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Everything posted by Number6

  1. Paradiddles with a metronome..... Can be done with the sticks, or the bass drum and hi-hat or all together
  2. Roto are a top company and i love their nickel round 66s.
  3. Imho just use the bass forever then in 40 years time it will be reliced 👍.
  4. Never had any problems with Alphas tbh.....
  5. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461527720' post='3035477'] Back then??? That was last month for the te and 2013 for the carlsbro haha [/quote] I used to like my Carlsbro but it was very heavy.
  6. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461524169' post='3035427'] I've had both and the carlsbro was boring as hell with a horrible drone the TE was just horrid but loud and would probably cut through anything. In a way the more my equipment gets better the more time I spend worrying about how I sound rather than playing! [/quote] Exactly my point.....we're spoilt nowadays.....back then you had no choice
  7. Aah i remember the days when most people just had a Carlsbro combo for the mere mortals and a Trace for those that imagined themselves immortals.....
  8. Went to see Hawkwind at Islington Town Hall Friday.....WOW took me back 30 years, they we're awesome. Bass duties have been taken over by a former roadie Haz who is a great bassist. Dibs on vocals and Niall Hone on Keys, Richard Chadwick on the skins.....Dave Brock still singing and space rocking. Loved it!
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1460891794' post='3029528'] The Epiphone Jack Casady signature is a good example of signature bass done right IMO: Jack used to play the Gibson Les Paul Signature bass (upon which the JC Sig is based), Jack had direct involvement in the development (the pickup design for instance) and perhaps most crucially of all, he actually plays his signature bass live and in a professional capacity to this day - straight from the factory, "no ringers" as he puts it. [/quote] This is also the case with the Epi Allen Woody "Rumblekat" although Allen unfortunately never got much time to roadtest it. The quality and affordability of both these basses is exceptional imho.
  10. Watching it again i think he's completely off his face.....
  11. So a bassplayer is given the oportunity of playing a very high profile tune on a very high profile event and he plays sh*te like that! Hahahahahaha unbelieveable really Bassdom should feel let down. P.S i'm not a Flea fan i might add.
  12. I doubt many people still use a Zoom B2 in live situations but i do. I use it for the Acoustic 360 sound which gives a good middy but mild overdrive. In my band which is a 3 piece it seems to help the bass cut through.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460551030' post='3026705'] Yes, but just in case there's anyone who hasn't seen them... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/275912-nbd-limelight-dakota-red-precision-bass-1963-audio/ [/quote] That is a cool looking bass! Love it
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460550582' post='3026696'] My Limelight P looks best and I prefer it for gigging. That's what I bought it for. [/quote] Have you posted pics of that one M?
  15. There are many BC'ers that have a few basses but which ones do you prefer to gig with? I really love gigging with my Mex Precision which is set up fairly low with Roto nickels roundwounds and played with a foam mute at the bridge. I just really dig the sound of it and it is a really comfortable bass to play. I know Mex's get a bad rap sometimes but mine was definitely built on a day when the workforce were happy My second gigging bass is maybe a little more surprising an Epiphone Rumblekat "Allen Woody" Sig. This shortscale is just so comfortable and the neck is really quick and the shorty low down thump is really cool. I have other nice basses. A Yamaha 5 string, a nice Fame JB made in Gdansk by Mayones but i always consider the P and Epi first. So what are your #1 #2 or whatever # choices for gigging or go to basses?
  16. I did hear that Page said he never heard the song/band until 2014.....even though they toured together in the 70s. Man that was some good $h1£
  17. Thank you new owner 👍 you probably saved me from a very acrimonious divorce 👍 😉
  18. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1460304265' post='3024492'] That seems the perfect general purpose back-up bass for me. PM'd. [/quote] Phew 👍
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460302481' post='3024472'] Ah, go on! You know you want to! [/quote] Yes M, and that is the problem..... P.S. Willpower is weakening.....😮
  20. I really need someone to buy this because i can get to Camden in about half hour from my gaff.....😨
  21. Yep.....all of the above 😮
  22. Clearly modern amps are wimps.....real amps were created in the 70s and 80s
  23. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1460030322' post='3021900'] I acknowledged that advice in post number 6. [/quote] Eh.....post Number 6 👌 😉
  24. I seem to remember my guitarists both had 100watt Laney stacks too.....which looked very cool but again back breaking. I think what i'm trying to say is sod all that nowadays!
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