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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. [quote name='Lew-Bass' timestamp='1376503815' post='2175142'] Whether sarcastic anticipation or not, I think this could prove useful to people! I would add but I personally don't have much of a definite idea myself, which is what gave me the idea for this thread [/quote] No sarcasm intended, but to quote the late great Frank Zappa: [b]Talking about music is like fishing about architecture[/b].
  2. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1376503779' post='2175140'] [s]P/J configurations -- they never seem to be like either.[/s] [s]Foderas. Owned one-- sold it. Nice and solid feeling but zero tone, even with 3 pu changes and a pre-amp change. They also look dorky.[/s] Yeah, white pickguards look cheap. [s]Every Warwick I've ever played felt stiff to me.[/s] [s]Sadowsky's. Good basses but I just can't justify the price.[/s] [s]Most effects pedals -- they just compromise the original signal too much.[/s] [s]Aquilla heads. They have 20 knobs that don't do anything.[/s] [s]SWR heads. No way are they the wattage they claim.[/s] Light rosewood fingerboards. They just bug me. Rosewood should be a deep dark brown. 20, 22 or 24 frets. 21 is perfect. [s]Thunderbirds. Good luck finding one that's balanced.[/s] [s]Synthetic fingerboards are fine but synthetic necks feel like plastic.[/s] Headless -- of course. Fiesta Red -- It looks like the color of a toy to me. Maple finish -- except with Rics, in which icase it's my favorite Ric color. Go figure. [s]Acoustic bass guitars. You can''t hear them from 2 feet away and once they're amped they sound like an electric, but not as good.[/s] Electric uprights -- neither fish nor fowl. [s]Obvious splits in the body wood grain. Yuck.[/s] Lakelands -- for some reason I'm never drawn to play one. 18" speakers -- slow response and muddy. Vintage Modified -- any way you slice it, they're cheap basses. The CV however are outstanding. They're not in the same league. [s]Boutique Ibanez's -- the SR is a great bass for $500. The Prestige is the same bass for $1500.00[/s] Ultra fancy finishes. It looks like you're trying too hard. That's off the top of my head. I'm sure I can think of more . Give me time. [/quote] Too rational. Fixed!
  3. Most of my 'irrational' dislikes are in fact rational ones e.g. P/J basses (I can't be bothered to explain...) However: Korean-made Japanese-brand modern designs with ultra-slim bodies/necks and active electronics - they could be brilliant, but I'm sorry I won't be giving them the chance to prove it - now [i]that's[/i] irrational!
  4. Seems a bit over the top to me, did he really have to go into such microscopic detail?
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1376419381' post='2173737'] Have you tried the Heavy Duty Velcro? You'd need to be giving the pedals a serious kick-in to get them to budge. [/quote] +1. IMO most people who have had issues with Velcro have in fact come a cropper on one of the following points: 1. Normal Velcro is rubbish. You need the heavy duty stuff that sells for about £10 a roll. Cover the whole base of the pedal for maximum grip. 2. Velcro will not stick properly to rubber. You have to either peel off the rubber from the pedal's metal base plate and stick the Velcro to that, or loosen the screws and tuck the ends of the Velcro under it before tightening the screws again. 3. If you need to remove or re-position a pedal, work a credit card between the hook side and the loop side to prise them apart, otherwise you risk pulling the Velcro off the pedal and/or board. If you have a standard size pedal, or don't want to mess with a vintage unit, you can get a rubber pedal boot to fit. The boot screws to your pedal board (use cup washers) and the pedal squeezes into the boot.
  6. Unfortunately (or indeed fortunately) I already have a gig that night. All the best to the dep who does this one!
  7. [quote name='shippo' timestamp='1376419144' post='2173728'] More than Wedding prices? Bar prices (where you still have to take your own PA etc)? [/quote] Sorry that wasn't very clear! Prices are relative to a normal Saturday night in a social club, and yes we would be taking our own PA.
