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Everything posted by mathewsanchez

  1. This isn't mine. Just found it on the warmoth site.
  2. I played a white one of these a while back and despite being fretless it didn't sound fretless (?) and the fret lines were unusually thick. It didn't give that lovely 'mwwahh' sound I get from my fretless status. But I guess at £65 it would just be a muck about bass anyway.
  3. Once again I have to say that it stunning. Any idea roughly what it would cost to get an identical 4 or 5 string built without the midi and piezo stuff? I'm really starting to want a shuker myself and would probably sell up [i]most[/i] of my stuff for quality over quantity.
  4. At that price this shouldn't be around long. I'd have it myself if I had a little more cash.
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  6. At least it's in better nick than paul simonon's.
  7. Don't think i'm gonna build it this time round, it's just an idea, but I think it's made quite an interesting topic anyway.
  8. I have a mate who might be interested. I'll let him know.
  9. Well as for balance, if you sit a jazz bass on your leg while sitting down it will almost certainly dive towards the neck because of the large headstock and heavy tuners. So I think as a headless it should balance ok without any major body modifications.
  10. Hi Adam, welcome to the forum. What's your band called? I do a bit of gigging round ipswich in my second band called 'to the dogs' (my other band's too lazy to do anything).
  11. I've recently been having a fair biit of headless GAS (I know it's 80s but I like it), and i'm completely in love with my jazz bass at the moment which gave me a bit of an idea. I googled 'headless jazz bass' and didn't find anything, so I did this little mock up on paint. Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of modifying my jazz in any way, but I am building a project jazz at the moment for which headless could be a possibility. Just thought i'd post this to see what you guys think.
  12. How about: Hit Me - Ian Dury Too Young To Die - Jamiroquai Just youtube them.
  13. This will be in a lot of competition with the new sterling by musicman range. Similar price range but to me it seems the sbm basses are better quality. Haven't played either of them yet so i'll wait and see.
  14. Yeah just saw that high res pic. They all look pretty cheap.
  15. If you look carefully at the pictures you can see his has better tuners. Just thought i'd mention it.
  16. Oh, I didn't say that was all my GAS. Far from it. Here's some more:
  17. Here's my GAS contribution: Ok, i'm wierd, I like art deco and I like fancy woods. Not sure if they sound any good but after all it's just GAS.
  18. It's a shame the Associate Board don't do electric bass grades. I might have a pop at a double bass exam with them though.
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='415222' date='Feb 20 2009, 01:00 PM']Well done, son. Can I ask where you did this? I have wanted to do these grades for years but don't know where to go to do them (I left school in 1806).[/quote] I did it up at a school in Bury St Edmunds with the rockschool exam board. Got the grade books from my local music shop and just learnt the pieces out of the book. I used the application form in the book but I think you can apply online.
  20. [quote name='yorick' post='415211' date='Feb 20 2009, 12:52 PM']I got to grade 8 on violin about thirty years ago. Can't read music at all now......[/quote] I used to be able to play twinkle twinkle little star on violin when I was about 8 years old. Can't pick one up without damaging someone's hearing now...
  21. I've been playing bass about four and a bit years now and for most of that time I have said 'you don't need to be able to read music to be a good musician', which I still kinda stick by. But alas with the possibility of going for a career in music; grades, sight reading and theory are seeming a better idea. So basically a few months ago I decided to take a grade 3 exam just to try it out and passed with destinction. I found it so easy that i decided to skip to grade 5 which i took a couple of weeks ago. Just a few minutes ago I got the result which is another destinction. Again I havn't really found it very challenging so I have decided to go for grade 8 next time. Obviously grade 8 will be more of a challenge and i'll take a lot longer to practice for it, but I hope to take the exam around the autumn 2009 exam period. So who else round here has done any grades? (I realise quite a few people on here will disagree with the formal approach to music but I still only play because I love doing it and I started off completely self taught)
  22. How much would you pay for and old bit of plastic? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=120367273169"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=120367273169[/url]
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