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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. It is only really when you concatenate a number of digital devices that you notice the difference. However in a live situation, it really does not cause a problem at 5 or even 8mS. That equates to lower than one cycle at low C. Two cycles at an octave above. As you mention, put in a digital mixer (2mS) then a modeller and it is starting to get a bit more serious. Many of those cheap plug and play models are 15mS or more. In addition we have found that one of the ones our guitarist has swamps the WiFi signal to our digital mixer causing a loss of control.
  2. You can set it to a lower setting and all those mentioned above have a much longer propogation delay. I have been using a Smoothound for twoyears and never noticed a problem.
  3. Funkle, I am looking at whether the amp could be easily retrofitted to the cab although it would be easier to do it as the cabinet is assembled Moonbassalpha Yes we are looking at a bi-amped system with DSP but not until after we have the amplified passive crossover done.
  4. Many of you wil have followed the Basschat 1x12 Cabinet threads over the last few years with sterling work from Phil Starr and Stevie. The latest version has been compared favourably with boutique cabs such as Fearless. The MK2 cabinet design is just about complete and with the availability of a flat packed cabinet kit, has attracted a lot of attention. The cabinet has a Full Range Flat Response but many people like the idea of an active FRFR with the amplifier built in. This thread will follow the development of the active version. Initially we will add pre-amp and power amp to the exiting passive design. Unlike FRFR PA speakers the circuitry, the inputs will be limited to those needed by us bass players. Maybe, if there is interest, a fully active system will be considered. The current spec is: The current thought is for the following facilities. Balanced line input, XLR with sensitivity of 0dBm(0.775V). Balanced line output for DI or to feed a second cabinet. Jack input instrument level/high impedance.* Speakon output to passive cab. Fixed HPF tuned to the driver/cabinet combination. Actual Frequency and filter order TBC. (Added 4/05/19) Volume control. ICEPower 125ASX2** or 700AS1 power module. (Added 4/05/19) **The 125ASX2 wil output over 280W into this cabinet at 1% THD+N more than enough to power this and one other BC1x12 and is easier to obtain. However the 700AS1 is an even better module but much harder to get. (Added 4/05/19) Apart from the mechanical differences the electrical interface is almost the same.. I do not intend to put any EQ on the unit as that would be a combo.
  5. It has long been true that many electronic circuits are cheaper to replace than repair. Manufacturing and testing is done by relatively low cost labour, whereas fault finding is often carried out by highly paid people using expensive equipment. TVs etc have been repaired by panel/PCB replacement for years and ironically may of the older ones used similar technology to Class D amps. The ASX range from ICEPOWER has been around for some years ( 10 I would guess) and are likely to be around for longer. The problem with the trace stuff is that many of the components are now obsolete so they also are becoming irreparable. Oh and of course there are very free valve manufacturers left. Those that are still going are using machines over 50 years old and when they fail, or valve amps are deemed to be the cause of global warming ( not really a joke) then those factories will close.
  6. The Markbass 12 I HR I heard the other day sounded like poo. The speaker looked like it had baby pop all over it. Seriously though the baked in sound on that cab was really not to my taste but you may like it. There are enough Markbass uses out there to suggest that I might be wrong.........nah.
  7. From memory the BLX80 was 80 watts into 8 ohms and I believe the internal speaker was disconnected when an extension is plugged in. The BLX130 was the same basic combo but within a bigger amp that could drive another speaker and there was one in the Trace range. Can you take a look at the back and post a photo?
  8. Stevie of this parish has a flatpack CNC 1x12 cabinet that you could use without a tweeter. It suits most of the modern 12" high excursion drivers and without the tweeter and crossover would come in at sub 13Kg. It is a nice easy build and you can see the prototype being assembled by clicking the picture below. Check the FAQ on page 22, after the pictures of the cab being assembled. He was looking fo ten buyers and has got them but may be persuaded to add to the order. If is really nice as is and Phil Star has been gigging with his cabs without tweeters for about 3 years.
