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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. haha, lets just have a lefty section of the site and have done!
  2. Success! We get a sticky! All we need now is our own forum and we're finally not the subjugated minority we once were! Lefty rights!
  3. [quote name='Biggsy' post='372640' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:09 AM']Another vote for this too, are there any issues with posting other people's ad's? Public domain and all that?[/quote] I'd have thought it'd be fine- if you can navigate to it outside of this site by yourself, why would there be issues with us posting a link here? Only issue I could think of is posting an ad from somewhere you have to be a member to see it. I'd imagine if we keep it to links then there can't really be an issue.
  4. damnit! I was gonna snap these up then I remembered that I was left handed and my basses wouldn't fit in there. ARSE!
  5. wouldn't the motors need to be stronger due to thew higher tension in bass strings? I saw this guitar when someone pointed it out on another forum I'm on and it sparked this atrocious debate about how it would harm beginnners as it takes away the difficulty of tuning a guitar..... Hmmm.... Right.... Despite the fact that this tech currently costs in the hundreds of pounds and as such cannot be afforded by a learner... Sigh.
  6. have had an email back from jon shuker and he seems to think a refret of a bolt on will be around £100 as a guess. If I'm honest, I thought it would be worse, thats not too bad in my opinion! Especially as the bass in question is a 6 string
  7. haha, oddly enough I was going to go to Brum for uni but veered off to Preston at the last minute. One of my metalhead friends is still there even, he's loud and Ukranian. You'd know who I'm on about if you've met him!
  8. @ Andy: I know what you mean! One evening and there are already more lefty basses available than I've ever seen in for sale! @ Yorick: I sense some stories?!? If anyone else wants their basses in the list then post em in here. I won't add them unless you do as tis plain rude otherwise
  9. I'd maybe be interested in the Sandberg if there was cash difference my way- If thats difficult then no problem! Andy has dibs on it anyway of course, again!
  10. I'm back! Glad how this has been developing this eve, will update soon! If anyone has any suggestions then feel free by all means! Not sure how I'd enable you to change the first post tho Biggsy... Suggestions Mods? I'm happy to maintain if needs be, I'm on most nights.
  11. [quote name='Biggsy' post='372265' date='Jan 6 2009, 06:17 PM']The 'Left Hand Gang' sounds a bit wrong.. [/quote]
  12. I reckon we can get a really tight knit lefty group if this kicks off you know, we can gang up on people and everything
  13. very much so! I'll see if I can get Mike (lemoley) involved as he doesn't come on Basschat very often methinks *edit* Damn you ben, you righties are always spoiling things for us!
  14. I get the feeling this might be quite fun, especially having not seen a lefty bass for sale other than mine for around two months. Last one I remember was a Sandberg for trade by MXM if I recall correctly, but maybe I'm senile.
  15. Definite 6 I'd say and I'm going to say C- Yamaha, final answer
  16. Was postulated by Biggsy as we noticed that a number of us lefties are on the look for equipment atm... The idea we've got is we all post what we've got and see if we can organise a bit switch about? May fail completely but I'm willing to give it a go! [b][u]For Sale[/u][/b] Lefty68: [color="#FF0000"]Stingray5 Black with 2 necks one maple and one rosewood[/color] Whynot: [color="#FF0000"]Shuker 5er - £1200[/color] PaulWarning: [color="#FF0000"]Stingray 4 3EQ Black amd maple with MM case - £750 or Part ex for Fender P[/color] mntl73: [color="#FF0000"]MIM Fender Jazz[/color] JAZZEE999: [color="#FF0000"]Custom built SG based on 64 model[/color] Lefthandedfrog: [color="#FF0000"]1991 Alembic Epic 5 - 800e/700£ plus postage[/color] Nevernever: [color="#FF0000"]Tanglewood Canyon II - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39841"]£300 [/url][/color] LeftyJ: [color="#FF0000"]G&L SB-2 - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54966"]€800 [/url][/color] Leftybassman392 [color="#FF0000"]87 Jaydee Supernatural MK - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=55213"] Feeler [/url][/color] The Kerb's [color="#FF0000"]77 Precision copy - €500[/color] Yorick: [color="#FF0000"]Kramer Stryker[/color] Catanha76: [color="#FF0000"] Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo -[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78692"] €2400[/url][/color] If everyone posts below what they've got I can update the thread as it goes along!
  17. was thinking Yamaha! Looked a bit Myung-ish. The bridge did look out but there was an unfortunate shadow where the gap in the two part bridge would be so I wasn't sure. Can anyone photoshop the hell outta this? Tweak the brightness a tad? Won't reveal much but its sometimes useful
  18. could be a streamer 6er... Then again could be a number of things. The paint job is making me think not a warwick for some reason. Bit too much of a gloss. Then again they come in all colours really... We need more experts!
  19. good price this methinks, good if someone wants something giggable to move up to
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