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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1360885' date='Sep 3 2011, 12:36 PM']Does everyone here [b]have a camera running AND record into their computers at the same time[/b] or are the mics on cameras good enough these days?[/quote] That'd be the way to do it.
  2. I've never posted a vid of myself playing. This thread has made me want to do something now - maybe a Jamiroquai cover...? Might get some time tomorrow evening to get the camera out.
  3. [quote name='Dubs' post='1360873' date='Sep 3 2011, 12:25 PM']yeah I'll bid as well... [/quote] Yes!! Highest bidder
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1360018' date='Sep 2 2011, 03:57 PM']I just think there is a big difference to a potential bass player. If I was actually looking for a fully formed band that just needed a bass player I'd be a bit narked to find that it's just another singer/songwriter who reckons they've got it. Thinking you're the next big thing is a piece of piss, actually getting a decent working band together is much more difficult.[/quote] Seems like you're getting your knickers in a twist over nothing.
  5. I used to get a great passive Warwick/Trace sound. I'd probably use my SSI a lot more if it was more compatible with the setup I've created for my passive Jazz - just reacts totally differently to effects and the levels, even the tone/timbre don't mix well. Weirdly, I could never get a sound I was happy with from a Warwick bass through a Warwick amp
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1356548' date='Aug 30 2011, 05:12 PM']There have been at least 4 different guitarists and 2 drummers too, not the same 4 members at all.[/quote] So you think they don't have, or have ever had, a distinctive sound as a band at all? The BSSM era wasn't a distinctive sound? Califiornication doesn't have a distinctive sound as an album? Chad Smith and John Frusciante don't have distinctive sounds as individual musicians?
  7. [quote name='dc2009' post='1356030' date='Aug 30 2011, 10:35 AM']The red hot chilli peppers have a whole range of different instrument styles (all four of them, including the vocals here) on most of their albums, all played by the same guys. Flea will slap or fingerstyle or pick all in the same album, guitar tracks like Cabron, Under The Bridge and Fortune Faded all have a completely different feel to them, the drums and vocals etc are similar. So don't chuck RHCP into a bunch of sh1t (IMO) bands! (One exception)[/quote] You're talking about songs across different albums, different decades. Even so, they have a very distinctive sound.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1355672' date='Aug 29 2011, 08:46 PM']If I wanted to hear 13 tracks all using the same gear setup in the same way played by the same people Id by a Justin Beiber album or something [/quote] Or Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rolling Stones, Pendulum, Prodigy, The Pixies, Oasis, Guns N' Roses, The Beatles (to a certain extent)... just off the top of my head. Is it really that much of a bad thing?
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1355601' date='Aug 29 2011, 07:48 PM']IMO songs by a band sound as though they are by the same band because of the song writing not because of the individual instrument sounds.[/quote] I'd say it's a lot closer to being 50/50, just in my experience though.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1355508' date='Aug 29 2011, 06:25 PM']Why not? With my producer's hat on I'm always listening to what all the instruments are doing and adjusting my bass sound to suit. IMO the song is always king. To ignore what the song calls for and simply use "your sound" is as bad as the guitarist that plays too loud and inappropriately and is quite rightly slagged off.[/quote] Subtle differences maybe, but from experience I know there'd be issues if I went into the studio with my band to record an album or EP and I was making significant changes to the sound of my bass for each song. If everyone done that for each song then it wouldn't sit well as a finished piece of work and would just sound like a 'collection' of songs, if you get what I mean. Seems like it's a lot of fuss over nothing when in a band situation. I'd go prepared knowing how to get a really good bass sound ('my sound') and possibly adjust it slightly [b]if[/b] the song required it. The most distinctive features of a band can be how the individual muscians' sounds work together, album after album with little change to the actual sound of the instruments. As an individual session working on individual songs, maybe with different bands/artists, then consideration for the sound of your bass is very important, however, changing it for the sake of changing it can be an issue to get hung up on for no reason and distract you from actually playing what the song needs. In reality I'd probably have a listen to what's going on, get a rough sound that I think works for the song, but ultimately leave it up to the producer to fuss over it whilst I get on laying down some epic groove So to reiterate, a good musician tailors their sound to suit the song to a certain extent.
  11. Not sure I'd have the materials to box it up either - I'll have a look.
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1355210' date='Aug 29 2011, 01:31 PM']A good musician tailors their sound to suit the song and what the other (good) musicians are doing.[/quote] To a certain extent, but not massively.
  13. [quote name='pickle' post='1355191' date='Aug 29 2011, 01:04 PM']any chance of shipping, ill cover cost obviously[/quote] Sorry mate - if I could fit it in my bag and drop it into the post office whilst I'm cycling to/from work then it would be a different story.
  14. [quote name='Johnston' post='1352119' date='Aug 26 2011, 10:29 AM']Hi- Jacked account[/quote] "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
  15. Think it's this one - [url="http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=5372-4617"]http://www.spider-engineering.co.uk/music/...sp?id=5372-4617[/url] It's a bit knackered and cheap - fairly flimsy. Anyone who can collect from Portsmouth is welcome to it. If there's no interest in a week then I'll skip it.
  16. Sounds is quite important to me, which is why it annoys the sh*t out of me when my drummer takes all the mid out of my bass and boosts the 30hz - 60hz region when he's mixing our recordings. A couple of the latest are heinous crimes against clarity and definition...
  17. The active/passive thing just depends on whether you're happy lugging around a separate amp to power it. Personally I'd only consider active, just for the convenience of a portable monitor. If it was for a permanent installation then passive would probably be the way to go with the specific amps you want to use off stage etc... Really just depends on your usage. I'm assuming that it's for vocals only? In my experience Wharfedale do some very good quality monitors at reasonable prices. Peavey are also ok if you're on a slightly tighter budget.
  18. $100, really?! Bass players are mugs
  19. [quote name='obbm' post='1349361' date='Aug 23 2011, 07:53 PM']In that case John, shouldn't you change your username to "warwickfound"? [/quote] It wouldn't have the same ring to it
  20. You weren't joking, that is big! I think the only way to sell it would be to split it. Not sure you'd find a buyer for the lot. Good luck with the sale though, it looks like a proper trouser flapper!
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