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Everything posted by Duarte

  1. Yes, anything is possible - not sure about how much postage would cost. I will get a 'quote' atsome point in the near future. And KERMITNT, this bass will be reserved for you first if you want it for sure.
  2. The stingray 5 is generally regarded as a very good 5 string, you can't really go wrong with it.
  3. I really like it too, but I do LOVE the bongo's looks. I don't see how anyone doesn't like it. It won't be that expensive, surely that is wrong. I mean, no mass produced bass can be THAT expensive? And it will sound incredible.
  4. [quote name='tonewheelkev' post='468979' date='Apr 21 2009, 08:10 PM']....wouldn't last five minutes, what with my Ron and his big fingers.... [/quote] That was always one of my favorites! Beautiful bass, shame I have my heart set on bongos.
  5. If you like...you buy! Is that not how it works?
  6. Dead spots are always inevitable on bolt on necks, it's the nature of it. Although Music Man are very good at avoiding that. Both mine are awesome, and each one I've tried has been awesome, which is why they're my favorite.
  7. I havn't actually posted it for sale there as of yet. Firstly, stuff from the UK never sells there as they are mostly all based in the USA. Secondly, I think they will try and tell me otherwise - especially as I make such a fuss about how good this bass is over there.
  8. Thanks for all the compliments guys, now some one buy it!
  9. Yeah, I've always wanted a status neck for this one. It's a goodun that's for sure. Although, I am moving on. I have done the stingray thing and want to own a bongo (altough the fretless stingray will stay put...I'm loving that as an option to have around) If it doesn't go for my asking price it wont go at all. And Sam, I would just save money, but as it stands I don't have a job and rarely get my EMA as I bunk quite a lot, and I've spent the best part of £700 purely on gigs this year. Not to mention my holiday.
  10. I believe the unkown one is 'copperhead' or something to that effect.
  11. Oh you're not... What fiver you looking for?
  12. hehehe. Seriously, it looks so much better in person!
  13. Hey guys this is back up. I recently got a Bongo and realised how f***ing epic they are. The stingray you see here must either become a bongo or be traded for one.... So here is my great stingray 4, the best finish I've ever seen and a great playing and sounding instrument (if you're into this kind of sound!) Honestly I can't see myself using it since the bongo arrived. Neither can I see mnyself using the P bass, so that will go too. I only have these pictures I I've got no camera atm. I can get more if required Come on...any bongo owners out there...there's gotta be.
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  15. I played one the other day...it was ok. I looked at the price tag and it said £1250. I then looked at where it was made...and it said Made In Mexico, so I left the shop.
  16. You're gassing for that monster? How? I've played an old (very very old) one in a local music shop, and it just sounded and played awful. Really, really bad. It is probably different to the newer ones (which are almost certainly better) but I can't stress enough how hideous it was in terms of sound, playability, and of course looks. Although it does look pretty cool. But I like bongos...
  17. And each have different preamps...sterling has one to compliment the ceramic, stingray one to compliment the alnico. SR5s changed over time.
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