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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. The heads change but the cab remains the same... I'm on a winner with the L410 and the Orange Terror Bass. Had this setup for about 18 months now and it's the happiest I think I've ever been with my sound.
  2. Looks like a very simple switch - must be a very easy DIY if you're handy with a soldering iron.
  3. [quote name='Finbar' timestamp='1316816002' post='1383434'] Haven't had pedal GAS in such a long time :/ Something's wrong with me. [/quote] I'm about to go (almost) pedal free - this week, I shall be mostly using a Volume pedal, Tuner, Sansamp and compressor... [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/gloucestershire/voices2005/images/jesse_lead_203x152.jpg"][/url]
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1316788260' post='1382950'] Headphones! [/quote] Plus the 1. If you're looking for an amp upgrade anyway then make sure you buy something with a headphone output. Something like the Genz Benz Shuttle 3 sounds like it could work for you - they come up at really good prices on here and have a decent headphone output. As you say, technique probably has an element to play in this as well. Either way, it's probably not going to be the Stingray that you're having problems with tone-wise.
  5. Dubs


    The UL310 is a solid single lightweight cab solution. You can't really go wrong if you find one circa £400 - bargain IMO. You'll laugh the first time you pick it up going from your Trace 4x10...
  6. Dubs


    Hi Andy, impressive background! Welcome to the forum.
  7. There's a time and place for everything. If it works then do it, if it doesn't then don't push it. It can be tempting to use nice effects just because they're there... In our set of about 30-35 covers there is only 1 song that requires very subtle overdrive, and that's the chorus of [i]Somebody Told Me[/i] by The Killers, and it's very subtle at that but it does really lift that section. Any more wouldn't work, and any less it would feel a bit empty. It's about finding the balance. I used to use a lot of effects for originals stuff but I hardly use any at the moment; thinking of selling up effects-wise to be honest!
  8. [quote]Do you play all your basses?[/quote] Nope. I only ever use 2 (out of 4) - my Tanglewood acoustic in the house, and my FrankenShukerJazz for everything electric I have a couple of nice Warwicks that I've not played for almost a year - can't bear to part with them for the silly money that some are going for at the moment.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' post='1373276' date='Sep 14 2011, 02:32 PM']Good work! Can't think of anything else to add that hasn't been said already... I'd perhaps up the bass a wee bit, but then I tend to do that with [i]everything[/i] out of sheer bass-bias, so probably best ignoring that idea Keep 'em coming.[/quote] Ha, yeah I'm the same. I've learnt to live with this mix and it's actually really growing on me. I've put up a couple of our other songs that are my favourites - [url="http://soundcloud.com/switchtransmission"]http://soundcloud.com/switchtransmission[/url]
  10. [quote name='Basszilla' post='1369448' date='Sep 11 2011, 02:35 PM']Cracking song that. Well done! Mix is great for me at this end.[/quote] Cheers mate
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1367987' date='Sep 9 2011, 07:35 PM']I liked it. If I had to offer any critical points, it would be to echo those already made. Not sure so much about upping the actual levels of the bass, but maybe eq it slightly different, to up the audibility/presence. Likewise with the drum/cymbal sounds - possibly look at dropping some frequencies, create a bit more space within them, which hopefully would bring both bass and guitar more to the forefront (but not too much mind).[/quote] This is more along the lines of what I was thinking. A little bit more mid should bring the bass out a lot more. The snare would probably be less of an issue then, I don't know, I've not been involved in any of the post stage of this track. It's a difficult one - I feel like I'm too closely involved to make an impartial judgement, however, it is the drummer who's created the mix... He does a great job though, much better than I could do, and I'm not criticising him at all, just that he's not coming to it from a totally neutral perspective.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='1367660' date='Sep 9 2011, 02:09 PM']Good mix. Bang on for the genre really. Hypercritically it doesnt really have a big lift for the chorus, but thats the arrangement rather than the mix I think. The guitars/bass could have a tad more definition, but again its right for the genre so thats me applying what I prefer to hear over what fits maybe.[/quote] Cheers for the input. The more I listen to it the less I have issues with it. The first time I listened to it I thought the snare and kick were way too high in the mix and I couldn't really hear any definition of some of my bass parts (because I know what I should be able to hear!), but having listened through it another 4 or 5 times I think it's much less of an issue than I thought.
  13. Just after some neutral opinions of this mix. I didn't do it, but there are a few issues I have with it and I just want to know if it's me being hyper-sensitive to it or they're genuine things that should be sorted out. Cheers! [url="http://soundcloud.com/switchtransmission/stb-final-master-10pm-edit-mp3"]http://soundcloud.com/switchtransmission/s...r-10pm-edit-mp3[/url]
  14. That looks great! These run so cool that you could probably seal the box and it'd be fine.
  15. This just made me laugh - It doesn't matter what it is or how high the quality is or who is using it, the vast majority of Ferrari branded merch looks so tacky.
  16. The 7151 Bass case looks great.
  17. [quote name='Toasted' post='1365241' date='Sep 7 2011, 01:18 PM']I believe his name was Lukeward2004... and judging by his profile he still has the bass.[/quote] I met up for a trade with him and he spoke really highly of his LX5. I'd be surprised if he'd got rid of it.
  18. At £130 I'd be tempted to buy it and re-finish in black
  19. Looks really nice in that colour - is that the 'Antique Tobacco' finish? Good luck with the sale.
  20. Jap Crap... Hondo? But not too bad, just not being honest about it. Doesn't seem too far off the mark at £350. "pictures are included and everything works, but the original bridge pickup just needs to be mounted."
  21. I told him I live local and would like some more info...
  22. I bid up to £4, it's getting a bit rich for my replica wallet. As Mr Bannatyne would say, "I'm ooout..."
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