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Huge Hands

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Everything posted by Huge Hands

  1. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1350294882' post='1836807'] C1000's are pretty average at best. They are OK for OH's in a pinch. [/quote] This is of course my opinion, but in my experience, I have to disagree. At the time they were new, for the price, I found these to be one of the most versatile mics on the market. OK, they might not compete with a C414 or Neumann for sizzling highs, but they should do what you're asking. They certainly worked for OHs for me, both in studio and live situations. I remember doing a recording once where people were saying - "Wow - how did you get that piano sound?". The answer was two C1000s and some clever mic placement after a fair bit of experimentation. I have never tried to mic a recorder, but if you have the tracks, I'd be aiming for one fairly close mic'd near the hole on the top just below the lips, and one ambient in the room as a starting point. See how that works. (EDIT: Whoops - just read charic's post - what he said!)
  2. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1350161038' post='1835406'] I may have to run my next post past the unofficial site regulator for approval one feels. [/quote] I didn't say it was rude, I said sneery - as in the tone of the way it was said. I'll say it one last time, I was having a go at the whole situation, not you on your own (until you questioned it). My main issue was with the flaming torch and pitchfork brigade that were saying they were rubbish - I haven't looked back but I don't think you were part of that. When I included you, I meant both that thread and the comments on the blog seemed to incite those that were doing it. Maybe I was being too sensitive, I just don't agree with people trying to be elitist and slagging others off or deliberately embarrassing them due to their talents. If they are managing to make money from what they enjoy doing, then great for them. If not, then it's the greatest criticism they'll ever get. If you want me to proof read your posts, that's fine. As a fan of Viz and the former BigBeefChief, you'll find me more liberal than you think....
  3. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1350092720' post='1834585'] Is that ok Sir? [/quote] Do what you like - no need to get upset....oh wait, you already did. My point was - they put up the offer - if you didn't like it, ignore it. As can be seen from the play for free thread, there are plenty of guys on here who would have probably jumped at it if they lived close enough that the rehearsals didn't feel like x amount of hours work, they might meet a new band, and £50 might be the most they've ever earned from a gig. I wouldn't have done it for that money and I don't particularly think I would have wanted to do 4 rehearsals either, but that is something I could have bartered with them in a message, I wouldn't have felt the need to leave a sneery post on their blog, or start a thread about it on here, but that's me. I think it was your tone on both their site and here, and then the resultant flaming of their prowess by others that made me decide to say something. If it had just been one or the other, I probably wouldn't have bothered. It's all my opinion of course - I am not judge and jury, and I've certainly never been knighted.
  4. I have to say WoT, as I've only just come back here recently after a while away, I clicked on your link to the photos of your basses, to remind me what you had. I certainly messed my trousers, but in a different way...... Seriously though, I'm all up for encouraging others, whatever level they are at. Constructive criticism is fine, but I think down right "they are rubbish" isn't (personal opinion of course). On Youtube I guess it has to be expected, I would just hope BC would be above all of that. From what I've seen, we've got everyone from worldwide stars to kids checking out the forum to see if they'd like to take up the instrument registered on here. I realise this band is saying they're "professionals" - but which band hasn't bent the truth a little on their posters and websites to get better gigs? Like (i think) Big Red X said on the "playing for free" thread said - if you want to get the better paid gigs, you've got to put the work in. Sounds like they're having a go to me. If they really are bad, then they won't get booked again. If they go down well, good for them, I say. To me, they've been completely upfront, open - and it's down to those prospective bass players to listen and decide if the gig is for them.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1350045265' post='1833936'] Any band that performs in public for money, or puts themselves up for scrutiny on t'internets, has to deal with negative comments. If they can't handle it, they're in the wrong game. [/quote] I agree WoT, my point was why was the OP getting so worked up about it that he had to start a thread on here and write negative comments on their blog - and then have a load of others jump on and start saying they're s**t? If I'm honest, I didn't think they were that great either on the clip I listened to, but I don't feel the need to decimate them for it. They put an offer - a link to what they sound like, so make your choice whether you're interested or not (I'm talking to everyone here WoT - not you direct). I think it comes from my old arguments on here years ago with the likes of bass ferret - Youtube appears to be the place for downright nasty comments. I always get told on here that the forum is full of love and group hugs. I wonder if posters would be so blatant with their comments if this band's bass player was a BC member, posted a clip and said "what do you think guys?". I bet the responses would be "drummer isn't so tight" or "wasn't keen on the brass section arrangement", rather than "you're s**t". If you want me to be really honest, I really get narked with bedroom players on here with loads of shiny kit that have never even played with a band slagging other band clips off. I'm not the greatest player , and I'm happy to admit it, because I make the choice to not spend hours practicing on my own. I get out there and learn to interact with others, and find ways of playing alongside their strengths and weaknesses in playing their instruments. If they're really bad, I make my choice and move on. I don't spend hours trying to film myself playing something perfectly verbatim for ego gratitude from unknowns on the web. Wow, that was quite honest for me, I'm normally an apologetic fence-sitter. Normal service will resume shortly.....
