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Everything posted by timmo

  1. timmo

    obbm's feedback

    Bought a 3 metre cable. Ordered Thursday, arrived Tuesday. Can`t expect better service for a made to order service. Good comms throughout. The cable looks a lot more robust than the Fender one it is replacing. Thanks Gavin
  2. timmo

    Bit of a dilemma

    The one thing that stops me getting the Clover, is i don`t like sunburst
  3. Why should they have to justify what bass they buy? You have already said that it was just a clickbait topic.
  4. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441496736' post='2859358'] If one does have a nice Fender, what's wrong with somebody asking why they didn't opt for the Squier? Perhaps it does serve their purposes just as well, so is therefore also a relevant option. What is it about that question that has got everyone's knickers in a twist? [/quote]Absolutely nothing is wrong with a Squier. Absolutely nothing wrong with a USA Fender. Absolutely nothing wrong with a suit from George (asda), and nothing wrong with Ted Baker (insert any brand you like). That is why i feel this topic is a bit pointless. If someone says that they just like the build quality and reliability of a Fender bass, over a Squire, it seems to never satisfy you. Maybe that is why you perceive that people have their knickers in a twist.
  5. This has got to be the most pointless topic i have ever seen, and by god has there been some pointless ones. I just don`t understand it. Asking what the point of expensive kit is, which differs, because some people only have a few hundred pounds, and others have thousands. If i buy a £1000 bass, i would say that is expensive. Others might think that £500 is too much, where the other side of the scale, £5000 is acceptable. When people offer their views, it just seems that if you have a made in USA Fender, you are a snob because a Squire would do the job just as well. I hope that some people have never watched Metillica at Glastonbury, because they would be outraged with Robert Trujillo swapping basses every 2 songs or so.
  6. timmo

    Bit of a dilemma

    The Sandberg does look nice. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/sandberg_california_tm4_supreme_cr_left.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...eme_cr_left.htm[/url] Looking at it, it looks very similar to the Clover. I know Jazz basses mostly follow the same Fender style, but it almost looks like they are from the same factory. [attachment=200057:7851567_800.jpg] [attachment=200058:LHJazztop590.jpg]
  7. Sid Vicious. He was a non bass player, but not sure if he loved playing it
  8. I have some money burning in my bank so i was wanting a Jazz bass, as i don`t own one. I can`t make up my mind between a [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_am_std_2012_j_bass_rw_3ts_lh.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...s_rw_3ts_lh.htm[/url] or a [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Clover_Ap_H4_LH_3TSB.html"]http://www.bassdirec...H4_LH_3TSB.html[/url] , I didn`t really want to go over a grand, but so many people go on about Fenders, i just wonder if it would be worth going over the grand for one. Anyone got any thoughts on it. I guess the Fender will sell easier, and not lose a lot of the value compared to the Clover, but not too worried as i never sell anything i own. Or perhaps other suggestions in that price bracket. I have tried the Clover and liked the neck, but chiose the Avenger instead. I knew nothing about basses when i bought it, but just liked the name and style of the Avenger.
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441313907' post='2857922'] I find this "I sound great, therefore I play better" attitude quite hard to understand. [/quote] Most people wouldn`t know if you are playing a Jazz or Precision bass, so why not just have a Squire Jazz and be done with it, as no one would ever need anything different. I can totally get why people like spending thousands on a bass. If it makes them happy then why not. That is what making music is all about. It makes absolutely no difference if you get it or not, if you are happy playing a Squire. Nothing wrong with that either.
  10. I bought the most expensive bass i could afford when i started, because i know that i will keep learning to play to the best of my ability. If i had spent £300 on all the gear, i would give up fairly easily, compared to if i lay out a large chunk of cash on any thing that takes time to learn. Probably not the best bass for the money, but i like it, and that is all that counts for me. As for business sense on spending £2000 on a guitar. It is something you will be playing in your spare time and takes up a lot of your leisure time, so why not treat yourself to the best you can afford
  11. Personally i think a good bass teacher is invaluable. I went to a guitar/bass teacher for a year. He moved away from the area, and i found a bass only player. I have learned more from him in 6 weeks than i did in a year. Saying that, there are plenty of bass players that seem to be able to learn on thier own. I found i was just learning bits i wanted, and the bits i didn`t, i left. With a teacher, you need to be able to do everything you have been taught the previous lessons, otherwise you get lost. Plus an internnet teacher, or book can`t tell you that you have bad technique or doing something wrong.
  12. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1441105337' post='2856022'] Its actually quite scary, you don't need anything but campaign funds and the ability to get people to vote for you, and KW is loaded and popular. [/quote]Even KW hasn`t got enough money to fund a campaign on his own. Obama and his team raised a billion dollars to spend on the election. It is just a publicity stunt for the clown anyway
  13. I guess a lot depends on what type of music you like. I liked brit pop when i was younger, and always thought Bivouac - Tuber was under rated. Still like it today. I suppose if you didn`t like brit pop you would hate it.
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1440240004' post='2849263'] Only a fool bids before the last 15 seconds of an eBay auction. [/quote]I occassionaly put in an early bid, but i am a fool
  15. Yup, there aren`t many lefty specific questions.It does come in handy occasionally though
  16. Excellent playing. I saw the Selene video, but it left me cold. The rest are the same really. Still excellent, but not my thing really.
  17. Micheal Manrig is a new one for me. Which of his work is the best to listen too?
  18. Renegades of Funk. Awesome song. Morrello does hardly anything on it, but the bass cuts right through the song. A classic example of less is more i reckon. https://youtu.be/K626gMvu2ds
  19. Jolene and higher and higher, while good songs are not that challenging on any instrument. Perhaps you should select something a lot more challenging, and see how good they are on their respective instruments.
  20. I can`t really see anything wrong with the Ad. If anyone reads the description and thinks they are getting a Warwick, then they can only blame themselves.He even says he has no idea of the make of the bass.
  21. I suppose the only way you would understand why people play left handed is if right handed people try playing a bass left handed, and realise how difficult it is.That is how l feel about playing right handed. It just doesn`t feel right, or comfortable. I do find it weird that i write with my right hand, but with a rifle i am left handed, and kick a football with my left foot.
  22. I am naturally right handed, but had to switch to the left. Sometimes it is good as there are not as many basses , so choosing one is slightly easier
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