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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='31081' date='Jul 13 2007, 08:38 AM']There are a series of free concerts going on this month at The Scoop, an ampitheatre right next to City Hall on the south bank. Friday evenings feature an awesome soul/funk band made up of session musicians called The Allstars. I'm going there with a colleague tonight - anyone else interested? We'll be having a cheeky wine or three while we're there![/quote] Oooooo I like! - Already going to a gig tonight but I see The Allstars are doing their thing at The Scoop again on 27th July - I'll be there. Hamster
  2. Hamster


    [quote name='Darcy' post='30883' date='Jul 12 2007, 08:08 PM']Finally first band practice (thank god got the first booked gig 8th September). Set list is coming together a bit quirky classic pop songs ROCKED up, Guitarist wants to play The Wondermints version of Knowing Me Knowing You by Abba (sorry is that swearing??) So muggings here said OK but I am working from now until Sat PM and I am meant to know it Sun Am....Any tab out there I cant find it, spent 5 mins listening to the track and got the oepning but I havnt got the time HELP and thank you[/quote] Darcy - I have the tab of Abba's version if that helps - it's fairly accurate. I don't have the Wondermints version. Hamster
  3. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='30975' date='Jul 12 2007, 10:38 PM']What on earth is going on with this? It's not exactly cheap either! Sorry if someones already posted it and I missed it.[/quote] I'm sure someone lloves it - but not me [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Hamster
  4. [quote name='merchant' post='30799' date='Jul 12 2007, 04:46 PM']I've finally got round to getting on board basschat, I was Tommy.S on bass talk and whatever else it was called before then. I play double bass, having stopped playing bass guitar 3 or so years ago after damaging my hearing. I now only play entirely acoustically and pretty much only with my band merchant (hence my user name) which is a dark post-rock/post classical group leaning towards the noise and free improv scenes, consisting of drums doublebass clarinet and occaisional additions of guest instruments> details: myspace.com/merchanttrio Cheers Thomas[/quote] Hi Thomas and welcome back!, only a few changes here - all for the better. Hamster
  5. [quote name='gafbass02' post='30754' date='Jul 12 2007, 03:20 PM']I am in love with that bass but cant afford it, but, if you gave it to me imagine that nice warm feeling you'd get, its nice to do nice things![/quote] If you read that using Borat's voice it takes on a whole new meaning!
  6. [quote name='beerdragon' post='30657' date='Jul 12 2007, 12:05 PM']Or here, [url="http://www.smallwonder-music.co.uk/shop/"]http://www.smallwonder-music.co.uk/shop/[/url][/quote] That's a great site!
  7. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='30609' date='Jul 12 2007, 10:38 AM']Not a rumour out soon with a street price of $209 defo before Christmas I think[/quote] Sweet! - and with the exchange rate being in our favour that's a deffo stocking filler
  8. [quote name='therealting' post='30572' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:23 AM']One of the fingerboard markers on my OLP MM3 has fallen out, leaving a hole where it used to be! Does anyone know where I can get another? Or any other suggestions, such as filling it with clay, or acrylic, or minced beef?[/quote] How about here? [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axefret.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axefret.htm[/url] Hamster
  9. [quote name='ARGH' post='30162' date='Jul 11 2007, 09:39 AM']Any tips to stave off the cravings?[/quote] First of all make up a simple bass riff that you want to play on it, and then hum it all the time - D would be a good key. Hum the bass riff to everyone you meet and ask them if they know it. You can then make abstract drawings of it and pin them around your house. Then you can progress to making a scale model out of it with mashed potato. Then build a full scale model of it in your front room by ripping apart the rest of your furniture and salvaging the wood. You should then visualise the bass on top of a mountain which you have to climb whilst being chased by security guards and helicopters. This should all make the long weeks and months fly by - I think someone even made a film about it Hamster
  10. Simon - added, cheers. Steve & umcoo - do you want to score your recommendations? Hamster
  11. [quote name='frank' post='30508' date='Jul 11 2007, 11:57 PM']Its my internet security software, i uninstalled it and hey presto ! it was out of date anyway. It was norton internet security 3.0 and it was fairly slow, so ive got a trial version of intego virus barrier x4 just installed it so no idea what its like is antivirus software on the mac just overkill, what are the rest of you mac people using some advice would be greatfully accepted but keep it simple please feeling kinda naked now or is it just paranoid[/quote] I know nothing about Mac OS, but I know that Norton is rubbish - dump it now, and find a free download antivirus and firewall for Mac OS. Hamster
  12. Hamster


    [quote name='sub6' post='30419' date='Jul 11 2007, 08:12 PM']I live in Newcastle upon tyne, or if you are familiar with the area, Wallsend which is closer to the coast.[/quote] Nope - it's all outer space to me up there! - do you play 'black' gospel stuff like Donald Lawrence, Sounds of Blackness & The Winans? - Some of that can get very funky. Hamster
  13. Hamster