  8. I don't usually charge more unless it's Christmas Eve (at least double), Boxing Day (ditto) or New Year (at least triple).
  9. I'm glad you like the sound after a couple of weeks as I've just installed a set and they are pretty bright for flats! Personally I don't mind the tension - it's very [i]manly[/i].
  10. You can, but you'd be better off just taping up the unused plugs so that they don't short out on earthed parts. Better still, find a rubber cap that you can cover them up with. The caps used to cover up the ends of lengths of cable sold in Wickes will work for this!
  11. Can I suggest forgetting the chorus? To my ear it rarely does any favours to an acoustic guitar - unless you can get a fast vibey sound. However, a bass overdrive with a mix control would give you the option of a dirty 'layer' under/alongside the clean sound. Delay is also a worthwhile candidate. I would go for the TC Flashback Delay, as one compact unit gives you everything from clean digital repeats for rhythmic tricks, to murky analog for spooky ambience, plus the tape echo simulation is to die for.
  12. [quote name='Stickman' timestamp='1376066910' post='2169336'] Really? I'm surprised as I find the opposite to be true - i.e. floating thumb gives me consistent sounding notes across all strings as it enables me to pluck each string in exactly the same way, using the exact same part of my fingertip, due to the fact that my hand stays in the same shape. [/quote] I second that. [quote name='mikekaperys' timestamp='1376067696' post='2169352'] I'm really quite a heavy-handed player... [/quote] ...and I'm not! Could that be it?
  13. Put me down for this too! TC amps and BF cabs are already well represented, so I will just bring basses - G&L L1505 and Yamaha BB400S fretless. If anyone else is coming from Swindon (or passing M4 Jn16 on the way) you are welcome to share a lift and split fuel costs - there is loads of room in my car, can accommodate a full-size DB no problem.
  14. I haven't updated since Snow Leopard. Don't feel like I'm missing out!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376256710' post='2171506'] Maybe - I didn't bother to find out what the postage cost is! [/quote] Small orders are £3.50 + VAT = £4.20!
  16. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1376304020' post='2171809'] I tend to use Lava ones. [/quote] Me too, but they are pricey. You can sometimes pick up batches used on eBay though.
  17. Where is the tension adjustment on these? They look like the ones on my 80s BB and my low E seems a bit prone to knocking out of tune.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376257087' post='2171511'] Chromes are well-known as some of the brightest flats you can buy - it's got to be down to the materials used. I've tried La Bellas (like them, but too 'floppy' for me) and currently use Lakland Joe Osborne Signature Flats, which I like very much - 'stiffer' than La Bellas but not like Chromes - I found Chromes too 'stiff' and too bright for my liking. [/quote] One of my reasons for trying the Chromes was to see if I would want them on my 5-er - stiff is good when it comes to the low B! There is still a lot less top than from rounds when using a pick though. I will see how it goes over time and in a band situation.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376255895' post='2171487'] [url="http://www.touchstonetonewoods.co.uk/products/straplocks-endpins-170/schaller-strap-lock-spare-nut-and-washer-956.aspx"]http://www.touchstonetonewoods.co.uk/products/straplocks-endpins-170/schaller-strap-lock-spare-nut-and-washer-956.aspx[/url] [/quote] Bargain!
  20. JapanAxe


    I prefer the white plate but I am biased as I have CAR & mint white on my Sandberg.
  21. I think I may have a complete spare set in black that you can have. I can't get up in the loft just now because my neice's kids are asleep upstairs, but will check in the morning.
  22. Just fitted Chromes to my Sandberg and surprised to hear a fair amount of zing. There was no zing when I put Elite flats on my fretless, so what's making the difference - string brand/material, frets, or what?
  23. Went to a jam yesterday and got andyonbass to play the L1505 through his rig (acoustic image amp, can't remember what the speaker was) while I listened from out front . It sounded as punchy as a very punchy thing. Result!
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