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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. This was mine in the past and is an excellent example of the breed. And Jim's a great guy to deal with, Bump...
  2. Dance the night away...........yes I really do have to play it...........honest.
  3. [quote name='markbo32' post='794607' date='Apr 2 2010, 08:13 PM']I'm really looking to trade this, because i donated my amp and another of my basses to a friend who had his stolen ................[/quote]
  4. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='791829' date='Mar 31 2010, 01:07 PM']There are two Overwater perceptions in the for sale forum hovering about the £600 mark and no-ones buying - so who would buy a 'copy' at £800. Thru neck one went on evilBay at 'only' £900 recently (2.5k new) Not sure what I'm trying to say here. BB[/quote] I take that as part and parcel of the 'custom' build scenario. I know that Perceptions (unless they have been 'specified' by a buyer) aren't customs in the true sense but I've always felt that small builder's output always loses a little more % wise when sold on second hand (cf. the RRP) than similarly priced Musicmans or Fenders. I guess there are exceptions (Status maybe?). One of the Perceptions you refer to above (ie my old Deluxe F'less) had an RRP of about £1600, but I've seen them go new from dealers at about the £950-1000 mark. I bought this bass last year used and sold on at about the same so once the 'new loss' has gone they hold value just fine.
  5. Great guy to deal with - easy transaction considering I made the logistics more difficult than they should have been! Also, because my 14 year old cantankerous border collie was whinging and watching MP's every move as if he was a terrorist I didn't even get chance to make him a cuppa Yorkshire tea - I owe you one Rich. Enjoy the overwater!!!
  6. [quote name='farmer61' post='793197' date='Apr 1 2010, 12:34 PM']IMO second hand American, quality and price all rolled up in one!!!![/quote] +1. You should pick up a decent S1 MIA Jazz for around £5-600 off this very forum if you wait a little while. I don't think there's any major difference sonically or build quality wise to MIJ but it should be easy to move on and you won't lose money on it should you fall out of love. MIM - I've found vary a bit more so unless you want to restrict your spend to £3-350.....
  7. My 2006 (and the 2005 it replaced) were bang on the 41.3mm (same as a 'modern' Fender P AFAIK - certainly felt that way against the 2004 S1 I had)). My older 1990 felt a little thicker than this but that might just be the vagaries of time interfering with my memory.....
  8. Thanks for all those who expressed an interest in this bass. It is soon to be on it's way to Wales where I'm sure it will be well loved.
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='792071' date='Mar 31 2010, 03:57 PM']Somewhere between frets 6 and 9 on the G (on pretty much every Stingray I've ever played), somewhere around fret 4 on the E if you're really unlucky. Often they're not really noticable until you plug in an effect that relies on sustain to do its job (octavers, harmonisers, envelope following effects too to some extent) and then suddenly they're the most annoying things in the universe.[/quote] Noticed a nasty one on a Sterling I once tried (5th on the G) but nothing significant on my current Ray or the one that it replaced. If you need (near) perfection then it has to be graphite! Anyway, back to the topic, I tried that Ray in Electro - not the best one I tried IMHO but with a bit of tweaking and if it could be brought dopwn to £700-750, then......
  10. My God, Sterling's invented the ASAT bass.......
  11. That's tempting Art. Thing is I fear I'd like having a 2 band fretted around so much I'd not get around to defretting it LOL Must resist......
  12. Having a bit of a logistical nightmare with this one becasue I haven't got a suitable HSC and don't have quick access to one. I could have traded or sold it 5 times over if I had..........c'est la vie. Tell you what - I'll deliver/meet up within 20 miles of Rotherham/Sheffield or Scunthorpe keep the price at £625 if that is any use to anyone. Artisan - if yours is a rosewood board i'd happily get it defretted ;-)
  13. Firstly no comments about the looks - it's a personal thing, you're considering one so you must like it. IMHO, comparing 4H to 4H. Pros: Vast array of sounds, well balanced, nice properly finished neck, reasonable weight Cons: Complicated (knob wise - I found it took some fiddling with), stupid headstock design that inevitably gets wacked, doesn't have the 'personaility' of a stingray (that's a personal; thing I guess)
  14. Thanks for the flattering comment G. As you say a really nice bass, just wish it was for me
  15. I seem to be stuggling to find an 'easily accesible' trade deal, so this is still up for a trade or, if you're able to collect - £625 collected!!!!
  16. [quote name='evoman' post='789394' date='Mar 29 2010, 02:09 PM']Are these just in the usual dot positions (e.g., 3rd, fifth etc) or do they mark all fret positions?[/quote] Yup, normal positions plus first fret.
  17. Think you've got me confused with someone else OW1, but thanks for the bump. Not enough strings?.........I struggle with 4! Cheers, Mart
  18. Cheers M, nice of you to say so. Not the cheapest fretless out there but it is a goodun .......
  19. Nice abalone dots positioned on the fret - as it should be
  20. Hi Ash, well it could help to loosen the rod slightly which should cure the problem (couple of 1/4 turns with 15-30minutes inbetween to let settle). But, if the action was ok before the fall it might be worth letting a techie take a look as soon as you can just to check that the neck is still seated ok.
  21. [quote name='tom1946' post='788179' date='Mar 27 2010, 08:19 PM']Sounds like you already have a buyer in Rotherham? Stunning bass, GLWTS.[/quote] It's not me. The wife would have my danglies...
  22. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='785717' date='Mar 25 2010, 12:30 PM']Oh! thank ye kindly Yeah anything with 24 frets or lines is dandy - I'm loving the whole fretless with lines on ebony thing at the moment, if it had the extra line it'd be going nowhere. All trades considered although I do have something in particular that i'm after directly after its sale! Green is definately the new black and this has both on it to make sure.[/quote] Well, keep my OW in mind if it falls through, this would fit nicely in my current set up, Cheers, Mart
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