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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. Was it not Hondo who put DiMarzios their basses as standard. I know they did one in a similar shape then moved to Korea and got Samick to build them.
  2. The pictures they show are the "D" they stamp on them for decoration. My Jazz bass has one on the body and one on the neck, must be a measure to stop folk pulling a fast one and swapping bits then selling them as B-stock. They do seem cheap compared to Gear4Music and in better shape too. Still fingers crossed jewey
  3. That is going to be amazing when finished. Hell it looks amazing just now.
  4. I bought a Jazz 75 a while back and the only fault was a few sharp frets. Maybe because of this it's not "Playable out the Box" so because it needed a little work they can't sell it as an instrument.I think the definition is " Fit for Purpose " Don't know how you would return something not fit to hang on the wall though,maybe the marked ones sell as B-stock and the ones with QC faults go as decoration only. Would that cover them regards the return policy AT ? Oh Jewey hope yours arrives in good nick and just needs a wee tweek
  5. I like it. The Curbow I have has it so It wasn't a surprise. I don't really concern myself about those kinds of things, After most of the crap I've played over the years a hard-wearing fret board is a bonus. The selling points for me were mainly it hit a lot of things I like. Natural finish and thru neck being the 1 st. Balance was important and it hangs well,not overly heavy sure there's lighter basses but I wouldn't use my 28" Mikro to gig with.I'm also about 50/50 with satin and gloss necks so again that wasn't a problem. The EQ works well and is quiet with good range of tones. With the other HB's being well built I was confident this one would be the same and It was.Any small marks in the finish wouldn't bother me but I never found any. Then there was the price,it's an awful lot of bass and thankfully I never had any set up issues.Had to file the nut on the Cirrus not on the BZ. Though I leaning heavy towards the Peaveys just now the BZ really is a fine bass.The last few Peaveys are more P basses so that's the tone for me just now but the BZ and the Grind are always close to hand. Think that about covers it but ask away anything that comes to mind. Great band BTW and what a busy 2015 you have ahead. Hopefully I'll make the O2 in Glasgow.
  6. Sure thing sprocketflup. It does from the 3rd to the 24th. Have it in front of me right now so a good time for any questions.
  7. There's enough of us up here Cammy with them. Shouldn't be a problem trying one.
  8. Pete that's a cracker. Real shame about the G bass V but if you got the refund no harm done and it let you get the Millennium. I can't quite get my head around Peavey UK's pricing unless they're thinking like a certain other company " It's MIA let's add another £500 ". My 5 Peavey MIA's didn't cost more than £600 when totaled.The B-Ninety was $66,the Peavey case it shipped in should have cost more than that.If they halved their prices it might be a different story. No AT I'm not bidding on the T 40. FEND3R contacted me a while back about his bass and I was interested so I was committed when the T 40 came up for auction.that and after the last fiasco with couriers I'd need to travel to Chelmsford. Be interesting to see what it goes for though.
  9. Good to hear that Pete Partial to the Millennium necks myself. I wonder what you'd make of the G bass? the necks were made by Modulus. Where'd you find the Millennium ? Is there's a secret stash up here
  10. You sure it's not a Milestone III ? If it is be careful that bass was the start of Peaveys taking over my house. Great wee bass, can't recommend any mods though, I've still to change the strings.
  11. Looks great, bet it plays and sounds great too. All round winner you got there wingnut.
  12. Sorry Geek99 There'll be no more Peaveys Well at least until I get the T-40 built
  13. It just has AT. FEND3R's T-40 LaCabronita was too good to miss.
  14. Seeing as I've the 4 string version I'll agree these Bentons are fantastic value. If you look around and see what little you'll get for £180 it's a steal. Good luck with the sale. Shouldn't take long.
  15. My job takes me to England sometimes so I'll keep checking the website.
  16. Forgot to update the Interparcel experience from last month. Another disaster,when you book collection times it doesn't tell you they've to be 5 hours apart so you get kicked back to change the times,only they reset the date too. Didn't see that one, so another wasted day for the seller.Then his shifts changed and he no longer was available,his landlord stepped up to the plate and London taxi drivers had a go slow day so the courier missed the collection time again.Luckily the landlord was just leaving when he did turn up. Ebay Global Shipping is another joke. I had a bass sitting in Erlanger,KY for a week unscanned,no labels or customs checked then it turned up yesterday.Tracking said it was still in America yesterday morning.
  17. I'm forgetting the vintage Fender logo. How stupid of me. Putting the big F logo always adds £500
  18. There's one on ebay in Melton Mowbray just now. Only instrument on sellers list rest is clothes. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mark-Hoppus-Signature-Bass-Surf-Green-/161464999114?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2598105cca Seller has quite a high rating though. Good luck bud
  19. £300 guitar check £40 neck check £40 bridge check £70 pickup check £1000 for a pre amp ? Must be missing something important.
  20. Looks like a great weekend. Shame I'll miss it. Have a good one.
  21. Quite similar alyctes Bit more sculpting on the body and a 3 band EQ but that's a mod. Better keep the Northern Peavey Paradise news from your Peaveys.
  22. Well not quite an explosion. Before venturing to England for a few weeks I was lucky enough to be the winning bidder on a B-Ninety with Seymours. So off I go and the seller tells me shipping's delayed as prices to box it are too high,then he goes off on business and can't find the receipt. A week pass and he's back with the receipt but it's stuck in Erlanger.No further info other than delivered there.Now I don't want to start a case as it's not his fault,ebay's global shipping thing is meant to take care of everything. But then today with no warning it was delivered, by Yodel of all things. No signatures or anything. Who cares,this quite pretty,well played bass arrived. Plenty dinks here and there and a crack over the control cavity which might explain why the jack has been moved. And this thing Growls. It also brings the Peavey count to 13 which sounds a good number to stop at.I know there's FEND3R's one for sale just now so this might not be the end. [attachment=174982:Peavey B 90 (2).jpg] Any questions feel free to ask folks.
  23. Here's the link. http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/bass-guitar-hayman-40-40-/1086358356#
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