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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1460586264' post='3027154'] It's what [url="https://sugru.com/"]Sugru[/url] was invented for... [/quote] Now that does look useful, and affordable!
  2. I find the title of this thread 'I just hacked off my ears with a rusty bread knife' to be insensitive and offensive. No one should ever neglect a bread knife to the extent that it becomes rusty.
  3. I like the way my Ashdown ABM 500 looks, the illuminated VU meter looks good and the whole thing looks chunky and reliable (which it is). I also appreciate that it is a perfect fit on top of my Barefaced Super Twin cab, nothing looks worse than an amp hanging over the edges of the cab like a fat girl wearing tight jeans.
  4. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1460560853' post='3026832'] There are also rubber picks called Wedgies that have an almost fingerstyle sound to them... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Musical-Instruments-Wedgie-Rubber-Pick-Pack-3-1mm/dp/B0002Z2CZY"]http://www.amazon.co...m/dp/B0002Z2CZY[/url] [/quote] After playing finger style for so many years, I really like the bit and clarity of a pick, I'm just not used to using one!
  5. I have been experimenting with thickening them up with blue tack, this not as messy as it sounds, and has the advantage of moulding itself to my thumb and finger as well making it less likely to fall if my grip fails for a moment.
  6. I think my US standard Precision has played most of my gigs in the last few years, with the mexican classic 60 Jazz a close second. All my basses are set up the same, factory spec relief, action and pick up heights, all D'Addario nickel rounds, 50-105 on the Precisions and 45-105 on the Jazzes. I think my new US standard Jazz will be making a strong bid to become my most played bass this year, though.
  7. It's amazing what there is out there, I had no idea could be so much variety in picks. Thanks for the links, the common denominator seems to be that they are all much thicker than the things I'm using. I can feel another trip to the music shop coming on!
  8. Thanks, dood, some very interesting looking picks there, fairly eye watering prices though! I'll continue to experiment as my hand is still changing as it heals, but it is slowing down and I will be left with permanent injury there.
  9. Cheers, that's what I am doing, but the index finger grip isn't as good as it was. Looking forward to seeing the hand physic, my regular physic really rates her
  10. 2nd finger is the one that's f*cked, index finger has the best grip. I tried a few other picks but decided the 351 shape is my best bet at the moment. From the specialist told me yesterday, this is something I'm going to have to learn to live with. I've been referred to a hand specialist physio at the Nuffield, so hopefully they'll help me make the most of what the accident has left me with. Next gig is just over a week away, no pressure then!
  11. Visited PMT in Oxford today and they had thumb picks in stock, unfortunately, the angle they sit at on the thumb and the limited mobility of my index finger mean I can't use them. I was there after visiting the hospital where I was told they can't recommend a tendon graft at the moment due to damage to my wrist, so I'm stuck with what I can use at the moment.
  12. [quote name='Lardy' timestamp='1460238495' post='3024016'] FinnDave - I enjoyed that! Easier to follow than the very 'busy' version of Crossroads that I've got (hmm, Stanford-in-the-Vale. I seem to remember getting stopped there one night by the police on the way back from a Hawkwind concert...). [/quote] Great minds, etc, I'm seeing Hawkwind in about two weeks!
  13. Here's my band's simplified version of Crossroads https://www.lemonrock.com/thewirebirds?page=mp3s (scroll down, it;s the last track) which might help.
  14. Even better when the singer (as one I worked with did) not only completely disregards the set list, but insists on doing songs that we have already done, and then asks the audience 'have we done so and so?' and when they say yes, she would then tell them to f*ck off! And that was a proper pro, though i did wonder about her having a large glass of wine in each hand
  15. It's not just us bassists who do that, our guitarist often announces a song and then plays the intro to a different one. The trick is not to join in until he's finished the intro, as he might play the one he called, or the one he started!
  16. [quote name='cachao' timestamp='1460209164' post='3023659'] If you are very local (which I think you are), I can give you a lift, Dave. [/quote] Thanks for the offer. I'm in Standlake, got a lift from Al, our guitarist, last time as he comes through here on the way from Swindon, and as you know, we usually go there together. He's up this way the Friday before that as we have a gig here in the village.
  17. That's it, Dancing in the Moonlight!
  18. Yep, that's Mark, he was at Fat Lils a couple of weeks ago, we had a local bass players meet with Simon as well.
  19. Good stuff, I'll post on here nearer the time as a reminder. I reckon it'll be Sunday 24th.
  20. old rubbish is still rubbish, even if it's old.
  21. See you there end of the month, then (if I can get a lift, still medically unfit to drive )
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460136235' post='3023026'] Do you always play your sets in the same order? I prefer to find an order that works and stick to it, but our singer insists on mixing it up for every gig. He will also announce songs that aren't on the list - and unbelievably he will even announce songs that I don't bloody know... [/quote] Yep, same here. The set lists tend to be a list of what we might play, but not in particular order. We also tend to add songs which in some cases none of us know.
  23. There's every chance we have been there at the same time, I go at least every other month, had a bit of a break due to my bike accident, but played there 10 days ago. I'm a scruffy looking bugger with long dark hair and an untidy beard, bit like my avatar! Usually go there with Al, my band's guitarist, big guy, dark.
  24. I know Mark who used to be with the Mighty Cadillacs, he is also a member here but I'll let him join in if he wants to rather than naming him and forcing him in Driving Sideways is Mike Crisp's band, and he is a good blues harpist and singer, so probably the same band.
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