    [quote name='sub6' post='30411' date='Jul 11 2007, 07:50 PM']Hi, pleased I have found a decent site to check out @ last. Have been playing bass for quite a while now whilst mostly in gospel bands I do manage to break out into the real world. My main bass is an Overwater deluxe 6 which I had made last year & is what I have wanted for so long. I also have a cort artisan a6 fretless & my old faithful Washburn force 8 which is from 1983 & has reflex red actives. I also have an iamp500 wizzy combo, eden d210xst, eden d410xlt and a wt1205 head for the bigger gigs.[/quote] Hi and welcome sub6! Glad you found us, what part of the UK are you based in? Hamster
  14. [quote name='kevbass' post='30353' date='Jul 11 2007, 05:15 PM']This is feckin gorgeous! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-75-VINTAGE-JAZZ-BASS-ASH-GREAT-TONE_W0QQitemZ260135125530QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-75-VINTAGE-JA...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Sooooo many basses, sooooooo little money [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Hamster
  15. [quote name='frank' post='29429' date='Jul 9 2007, 11:13 PM']im fairly stoneage when it comes to this sort of thing.havent a clue how to get a screen shot can i just hit it with something fairly large[/quote] Ummmmmmmmmmm, so if I said "empty the cache, then try reloading the page" you would......................? Hamster
  16. [quote name='Toasted' post='30054' date='Jul 10 2007, 11:21 PM']R: 10 (amazing selection of vintage and boutique gear) P: 6 (very expensive, IMO) S: 8 (Helpful + attentive)[/quote] Added
  17. [quote name='binky_bass' post='28334' date='Jul 7 2007, 04:05 PM']hey guys, If your listing your stuff on ebay, stay the hell away from the following ebayer... hortonfishery carscostco mpk610p anyone whos knows the username of a ebay scammer post it here, we'll get a list together of who to avoid, should make us all a little safer. Cheers, Russ.[/quote] Then the real people who use these accounts aren't scammers - just victims of scams themselves, and who now presumably have their accounts back in their own hands? Hamster
  18. [quote name='machinehead' post='28717' date='Jul 8 2007, 07:14 PM']After watching Glasto and that global warming gig yesterday I started to wonder why it seems to be that the bass player is the least filmed in a band. Frank[/quote] IMHO it goes back a few years to a then young man whose on-camera charisma, coupled with his pyrotechnic riffs and manic gyrations forever sealed the fate of the on-camera bass player to the realms of "never again will we waste the film." Hamster
  19. [quote name='Toasted' post='29845' date='Jul 10 2007, 04:28 PM']I've always enjoyed Vintage and Rare when I've gone in. It suffers a bit from the "old/sage" musicians stood around the counter, but if you can get over that then it's cool.[/quote] How do you rate the range, prices and service? Hamster
  20. Hamster


    Hi David and welcome to BassChat It sounds like you've adapted to playing the bass quite quickly! You made an excellent choice with the Yamaha bass. Enjoy your time here Hamster
  21. Cheers chaps - 2 more added. My brother lives in Exeter so I'll pop into Mansons next time I'm down there. Hamster
  22. Watched some Steely Dan on one of the MTV channels the other night. They've done some excellent grooves over the years, like Kid Charlemagne Josie Peg Any other Steely Dan fans? Hamster
  23. [quote name='graemecohen' post='29037' date='Jul 9 2007, 12:35 PM']Hi everyone, I'm sort of new to the forum, I tried to register on the old bassworld forums about 10 times and it never worked, but I bought a black Fender jazz off one of the members, he lived in Hove and was called Pablo or something like that I think; in other words I'm fairly familiar with the forum. Anyways I'm called Graeme and I'm 19, I'm a student at Lancaster University but at the moment I'm at my parent's house near Durham. As for gear, at the moment I have a Musicman Sterling, a US Jazz and a Peavey fury VI. I run them through an Ampeg 1x15 cab which is juiced by a Gallien Krueger 700rb head, but I've also got a saucy old Gallien 200MB. I've been playing since I was 13, I've been in a few different bands and have enjoyed every minute so far. I'll be selling a fair chunk of my gear as I'm going to Australia soon and I need to raise funds!! Nice to see a good bass community on the go, hello to everyone. Graeme[/quote] Hi and welcome Graeme! I'm sure you'll have luck selling some bits and pieces on the forum - don't sell all of it thought, you'll regret it Hamster
  24. [quote name='mgauction' post='29538' date='Jul 10 2007, 06:09 AM']Greeting from across the pond in the deep desert Arizona state! First time post here. Was part of the old Bassworld and enjoyed that site also. Looking forward to meeting some great UK members. The focal point of my collection are my Wal basses.[/quote] Hi and Welcome! Always nice to see a friend across the sea Hamster
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