  6. I hope you're not playing for free
  7. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1350031576' post='1833639'] As always, I'd rather have someone tell me constructively than think it but nod and smile. [/quote] Understood, and I agree - I just thought that what some of the bandwagoners were saying about the quality of the band was not exactly constructive.....
  8. Wow - flame brigade! I'm surprised by the negativity on here - I wonder how many BC members would appreciate being told they're s**t when they post their little you tube vids. Way I see it - it's probably linked to the "play for free thread". They've made the ad, if you don't want it - ignore it. I'm not sure it warrants the pikes and burning torches. Just my opinion of course.
  9. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1349970124' post='1832929'] Tell you what, in an effort to save your genitalia, I'll look after it for you and send pictures occasionally. It'll be like adopting a tiger or something. You can bask in the glow of ownership, be sent heartwarming stories and photos and Mrs Artisan is none the wiser. Sounds like a plan, waddya say? [/quote] Surely you'll have to send him a cute an cuddly toy version of the bass too?
  10. Jennifer, Yes, the Wizards were custom made. I spoke to Andy as to the sound I was after and I think he recommended the 88's? (long time ago now - can't remember the model numbers) but once he'd made them we found that the screw holes did not quite line up (I managed to ram them in but they looked wrong) and that the B string was weak compared to the rest. I had very stupidly assumed that all Jazz pups were the same, and hadn't realised that on Jazzes, the neck pup is not as long as the bridge one. When he told me this, I measured my old JV 4 string, and found this to be true. It turned out that Squier had used 2x identical pickups that used the same casing size as the smaller neck one from my 4 string, even though this was a very widely spaced 5. The ones he had made were the same size as the bridge pickup in my JV. Andy was very good to me and kindly made me a replacement set with the correct casing size for about another tenner to cover p&p (I had to send the originals back though!). He also made some modifications to the internal "blade" to get the pickup field better for the B string. He said that output would suffer, but this bass still seems to have plenty of oomph and seems to be a stronger output than my JV. This was all about 5 or 6 years ago, but I am still a happy customer! I use it as my main gigging bass and love it. As for my EMG bass - I did struggle for a long time with placement of the split coil pickup. I think I have it right now, but I'm starting to get issues with the cabling because they've been moved around and soldered so much. I tried to send mails/calls to EMG's UK distributor querying whether I could get replacement looms/pots, but I don't seem to be getting any response which is frustrating. I didn't put up a build/customise thread as I read so many on here done by some very clever and talented people, and then I look at some of the shoddy DIY I've tried in my house over the years. It is not good! I'm trying to take my time with this one - about 4 years and counting!
  11. Jennifer, Glad you got it sorted, welcome to the Squier P5 club! I fitted a custom set of Wizards to mine. I read the bit about you having to get the holes made bigger - that was going to be my first question! I managed to get Wizard to make me a set that fitted the holes in mine. It took a couple of attempts but we got there and I love the sound. I have another very very very slow moving project where on another one I'm trying to fit an EMG P/J set after having a big hole cut into the neck pickup position. I might one day put a thread up if I ever finish it to a standard that hasn't involved me giving up and chucking it in the bin!
  12. I agree with the others RE: buying used. A couple of years ago my brother's mate bought his young lad a kit that looked alarmingly like those "starter kits" on your link. He asked me to set it up for his son and give him a couple of pointers to practice before he got proper lessons (I used to be a drummer too!). I am normally the last to criticise gear just because of the price tag, but the drums sounded like biscuit tins and after 5 mins I was able to invert the bottom hi-hat cymbal (turn it inside out) just by holding my foot on the pedal. I think your mate's lad will get a lot more wallop for his cash if his dad buys a half decent used kit and it will last him longer. if he doesn't get on with it, then he might even get his money back on resale, which I doubt you ever would with a cr*p starter kit like the one I saw.
  13. Is it just me, or is that paint job really bad? For some strange reason I actually quite like the body shape - it's a bit daft, but it looks like it has been dipped in cottage cheese and then painted with a roller? "A few bumps in the paint, otherwise it could be passed off as new?" .....Erm?