  9. The 121 has am exaggerated bottom end and would benefit from reduction in bass.
  10. Not silly at all. After tests Stevie rotated the Horn in the Basschat 1x12 as it gave the player more mids when standing in front of it. Maybe I will bring one along if I have a working one by then.
  11. All good to hear. To be fair I was hoping for some shining examples of customer service from distributors too.
  12. I see a lot of posts about problems with amps. Where the manufacturer is based outside the UK, the support is sometimes less than ideal. I have had fantastic support from both Ashdown and Marshall ( I assume their support of Eden is good too). So how good are Blackstar, Orange and Matamp? Are there any distributors in the UK that are worthy of note?
  13. Firstly price is no indication of quality/ reliability. O the fan issue many fans/cooling systems detect fan rotation so if the fan stops it may shut down. Where are you based? Post a picture of the fan and I will see if a good replacement is easily available,
  14. I fitted the round handle on mine a few months ago and it is great, really easy to carry. Of course Stevie has the lighter Faital Pro driver in his but even with the heavier Beyma in mine is quite light and easy to carry.
  15. For anyone thinking of building a cab without a tweeter, Stevie has designed a full ,size (50L) flat pack cabinet. You can just block the tweeter hole with a bit of wood and you have and excellent tweeterless 1x12. Click on the thing below to see the assembly.
  16. I have had a response fro Hypex and they will only supply if I am a Limited Company. So it looks like ICEpower for now. I have ordered some for the pre-amp but I think maybe we should start a new thread. What do others think?
  17. One of the main reasons for this thread was to get a great cabinet. Cost was not an issue and the selection of drivers was to give the best performance. Hypex make excellent modules and DSP is a great tool for modifying the response of audio systems however the hypex mo
  18. I look after the PA at the local football club, Poole Town. We used a radio mic in the free Channel 70 (863-865 MHz) for years. We found that with the advent of 4G and we got lots of interference. We changed to a Channel 38 system (licence cost £12 per year) and have had no problem since. My Smoothound has never had a problem wherever I have played. Incidentally part of the 5GHz band was originally exclusively allocated to Digital Radio mics. However manufacturers were incredibly short sighted and did not use it. The result is that the band was reallocated and you can now use it for WiFi.
  19. My initial though was for an 700AS1 from ICEpower. Capable of 350 into 8R, 700 into 4R and 1000 into 2.7R. This assumes use of the crossover that Stevie has designed. Later on you can hang another ICEpower module on and have a fully active system using either DSP or an analogue Linwitz-Riley crossover. However I have contacted Hypex and will look at their offerings as part of the exercise.
  20. It uses the 250ASX2 module. Capable of outputting over 500W into both 4 and 8 ohms. Whether Aguilar have limited the output due to it being in a tiny box I don’t know. They did have heat problems in the early ones and had to add an extra fan.
  21. The 12.2 has Garoua DSP settings ( baked in EQ if you like). The boost between 60-100Hz is probably when used on a pole where there is no help from the floor. The floor adds 3-6dB in the low end depending on who you ask. If you leave it set to that setting, when floor mounted, it may be too boomy.
  22. It is isd not LSD-but there is a learning curve and it will mess with your head.
  23. The TH500 uses the ICEPower 250ASX2 in Bridge mode. Gives 500w into 4 or 8 ohms. Sadly it is £266 from the UK distributor. You have three choices, fit a new 259ASX2 module, scrap the amp or fit a 125ASX2 module. The difference is 250 into 8R and 500w into 4R. If you are running 4 ohm rig, you will not notice the difference but obviously it is half wattage into 8 ohms. You could probably get a 125ASX2 fitted for about £160. I have a spare 125ASX2 module if you need one.
  24. I do have TS parameters fir some of the older Fane Classic range of speakers but looking at them makes you realise that speakers have come some way since then.
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