299 in Machinehead Music Harlow yet picked up ABT B-105 mint last year £65.There's no logic to prices. AT I'm glad you spurred me to pick up the SGC 310, it's MIJ 883608 so I guess made in 88. Must get some contact spray tomorrow and replace the 9v but what a neck. While I'm kinda struck on the Peaveys the SGC is some bit of kit, easiest bass to set up ever change of strings, drop in action, few turns to set intonation, maybe 20 mins played a dream. Slimest and Thinnest neck I've got bar the Ibanez. Get it sorted in the morning and I'll post my thoughts on both.
  19. AT there has been an increase in basses recently and I just found out how to do a gear list. Too be honest some of the older stuff like the 310 and the Washburns have been neglected for the last wee while. The BC badly needs a change of strings so I'll do that now ( Bass Centre Elites ). Can't see me ever parting with it, nearly 20 years so would be daft to sell it now. Buckle rash trough to the wood, crackling pots but when you get started plays great. Give you an A/B later Well that went for a decent price. Buyer got good deal and I bet the seller is jumping through hoops with it jumping £115 in last 3 hours.
  20. Lonestar that was a great deal for the Landers. You're right about buyers AT I counted only 10 items with bids tonight out of 50 lots.
  21. Seems the love is coming it was at £72 when I posted. The Peaveys all sound good IMO, I've this dirt cheap Milestone that is a joy to play get some serious Motown with it. No intention of parting with any of them, rate the Cirrus highly and the Millennium but the Grind well you just pick it up and play. Instant great tone with no mucking around.
  22. Cracking bass going to sell for peanuts. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Grind-4-String-Bass-Guitar-Through-Neck-/151374010259?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item233e981793 Begs the question Why no interest ? Mind you Monday night is a lousy time to sell anything.
  23. Hey AT my Shine 6-er cost the same. I must keep away from Thomann though I've just saw a BC Rich Mockingbird there. Might have to pass on a couple of things. Then again next months pretty much booked through so maybe not. Roll on 25th for a " Dispatched Text Message"
  24. I ordered the HB BZ 4000 NT a couple of weeks back. [attachment=168892:339370.jpg] Doesn't come back in stock till the 25th and I'm off working for a month on the 30th Cutting things fine again. No way I could handle one of those 7 stringers, had a bash on my Shine 6 earlier shouldn't have bothered. No idea what to do with it. Thanks for the Lasse link
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