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Everything posted by dub_junkie

  1. mods can you move this to the right forum? man what an Rse I am lol
  2. lifted off my candy apple red Sterling (replaced with a fetching mop one) some light scratches £10 posted? Paypal/cheque/PO all ok DJ
  3. odd looking bass crazy BIN [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vester-Argus-Bass-Rare_W0QQitemZ190151295472QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vester-Argus-Bass-Ra...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I like the look of the vester thumb copy on here and thought I'd see if there were anylike it on the bay. apart from that german seller's one that has been up a couple of years,this was the only other vester cheers DJ
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  6. dub_junkie


    do the holiday park season for practice - 2 x 45 minute sets,which is half that of a wedding set and the crowd is the same mix of age groups as yer average wedding and from my own experience you need about 80/90 songs in your repertoire to do a 40/50 song wedding set list DJ
  7. 2 x Mackie SR1530 3 way active (powered) PA speakers 500w each speaker (300w + 100w + 100w) I am the original owner and they've been used out half a dozen times. I've no need for them now as my band leader's got a very nice Nexo rig.the speakers are in excellent condition and are basically sat doing nothing in my house the last year add a Mackie CFX/VLZ mixer and you got yourself a loud and great sounding rig without the hassles of power amps and X-overs and the like. I'm looking for only £600 the pair or will trade for a fairly high end bass (MM,G&L,Fender,Lakland,Warwick etc WHY?) Original retail was around £1500 the pair and I got them in a special from Sound control 18 months ago for a grand Speakers can be collected from Kilmarnock in Ayrshire or will deliver to the borders for around £25 will not send via courier etc as they're very big and bleedin' heavy buggers cheers DJ
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  9. thats a really lovely L2K. the same bass was sold a couple of weeks back on ebay DJ
  10. because they're the height of cool DJ
  11. HI there the professor was actually made in the same building as the Stingrays,sterlings and bongos. they were not made elsewhere as in G&L TRibutes or Lakland Skylines, just thought I'd mention that if you want to change your listing DJ
  12. I had a Tune Bass Maniac around 15 years ago.It was a great sounding and playing instrument..I had to get rid of it tho cos it was bubblegum pink! DJ
  13. [quote name='jacko' post='52760' date='Aug 30 2007, 01:16 PM']Can't understand why anyone would pay a premium for an instrument that looks like someone has knocked the sh*t out of it. pristine and shiny for me I'm afraid.[/quote] +1 DJ
  14. [quote name='Shaggy' post='51745' date='Aug 28 2007, 02:04 PM']Are the maple boards on EB MM's lacquered or oiled? Lacquered board on my Sabre still pristine after nearly 30 years. IMHO you can't beat maple on any Fender-derived bass aesthetically, never noticed any tone difference except on fretless (when it has to be ebony).[/quote] gunstock oil and wax.
  15. just bought a Yamaha NE-1 parametic EQ off Si/McDaddy. dead easy fella to deal with,took the paypal hit and got my magic box to me quickly. highly recommended! DJ
  16. I keep checking out Nitrotone's stock on ebay.They have a few real nice looking tribute JB2s and SB2s. $60 shipping to the UK makes them all the more alluring btw your Tribute L2K looks great. DJ
  17. two great looking G&L's outrageous vfm DJ
  18. lush ASAT one of the (if not[b] the[/b]) best looking I've yet clapped eyes on. DJ
  19. Hi, if you can be swayed away from a Boss unit,my Zoom MRS802 (20GB HD and CD Writer) just went up on ebay this evening [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Zoom-MRS802-8-track-recorder-CD-writer_W0QQitemZ220139939263QQihZ012QQcategoryZ15199QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Zoom-MRS802-8-track-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] cheers DJ
  20. Sibob,the gold one I got from geddy's nose back in March of this year for £550 and with the cash difference against my Bongo the hollowbody worked out the same.I dont ever see them for sale with retailers here,maybe someone else here knows who sells them in the UK. I do keep an eye on ebay and a company called Nitrotone Music in the states,who do the odd G&L blowout deal.Buffalo bros are another US retailer who move quite a few G&Ls.I got my Legacy 6 stringer from them. tonewise maybe another ASAT or L2K/L2500 owner can chime in and describe them better.to me they're G&L and just different from most out there. big and bold and most definetely versatile I'd say and Si,I've no plans to move on the gold one.I've grown very very fond of this bass since I got it from you.It earns its keep. cheers DJ
  21. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='43623' date='Aug 10 2007, 09:24 AM']Was it you with that ASAT perchance?[/quote] nope,he's no doubt waiting till he can proudly show it off DJ
  22. Sibob, The two sound further apart acoustically than they do plugged in, the MFD pickups and the electronics are the same on both Lots of different tones from them both,and its fairly easy with a couple of switch throws to jump from one usable tone to another. In a band setting they cut through much better than my musicman and sound bigger too. I prefer the sound of these basses and the L2000s to any other I've heard. They dont balance the greatest but if you play with the neck angled up a bit when standing then its fine. I just love the look,vibe,tone and aura of these basses.imo they are pretty special DJ
  23. 2001 ASAT semi hollow in cherryburst.I took this in part ex for my Bongo.both parties are happy not a mark on the ASAT. will be A/B ing it later against my regular solid bodied ASAT.in the interim here are the pics cheers DJ
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