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Everything posted by Cairobill

  1. I have been through many jazz basses (and a P) since I sold my 3 EQ '94 Ray in 2005. Having sold all my jazzes on, I recently bought a Ray classic and it is a wonderful thing. It's working well for me. The neck profile is fantastic (MUCH more playable than the standard Ray) and it has a magnificent tone, not clacky in that modern Ray style, just rich and cutting when it needs it. Excellent basses!
  2. [quote name='Ashborygirl' timestamp='1359668096' post='1958643'] Modern Stingrays. Hate the bland maple necks, find the tone anaemic & a pale facsimile of a once great bass. There, I said it. [/quote] Yes, fully agree about the modern ones. But have you tried a classic? Now THAT's a Stingray. Wonderful basses...
  3. I've played this unplugged. Beautiful neck and a good weight that balances well. Hmmm, tax bill - celinder - tax bill - celinder....
  4. Yes, I lurked for a long while checking the weights and bought it second hand. VERY nice basses...
  5. I own a Stingray classic in ivory which weighs 8.8lbs so they do exist. It alsoi has no neck dive thanks to the design. They are extremely good. I had a thing about getting a sabre for the neck profile but the Stingray classic necks are just so perfect (skinny compared to a modern 'ray) that my gas has gone... [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1359204027' post='1951484'] Unfortunately , I think the slab - cut body on these Classics means that the average weight is on the heavy side . Such a shame , because they look otherwise stunning basses . [/quote]
  6. And the Bryant is on hold...cheers, N
  7. Like it. Elegaic is the word I would use over depressing. Very much a song about aging, infirmity and loss and as such is beautifully universal. Nice one Bozzer...
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  9. Hook is up there in the top shelf of British bass stylists. He is clearly not a technician but he knows how to create memorable lines. Joy Division and New Order are bands who have broken through by being original and maverick in their approach to pop music. To argue that Hook is not a technically proficient player is missing the point. No one in New Order or Joy Division has above average technical ability but they are original and extremely good at communicating emotion, which are the key aims in creating good pop music. I think it's hard to argue that Peter Hook is not a great stylist. There are, of course, many more proficient bassists out there, but proficiency can be extremely dull.
  10. Yep, the VLE (vintage loudspeaker emulator) is a fantastic knob, it will give even the most zingy, sizzly bass a dark, low middy thump, which I love. Set at 12 o'clock it will take the sizzle off a Ray.
  11. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1354733767' post='1889825'] The thing that annoys me is when someone states in an ad how much they paid for it and they want to get that back. That is a sure way for me to offer a lower price. [/quote] Although in a second hand market, second hand is second hand so there shouldn't necessarily be a price drop if it changes hands unless it's been trashed in some way. If that happened again and again, an instrument will eventually be worth next to nothing, like a car. And as we all know basses are better than cars That's what I love about basschat, it's a great community for basses to pass through many hands with basses eventually finding their 'keeper' and dropping out of circulation. It's sort of Zen
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1354711904' post='1889404'] If the last 5 that have sold have gone at £550/£600, you are doing yourself no favours putting it out at £750/£800. I am putting up my Schroeder in the new year (incoming Barefaced). The last two failed to sell at £550 and £500. Mine will go out at £450 including cover. Market decides. Karl. [/quote] Agree with this. If I really want to sell I will look at the market and price under to shift things (as I did with a stingray at £450 and a Zon at £1000). If I am not so desperate to sell I will price steeper. The key thing is, I do not have ambitions on making money out of selling basses, I just need to satisfy the demands of what I am doing at the time (which usually means a quick, cheap sale) or turn a little used bass into cash (which translates as a slower, more expensive sale). I don't give two balls what other people think as it's entirely up to me what I do with my basses. If someone wants to lowball me, go right ahead! I will either go yes if I'm keen to make cash quickly and lose a bit or no if I have no urgency to sell. No offence taken. My stuff is all priced reasonably after a good bit of research though as I know exactly where my basses stand in the gas-ability spectrum
  13. Indeed, I have a very similar LMII/Berg 'mini rig' and it's great for small gigs and home. So easy to get around and sounds fantastic...
  14. For regular gauge and an easy tension, try DR Hibeams. Very nice low tension steel rounds.
  15. Not in my house. Just picked up a Ray Classic after moving on my P bass. What an incredible instrument! The neck profile and preamp work EXTREMELY well for me. i played `rays for years and sold my mid nineties one about 7 years ago. Always missed it, they sound and feel so good. Very happy to be back to playing a Ray now...and a Rickenbacker...hur hur hur... I loathe Warwicks though. Really hate them...
  16. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1354390180' post='1885542'] The right string combination and I think I'll be sorted. [/quote] **cough** http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/8357-thomastik_jf344_4_string_jazz_flatwound_bass_strings_43_100
  17. Is it just me or do the tuners look wonky?
  18. Just try a few of the same model and buy a new one? Ibanez standards are very consistent if I recall correctly. Weird he wouldn't sell it back though
  19. Thanks. Your efforts are much appreciated. Best, Nick
  20. Yes loads of space. Curious. Wonder if anyone else is having issues or whether its just me?
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