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Everything posted by Duarte

  1. Check on the EBMM forum. I believe there is a blue dawn bongo on there for sale. They have proper enthusiasts there, with proper musicman basses. Check it out.
  2. After searching around for a while I don't seem to be able to find one. How much would a reasonable price for such a bass be? I'm just GASing for a great jazz bass. Does anyone know about these 80s 'change-over' 60s reissue models?
  3. Ive been interested in these for a while...how good are they?
  4. My jap P bass is of awesome quality. I sold my mex very soon after I bought it.
  5. You're makin me want one and all! The Bongo is fantastic. The ray is classic - which is why I like them, just classics looks and sound with great playability.
  6. £175 is an excellent price for a classic bass. I'd pay £300 quite happily, too.
  7. There are loads though Theres the DOD fx25, Qtron, Chunk agent 00funk, moog low pass filter (those are my favorites besides the mu-tron) and whichever multi-unit you could get, the envelope sounds will suck compared to the stompboxes. And yes, higgie is selling a mu-tron that I would have bought if I had £350. Good price I reckon, with the power supply an all!
  8. I've got a horriffic westfield bass lying around somewhere. It's f***ed
  9. I've got brian eno's old 4 track recorder. It doesn't work though!
  10. I've got a little super mario hanging off the head of my Stingray. That's about it...
  11. Assembled in USA, USA parts (although different to the US standard, better bridges but lesser tuners) and the finish is applied in mexico. Very, very nice sounding basses. Although I'm not a fan of the greasebucket tone control, as I don't see the point in rolling off treble without adding a bit of bass, it sounds no different and you dont get the awesome fingerstyle sound you should get.
  12. Stomp by the Brothers Johnson. Classic tune!
  13. I do know someone with perfect pitch, and it is literally incredible. If you played him a guitar chord (any, obscure chord) he will tell it to you immediatley. Tell him a note to sing and he'll do it (we checked with a tuner) and if I get him to tune my bass, it's more accurate than anything I've ever known. And if you want to see a FANTASTIC video example of someone singing what they are playing go here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF0C36OvoT4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF0C36OvoT4[/url] the bass solo, where he sings it starts at 3:13.
  14. I used some standard wall insulation on mine (a wooden shed) and it is quite good, but you'll need more than just that. I have a couple of big rolls of it left if you want some. I find the biggest problem with a wooden shed is leaks. Mine had mushrooms growing iout of the carpet, right next to my brothers £2000 drumkit and my stingray. Not good. Waterproof aswell as soundproof! Oh and you'll want some kind of electric heater that you can keep turned on. It will get cold in there without it.
  15. I'm not really a fan of violin basses (dunno why) but those other two are sexy! You need to get a nice amp to really be able to appreciate them!
  16. Duarte

    Synth pedals

    EHX XO MicroSynth = Excellent. Chunk = more excellent but more money (a lot more) Or Moog?
  17. Duarte


    Those keyboard basslines are awesome too! Welcome!
  18. Are there any others apart from the Qtron+ and meatball? I cant afford the meatball, and I have a Qtron. I want to run the Qtron through an FX loop on another envelope filter... That would be sweet.
  19. The string alignment looks fine to me, and my ray actually looks a bit like that. The sound quality shouldn't be affected. I'm not sure how you would adjust it, but it would LOOK nicer if it aligned perfectly. I'm sure someone else will chime in...
  20. I think you should get a better preamp than the olp though... Looks like a suave project, coming on well!
  21. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='272703' date='Aug 29 2008, 05:00 PM']Ideally trade for something fretless but as i've said, anything considered. Will also consider trades on amps/cabs.[/quote] Oh you dirty copycat!
  22. Dont swap man, the natural is sweet. I'll have that off you if you dont want it! Oh and gareth, LOVE that fretless! Me want.
  23. I thought fuzz sounds very good through the loop, much better than just putting it after. On the EHX website they run ametal muff through it, and it sounds win.
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