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Everything posted by Si600

  1. I understand that you can stop glue joints going walkabout by sprinkling a pinch of salt into the glue. I've never tried this as by the time I remember I'm always at least one hand and two clamps short trying to hold multiple greased bits of wood together.
  2. Is it possible to get a properly clean sound out of a MB500 Fusion? I was playing about with it last night, and even with the preamp set to nearly nothing it's still a bit fuzzy, that may be a characteristic of the amp design of course. I also accidentally found the best overall tone out of it ever, by 12 o'clocking all of the controls apart from the volumes!
  3. Nothing went crunch or sproink, so I reckon you're winning there.
  4. You're laminating a bass out of matchsticks and then adding a double bass fingerboard to it? This is turning out to be an amazing project!
  5. I'm a bit surprised that He Who Should Not Have The Pìss Ripped Out Of Him On BC hasn't made a 4er out of a 5er for fat fingered bassists yet.
  6. Rock on I say. The world would be a poorer place without unhinged experimentalists trying something new.
  7. You'll be playing it like a horizontal bass rather than an upright? What does having an upright bass fingerboard on a non upright instrument do for you?
  8. Holy cow! Is your workshop flag floored and rough stone? Looks lovely from the little bits I can see. That rope veneer is alright as well.
  9. It's got pics. Not many, and not recent but they're there.
  10. Nope, you can't post new pics. You have to go into your profile and start deleting images to get space back. The image deletion process isn't terribly user friendly, you can't select a specific time range or a single thread for example.
  11. I can see that working if the side of the neck pocket is complete all the way to the end. If it tapers to nothing wouldn't you end up with an overhang where it joins the body?
  12. "Never" I believe you said Mr. Mandrel. Back, back I say, back to your own thread.
  13. The pickups have turned out to be miles too wide. The neck heel is also too wide, or the pocket is too narrow depending on your POV Widening the pocket means the lower edge of the neck heel protudes into the lower cut. Basically I'm trying to make a 5er neck fit a 4er body.
  14. Do you intend to make the pickups available to all and sundry?
  15. What are peoples thoughts on non matching hardware colours? I was reading @Maude's adventures in Hofnerland and thought, I've got some Schallers like that. They're chrome, but the bridge I intend to use is black. Will this look too weird? Also, my vintage made in W. Germany M4s are only two over one, fine for a three string bass, so has anyone got one L and one R Schaller M4, in chrome, with the Made in W. Germany stamp in the back they would (donate) sell?
  16. Have you not read any of my threads? Though I'm not in perfection central, so the impact is probably not as great as to when one of the real luthiers on here drops a clanger.
  17. I have a feeling that Mrs 1515 has kind of given up and is just resigned to sawdust everywhere.
  18. Has anyone used these pickups? The Delano wiring guide is sketchy at best and I want to know whether they can do switchable P/Reverse P and J/Musicman before I spend the readies on them.
  19. Si600


    I am the OP! I didn't expect it to survive this long. I blame them DoIers meself. Scurrilous rouges the lot of them.
  20. Si600


    @Dad3353 Daddy, can we draw a veil over this little sojourn into silliness please?
  21. Si600


    I think we can call a halt to this now and go back to being silly on the DoI. No need to annex Build Threads as well.
  22. Si600


    How do you know, did you see his body?
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