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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. I have ACS pro plugs and had a little trouble with fit when I first got them. I live about 30 miles or so from ACS so took them back and the boss of the company carefully adjusted them to fit, and I have used them every time I have played with the band (and when I ride my bike) for the last two and half years. They do have very good customer care, I'd get on the phone to them.
  2. I used to shop in A1. Hope it wasn't you that sold me that Guild 301 in the late 70s!
  3. Sorry about our harp man, he really needs a smaller valve combo but refuse to believe that his modded Fender Bassman combo is too loud even at the lowest volume settings. In fact we have taken to telling him to turn it down before he even gets it out of the car!! He told me he'd been in touch with you but decided he didn't need it. Doh!
  4. FinnDave


    Cheers, but I've ordered the Alesis one now, I don't think I'll be using it for anything more than mucking about with my synth at home.
  5. FinnDave


    [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1462884018' post='3046596'] I have one and it works fine with garageband on the macbook When you boot up garageband it asks you which device you want to use for recording and playback and the core 1 becomes the default device. I'm sure there are a plethora of other options, I'm no expert, but I'm using the core 1 for the exact same purpose you want it for and it works for me [/quote] That's good enough for me!
  6. FinnDave


    I shall now invoke another infallible law of Basschat, having ordered an [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Alesis core 1 there will now be an avalanche of posts telling me what a load of carp it is![/font][/color]
  7. FinnDave


    [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1462881459' post='3046539'] This is basschat... The answer to any question you can ask is "buy more gear" ... [/quote] Ain't that the truth!
  8. FinnDave


    Thanks, I should have guessed I'd need more kit!
  9. FinnDave


    I recently bought a MacBook pro, and it comes with GarageBand installed. So far, I have not able to do anything with it! I tried recording a rehearsal using the same program on my phone, but nothing came out, recorded another session with my Yamaha Pocket tracks, managed to get it onto the Mac, but can only listen to it using iTunes, GarageBand won't import it for editing. Now I am trying to use GB to record my synth (Korg MS-20 mini). There is no audio input jack to the macbook, so I am using the USB out from the synth into the computer, and downloaded the relevant driver, and still nothing. Short of using the mac's built in mic and recording the sound from an amp, what can this software actually do? Is it in fact a pile of junk, in which case, what would be the best recording program to get on my mac?
  10. The Wirebirds was a start-up band when I joined, we played our first gig after 3 rehearsals and have played over 100 in the 3 years since we got together.
  11. Good to see a few mentions of Hawkwind in this thread, but I'd like to add their new album 'The Machine Stops', based on an E.M. Forster short story from 1909. They played it in full on their recent tour and it was the best they've been for many years.
  12. [quote name='MrDaveTheBass' timestamp='1462356416' post='3042284'] Now, because it's so easy to pitch-shift and quantize every note until it's 'perfect', it's the equivalent of mashing all your different Playdoh colours together into one homogenized, sh1t-brown lump. [/quote] Which is exactly what the few bits of modern music I've been subjected sound like.
  13. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1462506243' post='3043603'] Didn't 'Hello good evening and welcome' give it away Dave? [/quote] I probably wasn't paying attention, I was the only person left in the office for some reason, and trying to keep people away from distracting our 'star' (Clive James), who was sleeping in the next room.
  14. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1462480601' post='3043477'] As ever one persons "famous" is the next mans "who?", I wouldn't know most of the people named in this thread before/during/googling/after meeting them, lol. [/quote] Such is the fickle nature of 'fame'.
  15. The first time I met Jenny Haan (Babe Ruth band & early 70s pin-up) she was standing in my kitchen and I had no idea who she was. She was working as a carer and just then my mother-in-law shopping. We were talking about music and it slowly (very slowly) dawned on me that when she said she liked singing, she didn't mean in the bath. I think it was when she told me she'd be appearing at Summer Fest in Milwaukee that year that I started to wonder who she was. She ended up singing with my band for 18 months or so, and I have heard her repeat her side of that meeting in several radio interviews. And not a musician, but...some 25 years ago I picked up the phone at work and found myself talking to a familiar voice I couldn't put my finger on. After a good 10 ten minutes of to-ing and fro-ing, he said 'do you know who I am?' and then told me...David Frost.
  16. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1462294280' post='3041872'] [url="https://flic.kr/p/FBFMGn"][/url] For me it has to be black. Here's my latest one, it started life with a white guard but to me, looks so much better now. [/quote] I need one like that, it'll match my Jazz bass! [attachment=218508:20160331_172906_resized.jpg
  17. Good ideas, KB, I'll give them a try when I can get to my workbench, currently reorganising everything upstairs and my room seems to be where everything is getting dumped! LD - you gave me a stubby pick last week and I meant to try it at rehearsal but completely forgot! I'll try it next week.
  18. LD, I think I showed you the pick I am currently using, but basically I start off with 4 gibson 352 shapes punched out of .75mm plastic card (credit card). Two are glued to together, then the other two have about 1/4" cut off the the tip and the remainder is glued to each side of the 1.5mm composite. I then glue 400 grade wet & dry to these 'thickeners'. I got through the last gig (set one about 55 mins, set two about 75 mins) without any serious pick problems, though I did need a few painkillers to make it to the end.
  19. Because I can't use my fingers after an accident. I like the sound of bass played with a pick, but prefer (preferred) the feel of using fingers.
  20. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1462134562' post='3040575'] I quit a fake band. It had a website, a facebook site, a twitter site, mystery 'band members' (in fact so it had so many 'band members' that I never got to see all of them in the same room together) and it never gigged. It never rehearsed either, which is irritating when you're paying a standing order, every month for 2 years, for a rehearsal room nobody ever rehearses in. [/quote] TWO YEARS??? I'd have been out after a month.
  21. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1462117400' post='3040383'] Hey FinnDave, that's cool. Do it ! That bassline is well worthy of knowing it's story....... LD [/quote] I'll ask him when I see him again (bearing in mind that Maggie May has been the source of some bitterness over the year!).
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