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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. apparently if this was lefty then you might have had a pm already though
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='351316' date='Dec 10 2008, 10:23 PM']Bored, waiting for dinner to be served, so here goes. Bear in mind I'm a lefty like Josh, so finding basses 20 odd years ago was tricky, first up, Ibanez Blazer, natural with black s/p, didn't know if it was good or not, Hohner B2A, absolute sh*te, Westone Thunder 1A, tiny bass and I don't know what all the fuss is about in owning one now, Jaydee Mark King, looked amazing, played like a dog, dead spots all over the neck and hissed like a cobra, KGB Status Series II Replica, this was and is, after getting it back 2 years ago, the best playing bass I have ever owned PERIOD, Gibson Thunderbird, 1976, what a f***ing monster, amazing tone and dead playable (I played it upside down, so it balanced perfectly). Break of a few years, then a 1995 Squier Precision, what a great bass, brilliant construction but I put EMG's into it and it is now strung with flats and is a total funk machine, Japanese Fender Jazz, another amazing bass (EMG's, J Retro, Badass) and last but by no means least, my ACG Recurve Singlecut 6 string, I must have been tripping when I ordered this, I wanted a 4, then 5 string but I thought I know, lets make it a 6 string. I hated it for the first few months, then it all fell into place and I now absolutely love it. I still own these last 4 and won't part with them as they give me pleasure and are great for everything I need.[/quote] Lefty love!
  3. finish doesn't seem right to me for some reason- looks like matt paint that you'd expect on an OLP
  4. looks pretty flippin decent to me! Good work!
  5. I would never slap a fellow lefty! Just tell you to get out of my thread But seriously, nice try, can't say I haven't done it myself....
  6. argh, looked at the link just after he decided it wasn't for him! Drat! Thanks a lot for your help though, loving the community spirit!
  7. looking at all these pictures makes me miss my warwick now
  8. ahem, and what else is in that album? [url="http://s66.photobucket.com/albums/h272/blamelouis/?action=view&current=post-2591-1225279842.jpg"]http://s66.photobucket.com/albums/h272/bla...-1225279842.jpg[/url] ?
  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='343217' date='Dec 2 2008, 05:02 PM']Nice collection that! liking the warwicks very muchly, how long you been playing? And i took the liberty of flipping this photo for you, you could have done it yourself you lazy git! Why does your camera take the pictures backwards anyways? [/quote] The cheek! I'm lefty and proud damn you! Ooh difficult to pinpoint as I take crap financial records but not long if I'm honest- maybe 5 years? A lot of people may be horified the amount of bass I've gone through in that time, but it all comes through living off sandwiches and spending all my dosh on bass! I think I'm an addict [quote name='farmer61' post='343491' date='Dec 2 2008, 08:48 PM']No pics but a brief history on each of the basses I've ever owned.[/quote] Glad to see someone else chipping in! A way more complete history than mine, thats to be sure! A good read, come on everyone lets see Doctor_of_the_bass have a go!
  10. thats a hell of a lot of bass for £630, sorry you've had to drop it so low! Good luck with the sale, someone needs to snap this up!
  11. [quote name='metaltime' post='341885' date='Dec 1 2008, 01:36 PM']What would you say the tonal differences are between the MM?[/quote] Oh dear, this is where everyone finds out I know nowt about bass! If I'm honest there isn't a major difference, for the most part I'd say the Sterling sounds like the Ray with slightly less punch, and I don't think its quite as slappable, but it is easier to fret quickly. IMO of course. The Sterling is a tad more versatile of course, what with the three way selector
  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='342384' date='Dec 1 2008, 09:15 PM']Your wish is granted, Steve ....[/quote] Damnit! Didn't want anyone else to spot that...
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