  14. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1349350992' post='1825067'] Yeah it's a right swizz! They say they do a 5 string p, but it's got jazz pups with a P pickguard. Not cool. Is it really that hard to stick a 5 string P pup in there? Truckstop [/quote] I have two 5 string P's. I was told (and it sounds probably true) that Squier would have done a J/J config because it would have been cheaper than trying to design/mass manufacture a 5 string P pickup. I put Wizard Jazz pups in one, and it's my main gigging bass. I do love the sound. The other is my very slow moving project, and the intention was to put a P/J config in it. I have had loads of grief with the EMG set I bought. I had a mate rout out a huge square hole so that I could mess around with location of the P pup, but I can't get it so that the B string response is right for me. The simple answer to your question is that the original hole in the body for the pickup under the scratchplate is squarer than a J pickup, but not big enough to just slot a P in. Funnily enough i haven't touched this bass for about 2 years and I just picked it up again last night. There was some fluttering and popping going on, so I think I need to check my dodgy soldering (first stop check the battery!) *Edit - it also worth noting that the original Jazz pickups in the basses were not elongated for a 5 - they were both the same size as the shorter neck pickup in my 4 string JV.
  15. Here's my regulars: Lequient "Duke" Jobe - Rose Royce Joseph "Lucky" Scott - Curtis Mayfield Russell Jackson - BB King (approx 1976-1983)
  16. Like I said I'm not an expert I just looked on the Canford Audio site, and they are saying a bantam is 4.4mm, and sometimes known as a "tiny telephone" connector. Therefore smaller than the 1/4", but not, from the other guys posts, an old style switchboard one. I also can't guarantee it will fit your Hofner. Confused? I know I am! http://www.canford.co.uk/Index/B/Bantam-jack-plugs/NEUTRIK-BANTAM-JACK-PLUGS-4.4mm
  17. Gusto, I'm not proclaiming to be an expert at all, but I was always told that batam jacks are the same size and spec as the old telephone switchboard cables. The batams I see in use in broadcast are not that much different in size to a normal 1/4" jack. Maybe worth the gamble for a few quid? Either that or investigate replacing the socket on your guitar for a more conventional one?
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1348943295' post='1820046'] I think I remember seeing somewhere that old German guitars had a plug similar to the old telephone switchboard plugs [/quote] I believe these are the bantam plugs that paul_5 mentioned - still often used in studio/broadcast patchbays. I don't know if these are relevant to Hofner guitars though.
  19. My understanding was that the book was written as a biography of James, but "Dr Licks" or whatever his cheesy name is got so involved in talking to the guys that were left that he made the film about all of them. I don't think there's much more hidden about Jamerson than the book and the extras on the film DVD? Not slagging the author off by the way, but I wouldn't have chosen that pseudonym (says a bloke called Huge Hands).
  20. Huge Hands

    MB1 Feedback

    I guess it has all been said before, but: I have just received an Ashdown Little Giant from Martin. It arrived today (i only agreed to buy it late on two nights ago) and have just been trying it out as loud as I dare with the little one in bed. He's a great guy to deal with, kept me updated in all aspects of the transaction and the item was probably one of the best packed I've ever seen. He even included Christmas paper in with the wrapping - probably to remind me that this will be the last present I can get myself in the next few years! He deserves all of his feedback - great guy to deal with.
  21. I have a drunken theory about this that I normally rant on about when I've had a few jars (and it gets very crude- I'll do my best to keep it clean). Apologies lady members if this sounds chauvanistic, but it's tied in with the question "why do bass players never get the girl?" In my opinion, it is the low bass notes that move the air most, that gets the crowd's body moving, and make women's intimate parts rumble (as per the Howard Stern movie). However, non muso's don't understand this, so when the females look up lustfully, they see a guitarist on his knees shredding away or a charismatic front man and think it must be them causing their feelings. I think front men and guitarists owe us more than they realise. Either that or I'm just making excuses because I'm a ginger fat b*****d....
  22. Hi Rick, Interesting comments - don't get me wrong, I am enjoying watching your build (and others) and wish I had the patience and skills to do something like this myself, This is borne out by my own attempt at modifying a bass which is still sitting there nearly 4 years later! I understand what you say about replica v fake, and applaud you if you do burn replica into the neck should it ever be sold. Again none of this is criticism, I'm just typing questions out loud whilst trying to get my head around it. I thought this might be an interesting point of discussion to see what people thought - perhaps I should start another thread instead of hijacking your build (apologies about that).
  23. I'm sorry, but I don't get it. I can understand wanting to make the finish look vintage and look the part from the casual viewer's eye, but why go so far as to fake the date stamps? Even if you're honest and sell with a big REPLICA in your advert, what's to stop the buyer passing it off to someone else as an original? You say it's obvious, but to my untrained eye on your photos, the date stamp looks fairly genuine, even if it is straighter than most I've seen. I would have thought fans of the range would want to stamp out fakes out there on the market? Please note I'm not trying to slag you off or be nasty, each to their own. I'm just interested in discussing the chain of thought that goes into this.
  24. I love the bass player Robert Sledge. Would love to see these guys, but think funds will dissapoint me.
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