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Everything posted by Jellyfish

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1370534644' post='2102365'] I call it 'Proud Owner Syndrome' (appropriately abbreviates to 'POS') wherein a consumer, having parted with a lot of money, is satisfied beyond all logic that what they have bought is much better than anything else they could have bought. [/quote] I'd like to think that this doesn't happen too much, but rather that those people have POS () just tend to stand out. I'd like to think that the majority of people on here have tried out as many basses as they could before making a purchase. Also, you have to consider that there is the way we use the instrument. I bought my Dingwall Combustion brand new, so at full price. I could have gotten something truly amazing for that sort of money, but I fell for the Dingwall that I'd picked up and played. I don't doubt that a used bass would have been better, and I'd never talk competing products down, but for whatever reason the Dingwall Combustion sounded and felt best for my playing style. I think a proper example of what mickster is talking about is some of the crazy 'off-the-shelf' prices of some bass guitars when compared with a custom UK builder. Why would you not go to someone with specifications of exactly what you want for the same money and get a much nicer bass?
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1370425674' post='2100539'] Very nice, the coolest looking combo for a Jazz IMO. [/quote] Couldn't agree more.
  3. I really really love these basses. A BTB475 was my first proper bass after my Yamaha RBX170 and it was truly brilliant. I, unfortunately, had to exchange it as it had an electrical problem. The stock pickups are brilliant, the neck is a lovely contrast to the mega-slimline Soundgear and the 35" scale makes a wicked 5 string bass. Congratulations!
  4. Sold a set of strings to Mr. Bigjas. Perfect transaction, not much more to say than that!
  5. Sold a set of strings to mcnach. Process was as smooth as could be, cheers!
  6. Didn't you read the title?
  7. Another exciting little update, the pickups arrived! My request was something similar to the Musicman Bongo, and also large, exposed pole pieces! I'm going to have to wait a while until I hear them of course, but I don't doubt that Catswhisker Pickups did a good job.
  8. 'bigash' bought some strings off me. Purchase went extremely smoothly. Chris.
  9. Either use it and it'll get damaged through general use or keep it in the case to keep it mint. There's no middle ground! And as far as fixing it, I don't think there's an easy and cheap way to fix a chip that major, but I may be wrong...
  10. Vigier, Spector and Ibanez are the first ones that come to mind for me.
  11. They're 2 completely different instruments. I'll always lean towards the Ibanez, its neck and body are more comfortable for me and I don't think it falls that short in the sound department. The BB makes an amazing sound but is heavy and has a humungous string spacing compared to the Ibanez.
  12. A smallish update, the top wood arrived! They're un-sanded for now, but look great both dry and wet...
  13. That's a shame. My single transaction with them went flawlessly. I ordered a custom length strap and it came within 7 days. Dead impressed!
  14. I guess weight will be the biggest issue, but if you're already playing a P-bass then perhaps it won't be so much. As others have said, the Squier's are the ones to be looking out for. The lightest bass in that price range is probably going to be an Ibanez SR. Or if you can find one, a Yamaha BB will always stump the competition for the silly prices they seem to be going for.
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